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IDustrial env

polycounter lvl 7
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andybozo polycounter lvl 7
yes, you heard it right ID-ustrial, lol. anyway here we go im making this project for myself i feel like i havent had a chance to spread my wings in a while and i want to make something for me! doing high poly stuff for most everything and trying to really push the quality of texturing compared to anything else ive previously done. this really is going to be a whole scene so i wont be "perfecting" every prop. the look of the overall scene is most important to me. heres the latest WIP:


C&C are of course welcome. i hope you enjoy!


  • andybozo
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    andybozo polycounter lvl 7

    here are the electrical bits in engine. ill be getting to the beams of my hallway soon ive got them all blocked out but i just need to build some other things first to see how it will all fit together... hopefully i can post some of my drawings as well.
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    Whats that fan supposed to be blowing if the back side is covered?

    Just a thought. Everything else is ace! Are you using separate maps for each or are you combining stuff into one map? Florescent tubes look sweet as well :]
  • andybozo
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    andybozo polycounter lvl 7
    yea... the fan really doesnt make sense, kinda relized that was a bit of a problem after making it... haha. may end up changing that... atleast add some sort of opening for air to go through the back.

    im combining all the vents/fans onto one map 1024 map, all the electrical stuff on one 1024. all the pipes on one map as well. i plan to have a 4k limit for my entire scene... just from my experience textures are usually the real limiting factor compared to tri count. im hoping once i get this scene done a friend of mine will beable to throw this onto a console so i can show it off... so i need to be really mindful of the limitations.
  • andybozo
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    andybozo polycounter lvl 7
    hey guys here is the latest. just sculpted and textured this today as well made a tileable concrete for else where in the scene. now that ive got my whole beam set up blocked out ill beable to finish the rest of the metal part of the structure which will attach itself to this concrete part. so please check back somewhat shortly i should have the metal stuff done relatively soon.
  • Gannon
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    Gannon interpolator
    Be careful with your edge flow those triangles can cause some not so nice sculpting geo. Otherwise I think you've got some nice stuff goin here, especially that fan unit. Needs some more materials to it, currently it's mostly one type and color of metal.
  • andybozo
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    andybozo polycounter lvl 7
    thanks for the CC! i do agree with you about the fan being rather lacking in color. i think i need to adjust the spec map to really show the colors on it. ill definately try and correct that. also i need to fix the electrical pipes on the fan as well. they dont look like rubber or plastic like i was kinda hoping for. again a specular adjustment is really needed, maybe even a gloss map is in order.

    definately your right about triangles and sculpting... thats not the same line flow i subdivided for the sculpt. the sculpt mesh is relatively evenly spaced quads and that other one is the ingame version which the textures are displayed on.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    A quick fix for the fan could be adding some vents in the back behind the blades, 4 small ones, IMO, would look good.
  • andybozo
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    andybozo polycounter lvl 7
    hey yea thanks zacd, i do like that idea... might save me some time if i can just texture those in. ill give that a shot later after i get through the rest of the props ill go through and do a second pass on everything and fix that.

    here is the high poly for the metal beam which will attach to the concrete that i just made. hopefully i can get it textured and ingame shortly. after this ill start on the floor tiles and get that all squared away.

  • andybozo
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    andybozo polycounter lvl 7
    just getting idea of how things will fit together... right now it looks very repetative... and i need to break it up a lot. definately going to push the amount of cables and pipes randomly around. also i will be adding a "decal layer" over top of this geo that should help break up the tiles as much as possible. as well as some random crate/barrel props to help break it up further. at the end of the tunnel ill throw in a door.

    if anyone has any ideas for additions now's definately the time to speak up! please do not worry about the seams showing up in the bake at this point... ill be fixing that up shortly and texturing it tomorrow (i hope! haha). please CC as usual, thanks all. :thumbup:

  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    There's no focal point...
  • andybozo
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    andybozo polycounter lvl 7
    your right zacd, thus far there isnt a focal point. i think the door will be. maybe have some "god rays" of light coming out of an opening door. or a display which will be giving information of whats on the other side of the door will be the focal point i havent decided yet. i still need to design the display/terminal that will definately determine what the focal point is.

    here is the beam ingame:
  • Gannon
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    Gannon interpolator
    Great start, I really like how the models and such are fitting together. Very unique. Can't wait to see more.:thumbup:
  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    Wow, i really wish I could texture like that. VERY convincing.
  • andybozo
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    andybozo polycounter lvl 7
    thanks roostermap and rdmlegend, i hope this project turns out well :thumbup:

    well guys here is the high poly for the floor tiles. i should beable to texture those up shortly. unfortunately i work long hours the next few days so i likely wont be updating much after i get this tile done. ill try my best but to go quickly but i cant really make any promises.

  • MikeF
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    MikeF polycounter lvl 19
    great start on the texturing, i like the color scheme. Dont know if its the engine or the textures themselves, but it looks just a little desaturated rite now, i think you could really make it pop if the color was a bit more vivid, also a bit of bump around the chipped/rusted paint would add some nice depth. Keep at it!
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    yup fresh shapes - which is rare to see these days
  • andybozo
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    andybozo polycounter lvl 7
    MikeF: i tend to desaturate my textures quite a bit. its not the engine... i guess thats just my pref same with adding the rust into the bump map. i used to do that but i think many people over do it. i probley should do it for this project just because im trying to acheive the ID software style... and i think they would opt for doing that. their style is so gritty. thanks for the suggestion, i definately will try it.

    renderhjs: thanks a bunch, i try to make things interesting if they aren't real... more surreal.

    finally got those tiles textured up, here's a screencap:
  • alexk
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    alexk polycounter lvl 12
    Very cool and totally looking forward to seeing it all put together!
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    well even with surreal its a matter of fact that most "game artists" fail to do real fresh stuff as it usually turns out into another GOW, WoW or these days MW2 visual clone.

    Its very pleasing to see these shapes, very inspirational
  • andybozo
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    andybozo polycounter lvl 7
    renderhjs: your totally spot on, haha. GOW style is so prevalent... its almost hard not to fall into that trap. in a way its almost good to fallow that style though, seems like so many games use that look now that you just cant get around it. i appreciate being able to inspire but i fear im really not making anything ground breaking. i guess you might say its fresh...

    the visuals of MW2 are relatively realistic and it doesnt seem to have a strong style to me.

    well i have to go and prep before work :poly127: but i threw together the scene this morning and its starting to look alright. i definately need to adjust the colors of some things. as well as fix the tiles on the groud plane... thats not the size i want it.... but here goes:
  • jacob07777
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    jacob07777 polycounter lvl 15
    Wow this is really coming along. I may a bit late coming in to comment on this, but it's a quick fix. The valve on your pipe looks a bit too thing. It would be very hard to get a good grip on it and would be even more likely to break if you really had to crank it. Not a big deal, but if you wanted to it would be a real quick fix.

    I'm really liking the color lighting you chose, it matches your scene well. It would be kinda cool to seem maybe some small chunks of cement crumbling off of the cieling with bits of dust trailing from them like they're doing some massive construction work above or a piece of machinery off in the distance is pounding away at something. Overall great work so far man.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    The cylinder in between the beams confuses me, I don't get the purpose of them, not really a critic, I'm just interested.
  • jacob07777
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    jacob07777 polycounter lvl 15
    This is just a shot in the dark, but I'm going to assume that it's some sort of air compression system that supports those pistons coming out of it. Then i'm assuming the pistons are there to allow the structure to give a bit and shake so that it's not putting all that strain on just straight beams coming from the ground.

    Just a thought lol
  • Turbosmooth Operator
    Fantastic texturing! Definitely going into my inspiration folder.

    The only thing that stands out to me is the lack of geometry helping out the metal floor panel. It currently looks very flat and really hurts the final result. Adding some low-poly geo would benefit the scene tremendously.

    Great work.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Nice scene, just a few crits:

    Texel density and scale seems off on the flooring, you might consider tiling the texture a bit more to resolve those issues.

    The thin gray cable going down the sides seems unnecessary. Breaks the composition, looks like you forgot to erase perspective lines in a 2d drawing.

    The lighting seems off, you have lots of bulbs everywhere, but no light seems to be emanating out of them. Some point lights might look cool positioned in these areas, you can play with the falloff, intensity, and range. What i'd suggest is putting them all in the same group for easy selection and modification.

    The texturing on the concrete's too busy, makes its basic form hard to read. At first glance it almost looks like a cave rather than concrete. I think easing the textures and normals back would help the scene read better. Also looks a bit dark for concrete.
  • Gannon
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    Gannon interpolator
    To add onto what crazy said, I think it's really noticeable that it's repeating, turn them around to show off the other side of the texture and break up that repeat.
  • andybozo
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    andybozo polycounter lvl 7
    ZacD: like jacob07777 said those are shock absorbing pistons silo2.jpg
    which can be seen in this picture from a nukelear silo tunnel. i think they are used to stablize the heavy amount of cabling going from the control room to the missle. i figured it would be cool to have them for the actual supports.

    Turbosmooth Operator: thanks for that idea on the floor tiles. another of my friends made the same comment and ill definately look into doing something about that.

    as well as fix the tiles on the groud plane... thats not the size i want it.... but here goes
    Texel density and scale seems off on the flooring
    no worries im on it!

    as for the 2d drawing i wouldnt worry about it to much, that was mainly for me in blocking things out and getting ideas. its not supposed to be polished.

    yes, i do agree the lighting is lacking thus far. it will be one of the last things ill be getting to. im a bit worried about it at the moment though cause i know their are some pretty harsh limitations on lights in Cryengine since they are ALL real time. i do want to for sure use CE though, since this may end up being a CE3 demo peice.

    The concrete is rathers dark, i do have to admit. i will play with that to see what i can come up with. i do agree, with how grungy it is its hard to fallow the lines of its silhouette. maybe if i lighten it up that will help out.

    rdmlegend: yup, totally ill be mirroring the concrete beams as well as rotating them around so that the tiling is not nearly as noticeable if at all noticable.

    thanks all for the CC! i do appreciate it. ive got work the next few days and i probley wont be posting much new for a bit but please check in this project still has a long way to go.
  • A-Train
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    A-Train polycounter lvl 15
    Hey Andybozo:

    I was just wondering what the rectangles were for, that are intersecting and surrounding your high polies. I'm curious, as i'm not a pro high poly guy. I've only done a few small items with a high/low workflow & projected them successfully.


    Do those planes somehow aid your projection? What do the low poly pieces look like that you use to create your poly cage?
  • Slipstream
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    Slipstream polycounter lvl 19
    Haha! These are some amazing assets dude! I can't wait to see more!
  • AshleyTayles
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    AshleyTayles polycounter lvl 9
    A-Train wrote: »
    Hey Andybozo:

    I was just wondering what the rectangles were for, that are intersecting and surrounding your high polies. I'm curious, as i'm not a pro high poly guy. I've only done a few small items with a high/low workflow & projected them successfully.

    Do those planes somehow aid your projection? What do the low poly pieces look like that you use to create your poly cage?

    He's making floor tiles and the planes are there to show general ground level. Anything below the planes won't be seen.

    (Atleast, that's why I would put them there)
  • andybozo
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    andybozo polycounter lvl 7
    howdy fellas, here is a high and low poly (with AO and normals applyed) barrel. just figured id update real quick. ill be texturing 2 versions of this barrel and making 2 other crate type objects not sure what exactly yet. i was just checking some rage screens out for ideas:



    i like some of the boxes and such in both screens. i think ill make a metal and then a wooden one. maybe even make a few smaller radom props like cans and carboard boxes im not sure if there will be space on the maps for that but ill see... let me know if you have any ideas for obstical type props.

  • andybozo
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    andybozo polycounter lvl 7
    well i havent changed much with the overall scene yet so please do not worry, i will still make the changes which have been recommended. i just thought id show the updated materials and new props i threw in today.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Yeah the floor titles and site pieces would really benefit form a little bit of geometry.
  • Pbcrazy
    The damage to the concrete supports seems out of place as nothing else really seems to have been that badly damaged. Other than that it looks absolutely amazing. :D
  • andybozo
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    andybozo polycounter lvl 7
    hey guys just a quick/smaller update. just throwing together my high poly displays. hopefully i can model the low polys and texture them still tonight. unfortunately i just caught a cold and am not feeling up to working as quickly as normal :( but ill give it my best.

  • RBraathen
    It's already been said, but I really feel those concrete beams, the floor tiles and the wooden crate is letting the scene down.

    The concrete beams look unnaturally damaged and the damage on them looks round and blobby compared to the crispness of other assets. The floor tiles definitely need some geometry (or possibly a parallax map if you are using Cryengine, could work well in such a situation). Finally the wood texture on the crate feels very fake, with some rather odd blurry highlights and once again lacks crispness.

    The pipe and support assets look fantastic though and if that quality is carried through it will be a great piece no doubt!

    Also, the lighting in Cryengine isn't that bad is it? It has fill lights, projected lights and normal real-time shadowed lights, should be able to get some nice lighting with that?

    Looking forward to seeing more :)
  • andybozo
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    andybozo polycounter lvl 7
    hey guys finally got this textured and in game. here are a few shots:

    im not really liking the upclose monitor so much. ive got an idea for what to put on the screen its just going to take a bit more time.

  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    I like everything... but the purple. Chose another color, that doesn't clash horribly wth the green/yellow.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    probable a mostly blue with some green hue would work best, you don't want those signs to be your focal point.
  • Jason Young
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    Jason Young polycounter lvl 14
    Dull orange might look nice.
  • Papa_Austin
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    Papa_Austin polycounter lvl 10
    i don't know about that purple, i kind of killed it for me....you should definitely turn down the emissive
  • andybozo
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    andybozo polycounter lvl 7
    i took an average of the colors in the scene and found it was a dark green. then i took the complament of that which was that pinkish purple. so, just looking at what i had i wasnt so excited about it either. i often use blue and orange in my color schemes and i really want to do something different then what ive done. i thought i should use green for once... not sure its working so well. i just took some color samples again and recalculated the complament to the scene. looks like its more towards red then purple. here is a quick paintover (which is obviously not perfect) tell me what you think about the color scheme. previously my eye went right to the monitor on the side. i would like that your eye moves back and forth between that monitor and sign. mainly resting on the sign. let me know what you guys think.


    before i make any final decisions about colors i think i should make my sci-fi door at the end of the tunnel here. it may take a little bit to really get the detail i want into it. so dont expect that real soon but maybe in the next week or so. thankfully ive got it fully designed now.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I like the back light sign, the front one doesn't look good.
  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    I agree. But ur right. First finish everything else before worrying abt light. Cant wait to see the door!
  • andybozo
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    andybozo polycounter lvl 7
    wow guys got sidetracked with some mod stuff lately and we released MWLL! :thumbup: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNFeE8mIlxQ[/ame]

    anyway, here is the IDustrial hall with the newly added door. please tell me what you think of the color scheme of the door, its supposed to catch your attention. i showed to a friend of mine and he didnt like it. so id like to get a second opinion. you will notice the computer screen is blured out but i just need to do that for now... so please dont worry to much about it.


    the next thing is adding puddles of water and grunge decals over several areas of the scene. i have another 1.5x1024 left to use for that. on the door there will be foggy glass windows over the locking cylinders.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I'm digging the colors, nice shift from cool to warm.
  • d1ver
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    d1ver polycounter lvl 14
    andybozo, I really like the way you're going. The lighing and color please me eyes.) And I like how your pipes and stuff really feel like metal.
    But just in case you didn't notice there a tiny visible seam on the concrete ledge. Aaand the wooden crate feels to flat compared with other props. Give it more real geo. -_^

    Good luck, I'm really looking forward to seeing this finished.

  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    I love it! a job well done!
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    The scene's really starting to come together man. I have to agree with your friend though, the door needs more work, not just the color scheme. In fact right now it's everything your eye ISN'T drawn to that's top notch. The concrete and pipes are stellar, i'm tempted to say i want to see more pipes, maybe you could come up with a way to frame your door with more pipework? Make it similar in texture to those pipes, just a little cleaner/ brighter yellow so it pops a bit more? Having the door totally red breaks your color scheme, how about 2 red lights on the side of the door you see often in construction sites, something like this...
    Anyway, enough nit picking, once you get that grunge on the objects in the foreground this is going to be niiiiice. Oh speaking of which i think you should remove that last box at the end of the hallaw, maybe put it closer and on its side, but obviously this is all work in progress and you're probably toying with the composition already! Keep it up!

    Quick addition, be nice to see some cast lighting on the ground below the intense white light, as well as a bit of lighting on the concrete around them, some specular shine.
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    dang dude- nice assets in here and sweet composition. I was wondering how this was going to play out.

    I really like how your objects speak to how the word was constructed. the believability of this scene due to how functional everything is, is really strong.

    The biggest detractor for me, is the hologram sci-fi screens.
    There really isnt anything in the scene that backs those elements up in terms of sci-fi.
    all the pipes, floor tiles, cement walls, crates/barrels, are all things that could easily be considered modern day. The only thing that really speaks to sci-fi, is the door. As a result I feel the holograms are too far down the sci-fi spectrum.

    I could see you replacing those screens with some nice lo-fi DOS style monitor/screens. or maybe even some crudly painted signs.

    If you do decide to stick with the holograms, the lighting on the door irks me a bit.
    When I look at the bright orange emissive sign, my brain tries to link that to the warm light on the door, when in fact, the light is probably somewhere up in between the cement ceiling supports. the subconscious link between warm, and cool for the particular angle, makes the light angle on the door, and surrounding area look wrong.

    It could be cool, to tone that ceiling light down, and allow the orange sign to provide some nice back lighting to the objects in the foreground.

    what are you using to render with?
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