Few disclaimers: This build is pretty old now, it's the same stuff we showed at E3 this year to give you a rough timeline. There's a lot of stuff that's been improved since then - now the movement is smoother, the ironsights are better, the effects and sounds are much clearer, player models look better, animations blend nicer... the list goes on
That looks so awesome. Definitely one of my most anticipated titles of next year, especially if major improvements have been made over what we've seen in these videos. Multiplayer looks like it's going to kick some serious ass with that movement system, and the weapons look suitably meaty - you can really feel the slugs hitting that guy on the deck!
Gotta say, love the art style yet absolutely hate the gameplay I'm seeing in those videos.
Please, please, PLEASE, kick whichever designer(s) made the decision for "empty-a-clip-to-kill" combat squarely in the balls / box, and get something on those enemies so the player can easily tell them apart from their own squadmates.
A literal quote from #md was:
"but how the hell do you tell an enemy from friendly?"
"wait for them to shoot you"
Game looks awesome, but that gameplay teaser wouldn't sell me on it at all.
This looks great, and I completely disagree with flaagan about the "empty-a-clip-to-kill", please keep it. I'm so sick of the Call of Duty kind of gameplay where you die as soon as your hit, gimme some time to fight my opponent a bit please.
I must admit I agree with Flaag. On that first gameplay video when the little squad is being attacked, multiple times I thought the person playing was shooting his own teammates. The beginning of the video made me associate the grey/blue theme as friendly, then I see the guy shooting all kind of mobs looking just like that.
Loving the art style, just a bit surprized by the faces of the characters (that I like alot when standing stll) speaking with such 'realistic' expressions and limited ranges (as opposed to the animated stretches I was expecting). It kindof makes them look as plastic surgery victims, whereas I think they could look fantastic in motion.
I'm guessin you still get the XP rewards even if you didn't choose the assigned role? Looks pretty fucking cool though! Hopefully you sell 7million copys too :E Yeah I see where flaag is comin from, I was thinking that it took an awful lot of shots with the submachine gun to do any real damage. Not that it needs to be comparable to CoD4 hardcore but itd be nice if the guns were more meaty! What happened with the shotgun shot too? was that a Last stand varient or did he actually die in one?
Don't worry, we totally agree about the gameplay stuff here. One of the key things about that demo which we wanted to fix back when it was done (May '09) is that the enemies/friends are really hard to distinguish. We've got a few different solutions to this already implemented and being tested in-house and are confident it won't be a problem in the final game.
Also, for the "empty a clip to kill" thing, again this is very early footage with nearly no gameplay tweaking. As EQ said there's well over a year of dev time left since that demo was done. Not only was Paul using the one of the weakest submachineguns, but we've also tweaked the health, hitboxes, weapon spread and damage since then, and no doubt will keep tweaking that stuff until as late as possible to make sure it's as good as it can be.
I have to say though, personally, I really hate the CoD:MW2 style of "one hit kill" gaming, it's great for noobs and casual players since it totally levels the playing field, and I can see why a lot of people like that since it enables them to feel like they're doing really well
I much prefer the old-school Q3 or W:ET style where it takes a good few hits to take someone down, and if they're good and fast they will have a chance to get away and heal if they need to, rather than just dying after the first stray bullet happens to hit them in the head.
I'm pretty sure our Creative Director (Rahdo on the SD forums, also posts on the ETQW forums and Crossfire) has talked a fair bit about allowing different server configs to allow people to choose between "hardcore" old-school modes and the more forgiving, newbie-friendly gameplay styles, depending on their skill level and preferred playing style.
Also it's worth bearing in mind that when you have time-based objectives (ie. 30 seconds to construct a bridge, etc) then one-or-two hit kill weapons are going to be annoying as hell, you'd barely get 10% constructed before you'd die if there were enemies anywhere nearby.
Thanks for sharing. I really like the use of color and lighting in these videos. The environments have a really nice, rich quality and a sense of depth that is lacking (imo) in a lot of the more desaturated games. I love that airport/train terminal (beautiful).
CoD4 hardcore allowed those with fast reflexes to dominate people at the same time, it did lower the skill level a bit but it was all too easy to rule with most guns... but i deviate. You mention q3 - can brink have a railgun please? and a rocketlauncher for airshots too. Please?
video's look amazing, thanks for sharing. I knokw it's an old build, but what system is it from? the little green "A" at the beginning makes me think 360, and if that's case, then I'd say this is about as good as any game could ever need to look. if not then it's still fricken awesome.
all praise aside though, if you guys need any beta testers, or gophers, or just a footstool I'm available:poly108:
Looks crazy awesome !
Why is the footage getting released so old though? surley it wouldnt be to much to ask to get them to fraps it again...
You'de be surprised how common this is, for most games. You see generally the marketing team/whoever has planed media releases, and the content is done wayyyy a head of time. Virtually any teaser type content released before the game is in gold master is going to be old footage.
Also really great to see the mobility stuff in action instead of a quick demo of the things you can do. The bit when the soldier vaulted up to the 2nd floor and started grenade-ing people ruled.
Agreed about the distuinguishability of the characters; the environments look great because they're nicely saturated, but anything saturated jumps out, so the environment doesn't leave much for the guys running around. I know Valve deliberately desaturated the environments in TF2 to aid gameplay.
I'm also a tad disappointed that all the faces look (nearly) the same; in a game with different classes, I'd have expected some variation.
It's mostly just because it's so close to awesome, but there are little things that are, IMO, holding it down. I'm curious as to what it looks like now, to be sure!
I've loved this visually since I first saw it, and the gameplay is already looking great. But I have to say the sound really caught my attention in these videos, everything just sounded spot on. Can't wait to get hold of this game.
I've loved this visually since I first saw it, and the gameplay is already looking great. But I have to say the sound really caught my attention in these videos, everything just sounded spot on. Can't wait to get hold of this game.
Yea i love the way after something explodes the sound gets muffled
Very cool stuff!
Hmm, possibly a better place for the videos now has them available for direct download in HD. Rename from .flv to .avi and all should be well (h264 encoding).
I dont like the cover, its not as cool as the rest of the ingame art imo :P ps the shells are going the wrong way. looks like a automatic desert eagle :P
When is the schedueled release? Does Brink have one? I wanna play naow!
Am I off in seeing a little ashley wood inspiration in the box art mop? I can picture a painting in my head that may have had influence, but I'm not positive if i'm attributing it to the wrong artist.
MattW: As a couple of people mentioned, it's inspired by Phil Hale (who we all love!). Ashley Wood isn't a far off guess though, I can see why you thought that.
Sampson: Shadow rendering method has changed since that demo, in fact a couple of times over the past 6 months it's been improved, and I'm sure we can still improve it from where we are now
Yeah after I saw people mention him I looked up his work and saw the influence. This game is lookin great so far. It's gotta be a lot of fun to work on.
Few disclaimers: This build is pretty old now, it's the same stuff we showed at E3 this year to give you a rough timeline. There's a lot of stuff that's been improved since then - now the movement is smoother, the ironsights are better, the effects and sounds are much clearer, player models look better, animations blend nicer... the list goes on
That looks so awesome. Definitely one of my most anticipated titles of next year, especially if major improvements have been made over what we've seen in these videos. Multiplayer looks like it's going to kick some serious ass with that movement system, and the weapons look suitably meaty - you can really feel the slugs hitting that guy on the deck!
Man, I can't wait.
(also updated links in first post to have all of them in order)
Please, please, PLEASE, kick whichever designer(s) made the decision for "empty-a-clip-to-kill" combat squarely in the balls / box, and get something on those enemies so the player can easily tell them apart from their own squadmates.
A literal quote from #md was:
"but how the hell do you tell an enemy from friendly?"
"wait for them to shoot you"
Game looks awesome, but that gameplay teaser wouldn't sell me on it at all.
Loving the art style, just a bit surprized by the faces of the characters (that I like alot when standing stll) speaking with such 'realistic' expressions and limited ranges (as opposed to the animated stretches I was expecting). It kindof makes them look as plastic surgery victims, whereas I think they could look fantastic in motion.
Can't wait!!
1 - agreed with not being able to tell friends from bastards who need to die
2 - guns sound wussy
3 - less posty, more worky, mop
Don't worry, we totally agree about the gameplay stuff here. One of the key things about that demo which we wanted to fix back when it was done (May '09) is that the enemies/friends are really hard to distinguish. We've got a few different solutions to this already implemented and being tested in-house and are confident it won't be a problem in the final game.
Also, for the "empty a clip to kill" thing, again this is very early footage with nearly no gameplay tweaking. As EQ said there's well over a year of dev time left since that demo was done. Not only was Paul using the one of the weakest submachineguns, but we've also tweaked the health, hitboxes, weapon spread and damage since then, and no doubt will keep tweaking that stuff until as late as possible to make sure it's as good as it can be.
I have to say though, personally, I really hate the CoD:MW2 style of "one hit kill" gaming, it's great for noobs and casual players since it totally levels the playing field, and I can see why a lot of people like that since it enables them to feel like they're doing really well
I much prefer the old-school Q3 or W:ET style where it takes a good few hits to take someone down, and if they're good and fast they will have a chance to get away and heal if they need to, rather than just dying after the first stray bullet happens to hit them in the head.
I'm pretty sure our Creative Director (Rahdo on the SD forums, also posts on the ETQW forums and Crossfire) has talked a fair bit about allowing different server configs to allow people to choose between "hardcore" old-school modes and the more forgiving, newbie-friendly gameplay styles, depending on their skill level and preferred playing style.
Also it's worth bearing in mind that when you have time-based objectives (ie. 30 seconds to construct a bridge, etc) then one-or-two hit kill weapons are going to be annoying as hell, you'd barely get 10% constructed before you'd die if there were enemies anywhere nearby.
Oh yeah, and it looks like it could be fun too.
Why is the footage getting released so old though? surley it wouldnt be to much to ask to get them to fraps it again...
Oh well if the improvements are as drastic as you say, it means everyone will be blown away as they are expecting what they see in the vid.
Just curious, is there much visual difference between the console builds and the pc build?
all praise aside though, if you guys need any beta testers, or gophers, or just a footstool I'm available:poly108:
at glance i tought this was concept art ...
but wait, it moving ....................!
man! its an ART!
I love the blue color tone blend in the tank that coming out from right
the attention for artistic direction in this game is exceptional.
I know its early days, but any chance there'll be a SDK with the game?
You'de be surprised how common this is, for most games. You see generally the marketing team/whoever has planed media releases, and the content is done wayyyy a head of time. Virtually any teaser type content released before the game is in gold master is going to be old footage.
In fact, just make the game just like UnrealXMP, one of the best multiplayer games ever, and we'll be groovy.
Also really great to see the mobility stuff in action instead of a quick demo of the things you can do. The bit when the soldier vaulted up to the 2nd floor and started grenade-ing people ruled.
I'm also a tad disappointed that all the faces look (nearly) the same; in a game with different classes, I'd have expected some variation.
It's mostly just because it's so close to awesome, but there are little things that are, IMO, holding it down. I'm curious as to what it looks like now, to be sure!
Hurry up and get it released already! :P
Yea i love the way after something explodes the sound gets muffled
Very cool stuff!
And monkeys with knives. And ninjas. With jetpacks.
only if Clint Eastwood is co-starring.
Full HD downloadable videos from VoodooExtreme!
That site also has links to all available screenshots so far, from the looks of things.
Also, Bethesda released some early concept box-art (far from final - guess the inspiration?!):
When is the schedueled release? Does Brink have one?
Thx for the download links.
Sampson: Shadow rendering method has changed since that demo, in fact a couple of times over the past 6 months it's been improved, and I'm sure we can still improve it from where we are now
Game looks insanley cool, mostly in terms of art style atm... hope the gameplay is just as fun.
Can't wait to see the newer iterations, love the character's that are goin on especially. Make sure spacemonkey gets a decent amount of my asspats
farking awesome either way-
HD version here - http://ve3d.ign.com/videos/play/65171/PC/Brink/Trailer/Character-Customisation-Trailer/Flash-Video
And actually what I thought was even cooler was the stuff mailed out to the journalists with it:
And some other posters went to different journalists in the same kit:
Poster examples:
See if you can spot what's going on here