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Modern Warfare 2



  • Vrav
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    Vrav polycounter lvl 11
    I don't understand why he's so upset. Perhaps the milk had some strange hormone in it.
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    Vrav wrote: »
    I don't understand why he's so upset. Perhaps the milk had some strange hormone in it.

    Some things are just not meant to be understood.
  • spahr
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    spahr polycounter lvl 8
    If you played COD4 a lot and then played MW2, something right away feels off. And the more time you put into MW2 these issues keep popping up all over the place. Bugs aside (curved bullets due to terrible hit spots, explosions that clip through building edges, match making, knifing issues for example) the game has terrible balance issues right off the bat. each map seems to take the little angles and corners that worked in COD4 and just place them wherever they want all over the maps. which makes maps seem like little kids playing soccer, everyone is in a little clump running around the feild. Theres no choke points, or frontlines, team matches feel like free for alls spawning all over the place, killing everyone in their back. No tactics needed!!

    As for the guns, all I will say is that the assault rifles are the best at long, med, close range, I can kill a sniper across an entire level by just standing there with a SCAR red dot while hes waiting for his bolt action. Snipers are 100% useless(which is good for me but not good for the game) and assault riffles are even more powerful, forget the M16 from CAD4, they are all that good now it seems. the guns balancing is thrown right out the window.

    IW is known for its polish more than anything else, and though this game adds more features, it loses its polish. Even things that were polished in COD4! IW did fix a lot of issues from AI in the campaign, and really out did themselves on the overall campaign experience. But for the multiplayer, to add a slightly deeper create a class, few more guns and perks nobody will really use, it feels like your being robbed from a studio that has never failed their fans yet.

    All this being said, It is a good game, id give it an 8/10 (mostly based on the solid but short campaign/scec ops). But in a genre where its too simple to be irrelivent, this game really flirts with that line. I really think treyarch has it really set up for them to surpass IW next year.
  • glib
    spahr wrote: »
    If you played COD4 a lot and then played MW2, something right away feels off. And the more time you put into MW2 these issues keep popping up all over the place. Bugs aside (curved bullets due to terrible hit spots, explosions that clip through building edges, match making, knifing issues for example) the game has terrible balance issues right off the bat. each map seems to take the little angles and corners that worked in COD4 and just place them wherever they want all over the maps. which makes maps seem like little kids playing soccer, everyone is in a little clump running around the feild. Theres no choke points, or frontlines, team matches feel like free for alls spawning all over the place, killing everyone in their back. No tactics needed!!

    'Curved bullets' = lag. This is a valid complaint.

    Game isn't COD4/doesn't have the maps from COD4 are stupid complaints. There are choke points and front lines, but not in something as insane as team deathmatch. This is exactly the same as COD4, and frankly I find myself getting killed from behind less often in MW2 than I did in COD4.

    spahr wrote: »
    As for the guns, all I will say is that the assault rifles are the best at long, med, close range, I can kill a sniper across an entire level by just standing there with a SCAR red dot while hes waiting for his bolt action. Snipers are 100% useless(which is good for me but not good for the game) and assault riffles are even more powerful, forget the M16 from CAD4, they are all that good now it seems. the guns balancing is thrown right out the window.

    Assault rifles should be the best; there's a reason most soldiers are riflemen. Submachine guns are laregly for room clearing and closer-range battles, which is how they play in MW2 as well. You complain in one sentence that there's no far and away winner gun like the M16 was in COD4, then complain about weapon balance in the next line. If there's no standout 'best' gun, then that IS balance.
    spahr wrote: »
    IW is known for its polish more than anything else, and though this game adds more features, it loses its polish. Even things that were polished in COD4! IW did fix a lot of issues from AI in the campaign, and really out did themselves on the overall campaign experience. But for the multiplayer, to add a slightly deeper create a class, few more guns and perks nobody will really use, it feels like your being robbed from a studio that has never failed their fans yet.

    Wait, so you're saying they're known for their polish, yet you're complaining about not enough new features? They just changed minor things and deepened/polished the whole experience. You wanted more features and less polish?
    spahr wrote: »
    But in a genre where its too simple to be irrelivent, this game really flirts with that line.
    This doesn't make any sense.
  • System
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    I partially agree with the spawning although that only really applys to Domination and sometimes headquarters. Also, if anything there are standout weapons... The Scar and Aug being prime examples of insanely highdmg weapons that dominate far > mid range, and if you pair them with the 1887 shotguns youve got a game breaker right there.

    I'd love to see some damage tweaks on those weapons though, 1887 shotgun is far too accurate at mid range and you can be pretty unstopable when you akimbo them.

    With the whole spawning thing though, if you control a and b and push them back to c... they end up spawning at the rear nearer a, im not all that keen on that really, as lame as spawn camping can be regarded i think that the dominance should be rewarded. Hell, even TF2, a game thats extremely friendly to players favours the winners/attackers.
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    I agree with jackwhat 1887 is way to powerful i cleared a room killed 8 people with them before they knew what was going on.... when every one is 70ish level they are just stupid if they are not using the dual shotguns... scar extended mags or AUG fast reload FTW...
  • spahr
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    spahr polycounter lvl 8
    Glib, I think you took everything I said out of contex lol. First the maps from COD4 are polished, large part due to the beta testing, which was non nearly at the same level for MW2.

    As for the guns, this isnt realism, this is considered an arcade shooter, they need to have balance. And M16 was an unfair gun that was for `noobs`so what did they do? They made most assault rifles as strong or even more so such as the SCAR. So the BALANCE of what i mean is the game play mixed with the variety of weapons. A strong close range gun for close combat maps/ scrong snipers for long range maps. This just isnt the case, they dumbed most guns down, and assualt rifles were given a boost. And it jsut doesnt mix with the levels. My set up was a scar with scope, scar with silencer, scar with red dot, scar with thermal scope/heartbeat sensor, ect. assault rifles reign supreme, and with the maps all just being so bland and similar, they dominate even more. Id want a balance of guns to maps.

    And my complaint about the polish/additions is, that there wernt enough additions for it to warrent a lock of polish. If they reinvented the game once over, and it had the lack of polish, it would be excusable.

    And for my comment about the genre, people play gears, people play halo, people play call of duty. and then theres a drop in the multiplayer aspect. there are so few that dominate, and its not a gradual drop off, its a big fall. If your the 4th best FPS of the year, why would anyone play that game when there are 3 similar and better ones with a larger community. That is what i mean by that comment on being irrelivent.

    After rereading this, it makes it seem like a f-ing loath the game lol. I really like it, but with the lack of fun i get out of it, I just dont see myself going back to it like I did with COD4 even after #5 came out. Although it does have the RPG factor which always seems to drag my sorry ass. I dont quite have my 2.0 kill ratio :(

    Hope that clears up my critique
  • Flaringo
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    Flaringo polycounter lvl 11
    I completely agree with spahr.

    It seems like they went with just a mess of a million weapons and equipment in DM-style maps without any structure to them instead of a well-balanced multiplayer part. But oh well, there's no clan community so it doesn't matter anyways, right?
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    I agree too, it doesn't have the same feeling that CoD4 had. I played CoD4 for about a month or two constantly. I'd go to school, get home, play CoD4, go to sleep, repeat. I'm already getting bored of this after 4 days.

    The maps have no structure to them, they just seem like randomly jumbled up messes. There are no landmarks, not many choke points, no high combat areas. It's more like an open city. You can go in every building and on most of the roofs. It's not good in my opinion.

    Then the assault rifles are completely overpowered if you can use them well. They can't always beat an SMG in a close range fight, but I've nearly always beaten a sniper from across the map with them.

    The new perks don't make much sense either. I still always find myself using the same 4 or 5 perks. The other ones are just novelties that are fun for a few games or are there to add more challenges.

    Spawning is also the worst out of nearly any game I've ever played. It could at least spawn you near a team mate instead of being completely random. I've spawned in front of enemies and behind them a ton of times and it's not fair to either person.

    Some of the new additions are good though. Thermal scopes and the other addons are useful if you learn to use them and the new equipment like the throwing knife are useful trade offs if you learn to use them.

    I'm disappointed with how long it lasted, but it will still be fun to play with friends every once in a while. Glad I traded in a bunch of games to get it and Dragon Age instead of paying $60 for it. Definitely not the same experience as CoD4 though which is what I was hoping it would be.
  • System
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    I think some of the maps have very obvious choke points but I do agree with the whole roof access thing. There are a lot of games where even when the enemy team is losing theyll still crawl themselves to the roof and try to get some kills.

    Still, if you play the game on Domination youll learn that there are most definately some areas of spam/choke. I think domination is my favorite gamemode to play as a team as its really fun to frantically hold 2 points. That being said though, there are too many maps where the points are in VERY unbalanced places... which to me totally lack thought when you pair it with the crazy respawn times.

    The worst/best example of both choke points and VERY bad spawning is -


    If you hold B you not only do you spawn there so fast you can stop anyone capping but you can completely lock down C with a few well placed grenades... its almost criminal how easy it is to win if you lockdown those points.

    Afghan, Derail, Karachi and Invasion are also great maps for domination though, with B being a major point to fight over and the side paths being ideal for flanking around to A or C if you fail to gain control of the center. And on that subject, if you capture one of the points farthest from you it can really fuck with respawning... as most of the time you wont spawn at where you just captured and it nearlly always puts you at a disadvantage if you cant get it and hold it.

    Still, some of the maps are really fun, i guess a facing world map like Bloc would be nice though, as these new maps have so many fucking routes that people will come from its hard to pin them in.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Still having that problem, am going to have to reinstall I think. FUCKERS. I also find it strangely convinient that it happened as soon as I started playing online...is there a MW specific virus kickin round? How do I back up my SP and MP progress before I uninstall?
  • Mongrelman
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    Mongrelman polycounter lvl 18
    Just finished SP, much fun, but I think the continuous fast pace of the game hurt it a bit. No time to appreciate what was going on around; needed more slower bits.

    I got it (for PC) for £29.99 in Tesco for you fellow Brit-dwellers, better than £39.99 off steam I think you'll agree.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Finally gave this series a whirl, wanted to see what i'd been missing out on the past few years. 3 million people can't be wrong right?..

    HOLY #$(*.

    Being broke and in school, I've been getting by on exclusively the valve library for FPSing for a while. Playing this was like eating pizza for a year straight and then going out for a good steak dinner (don't get me wrong I like pizza).

    The realistic graphics and gameplay blew me away. Worth every penny, looking forward to trying the game again on harder difficulties even though i got my sh*t pushed in on regular.

    I'm the last dude to vouch for any kind of story in a game, but every once in a while i play a game that proves me dead wrong, this was one of 'em. I know a lot of you guys were complaining about the lack of depth and realism, but i think the style they went for with big booms and less substance fit perfectly. However the depth in the settings and the beleivability of all the supporting characters blew me away.

    I know i'm late for the party, but god damn, this game made an impression on me and i had to post about it. The graphics in this game alone are sure to have some kind of impact on future projects. All this time i was avoiding playing too many games to focus on art i realize now i was kinda shooting myself in the foot, there's plenty to be learned just walking around stairing at walls, i got blasted to bits a couple times just looking at chicken coops.

    Highly reccomend this one to anyone who hasn't tried it, it's like a first person die hard movie.
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
  • Snefer
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    Snefer polycounter lvl 16

    Modern Warfare 2 getting people's Internet shut down?


    crazy stuff...

    Well..that is hardly their fault, its just the idiot ISP's... :P
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    Snefer, im sitting 2 meters from you, tell me that to my face! :P

    Yeh but shouldn't they see this one coming? Ok il let this one slip but who made it impossible to kick aimboters from servers? :)
  • Snefer
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    Snefer polycounter lvl 16
  • 3DLee
    Ouch, I did not see internet connection shut-downs coming from the new P2P server system. :\
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17

    Sadly I didn't have my nuke turned on for this round. Shit was insane... Killstreak of 30 or 32. I don't remember. I just kept killing and killing...
  • Talbot
    Does anyone have the PC version? I have the xbox version and am thinking about getting the PC version.

    I could use people to play with on pc if I get it. My steam account is "nordicskibum"
  • System
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    I had my best run ever the other day... pulled off a streak of 5 nukes in a row! I was on vent at the time and even they were in disbelief by the 3rd haha!

    I couldn't stop giggling, I think my highest score was 60-15 and my first game I won in domination... by the time my chopper gunner had finished and i'd hit my nuke the score had only got to 55!
  • Gallows
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    Gallows polycounter lvl 9
    Does this game ever destroy your productivity?
  • c0ldhands
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    c0ldhands polycounter lvl 15
    what is produuctivity?...kiddin, but yah this game is cocaine in a can, so gotta run and get more of those cans!
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    I have the PC version. It's pretty rad, I enjoy it. I like the precision of a mouse+keyboard. But I do really really really miss Dedicated Servers. I like Server rules where they put the ban hammer on people nube tubin and nade spammin. Random matchmaking can make a game hit or miss. Sometimes I get put in a game with more or less a good group of people, the other half of the time I get put in a game that is just an utter mess where all it is, is kids nuking everything with grenade launcher and people using the Airdrop+Knife bullshit. Whats the fun when you're fighting a team filled with 5 people running around super fast only knifing, or just fighting people using Akimbo 1887s. Still funn, none the less..
  • Gilgamesh
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    Gilgamesh polycounter lvl 12
    Well after the 1887 nerf recently I hardly see them now, but I still see the combat+marker grenade speed crap all the time which is really freaking stupid because he can be on you and kill you before it even updates on your screen. Basically the netcode just can't handle someone moving that fast, I think it might be 'ok' if everyone had even pings on a dedi server but lets face it they don't and those speeders with 180+ ping can warp like a bitch to the point where they are running at you taking crazy ivan type turns and you're putting shots which should just hit them and kill them but because of the lag + speed you will die almost all the time.

    I play domination the most and this and demolition are the most balanced and fun of game types i think, apart from the odd map (invasion comes to mind) a/c flag poitns are at either end with a hard to capture point in the middle making it need team play to clear and capture which is why I play it. TDM has turned into a noobtube fest which I abhorently hate, I used to play TDM almost exclusively in cod4 but the closeness of almost all the maps now mean that noobtubes are just 10x more effective add in stupid perks like one man army / scavenger and noobers can go all day just firing those bombs of death at you with almost immunity and never run out of ammo.

    Personally just a few changes like one man army doesn't work with noobtube assault rifles and/or scavenger doesn't pick up grenades/tube rounds and the game would be almost perfect in my eyes. I also wish they would expand the team sizes on some team games.
  • System
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    One thing I hate the most about this whole fucking lobby system is the inability to play with people (publically) you've met before. The amount of good games i get in domination are so rare... literally, me and the people i play with will bump into another GOOD group maybe twice a fortnight - and we play together every night.

    I dont understand why there hasn't been a SIMPLE?! party option thing implemented, so you can do shit like "Split party yes/no" so that you dont have to spend minutes idle in the lobby when IWNet cant do the fucking maths, IWNet aint got shit on rainman it seems. Also, why cant you shuffle the host? see the projected pings in lobby so you know prior to the game starting? I could whine endlessly but alas, its like preaching to the choir.

    Spas is the new 1887 anyway, only its balanced! seriously, i fucking love that shotgun.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Personally I find the killstreak reward where you are the Heli gunner a LOT better than the AC 130 gunning, considering you're closer to the action and not having to wait for the gun to reload a lot of the time.

    How's Spec Ops treatin you folks? I want to hop on but am waiting for a replacement headset, the regular wired 360 headset is flimsy as hell!
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 15
    spec ops is great... some of them are damn tough as nails. i haven't tried it online yet, but it is damn good fun when some friends come over.
  • brokenpoly
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    brokenpoly polycounter lvl 9

    Not trying to sound like a troll, but this game lacks everything that made Cod4 MW _great_ on the PC, so it was a no-buy for me. I keep visiting the IW-forums every now and then though and it seems a lot of people are complaining about hackers, aimbots, lag, unbalanced weapons, tiny maps, lack of dedicated servers, router problems, terrible matchmaking, horrible matchmaking and lack of response from Infinity Ward. Makes me wonder why IW even has forums in the first place, when they haven`t given any response at all since the game was released. Twitter just doesn`t count... I just don`t know how IW could ruin a game that could actually be the game of the decade :(

    *sigh* [/rant]
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    In a decade that had Deus Ex, GTA3, KOTOR, WOW, and ResEvil4 among others, I don't think any iteration of MW2 was up for game of the decade. That said, I think it's clear that IW knows their money is made on the consoles, so they have little incentive to dedicate extra resources to making things better just for the PC.
  • brokenpoly
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    brokenpoly polycounter lvl 9
    Ok. Maybe not game of the decade, but it certainly had the potential to be the FPS of the decade. IW only thinks about the dollarsign now, which is really sad for us pc-gamers. Hopefully Battlefield BC2 will give us pc-gamers what we want! The ps3 beta was awesome, so I`m hoping the pc-version will kick some ass too :)
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