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Young Girl

Hello. Its been five or six years since the last time I did any sculpting/modeling. The last tool I used was Modo 101 so it feels like stepping out of a time machine.

Here is the start of my first character. I was hoping to get some initial feedback... I feel out of the loop. I was studying the Left 4 Dead 2 models and thought this would be a reasonable step up in mesh density for the following generation of game engines. That seems like a good target for a character modeling portfolio. I don't have much experience in the area. Thoughts?



  • Jon Rush
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    Hi Tim,

    Hard to really tell from this angel, but the back of her head appears to be really small.

    Any chance you could post a front and side shot?
  • Rojo
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    Ah, yeah there's no back of the head yet. I wasn't sure how to tackle the area.

    She has a thick head of hair, so I was thinking of constructing it purely out of hair planes. This would likely consist of an opaque base layer, with a lot of curly waves (alpha masked) covering the base. This may or may not be a good idea haha, it sounds like a nightmare to manage already.
  • DoomiVox
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    She's from Let the right One In, am I right?
  • Rojo
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    Hey that's right. It's a struggle to match the likeness. She has a strange looking face... cute kid but a weird facial structure. I haven't studied child/prepubescent anatomy before either so that's also becoming a hurdle.
  • Rojo
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    Trying to get the hard stuff out of the way first. Still unsure about the hair, this is the second test run but I'm not loving it.

  • ralusek
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    ralusek polycounter lvl 10
    ya i remember her from the movie, very strange looking kid. can't say there is a likeness yet, but it's hard to say at this point. are you going to be sculpting this later?

    i also laughed at jon rush back of head comment. pretty funny stuff
  • Rojo
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    The mesh as it stands now is what the engine is rendering verbatim. I will also do an image-based sculpt to work some surface details into a normal map.
  • duncan
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    duncan polycounter lvl 11
    hay Tim.

    I never thought I would see Eli in 3D good going :). As he/she stands at the moment I think the head could be a little taller from the hair line up. Also it is a hard call but I think the face might be a little too plump. I guess try to think "BOY" while you model "GIRL" hahaha what a weird expression. Either way Eli is looking awesome and I am keen to see this one through to the end :)

    Just a little extra ref



    Keep up the good work.
  • Malus
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    Malus polycounter lvl 17
    Awesome film.

    I agree about the hair line.
    Also she seems to have a little extra fat under her jawline, in the ref images she has a pretty prominent transition from her chin to neck.

    I'm not sure if its the render but I think her eyes and lips could be a touch small compared to the images also, makes her look a year or 2 older.

    Great progress though and a really cool subject. :)
  • woogity
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    hey tim, first off, sexy mesh, really awesome edge layout. as for crits, i think you could tighten up her under chin area a bit, right now im getting the slightest bit of "old" from that area, with the transition from jaw to neck. again nice modeling sir.

  • Sauron
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    Sauron polycounter lvl 10
    wow, great start!
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    I think you're doing a great job here and can already see the likeness shaping up. Get a body modeled STAT and start textures.
  • Rojo
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    Thank you for the critiques, I agree.

    I have quite a bit of reference, over 100 screenshots from the disc. I wonder if the film was shot over a long period, because she looks different between scenes. Sometimes her cheeks are chubby, sometimes not. I swear the size of her nose changes. Perhaps I should stick with a smaller set of reference.

  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    Fantastic start!
  • achillesian
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    some people just have alot of different faces,
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 19
    I think it's the lighting that makes her look really different and creepy. That movie was great. You better finish. :D
  • Nizza_waaarg
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    Nizza_waaarg polycounter lvl 15
    hehe, that chick does look kinda hard to match. You could try doing a quick sculpting pass and then try throwing some textures down, textures help add likeness a fair bit (photosourcing would prolly work well if you can find some similar ones :P)
  • Rojo
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    I spent some time reworking the topology. It was producing weird shading and deformation headaches, so that's resolved, plus it isn't as heavy. The eyelids are still a little weird at the moment, unsure if I want the eyes open or peering down. Still learning the software as I plod along, so progress isn't speedy.

    I was experimenting with a couple different poses and outfits and settled on the jungle gym sequence. Those 80s pants are so amazingly ugly I love them.


  • mLichy
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    yeah, the lighting is the thing that changes everything. But yeah, good start :D. Never watched that movie...keep seeing it on Netflix.
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