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Modern Warfare 2



  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    adam wrote: »
    4 hours 34 minutes.

    That's actually kinda sad to hear.

    For those of you that enjoyed MP from the first MW as much as I did, are snipers pretty much fucked with this 9v9 bs? I'd assume so, but figure it's worth asking those of you that actually played that way.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    after spending some time with it i honestly liked the first one better :(
  • Dr Stench
    LoTekK wrote: »


    What a bunch of spineless pussies.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    flaagan wrote: »
    That's actually kinda sad to hear.

    For those of you that enjoyed MP from the first MW as much as I did, are snipers pretty much fucked with this 9v9 bs? I'd assume so, but figure it's worth asking those of you that actually played that way.

    Not at all, why would you even consider connecting that? Less players = a weapon that can only fire one shot at a time is less effective?

    Snipers are brutal, especially if they're comfortable switching to pistol or shotgun in close range. Usually the decent snipers are in the first couple spots of their team's leaderboards. It's very easy for a sniper to shut down and take out everyone threatening them and then relocate -- with the slow reloads, a sniper is usually better off alone facing a group of enemies than a rifleman.
  • [Deleted User]
    I love the movie references in the CoD games' campaigns. The first level after the tutorial in MW2 was straight out of an episode of Generation Kill (like, literally. it was visually identical. also loved the constant "oscar mikes") and the locker part in the gulag seemed to have been lifted straight from a scene in The Rock. I'm sure I missed plenty of other ones, too.
  • Dr Stench
    CoD4 MP had turned to shit long ago BECAUSE of dedicated servers. People fucked up the great game play with their whiny rules like "no noobtube" and the fact that there is hardly any server to be found without hardcore.
  • System
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    System admin
    flaagan, the player count is FAR better. the maps are also far smaller and tighter so yea, youll be fine!

    Now... waiting till 11pm or something so i can fucking play this game! T_T

    - Dr Stench, its not so much "whiny" rules, but its the same thing IW has done essentially and thats forcing gameplay rules for the better. I used to admin a TFC server which enforced clanrules, id ban/kick people left right and center without a seconds hesitation if they didnt follow the rules. Forcing rules or promode rules is very much catering to the core players... which i prefer. Some people bitch about it, hell... people bitch in quakelive when good players join there server and thats an attitude ill never get.
  • slipsius
    ok, so this game sold a crap load already. im not a fan of FPSs, but hey, kudos to the team that built that. thats a friggin amazing accomplishment.

    now, im curious. the guys that worked on it. do they get any sort of bonus at all? i know some companies might do that, but most probably wouldnt, right? just their regular salary cheque, and the satisfactory of keeping their jobs, ya?
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Dr Stench wrote: »
    CoD4 MP had turned to shit long ago BECAUSE of dedicated servers. People fucked up the great game play with their whiny rules like "no noobtube" and the fact that there is hardly any server to be found without hardcore.

    Really? Those are the reasons why I played COD 2 and MW1 for well over a year. I hated the fast run and gun approach of Pub servers and well preffered the private "tactical/realism/hardcore" servers. I found the private servers had more mature players that weren't cussing constantly or making the game obnoxious. But that is just me, and I can understand why it's not for anyone..really. I like the MW2 multiplayer somewhat so far...but I dunno. I can easily see myself missing private servers really soon.

    And how the hell are people level 40+ already?!?!
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Dr Stench wrote: »
    CoD4 MP had turned to shit long ago BECAUSE of dedicated servers. People fucked up the great game play with their whiny rules like "no noobtube" and the fact that there is hardly any server to be found without hardcore.

    You, sir, are on crack. :poly142:

    Limitations made for some ingenious gameplay. If you never played on a 'blades and nades' or 'handguns and explosives' server you missed out *big time*. I had a series of dedicated servers as my favorites that were a mix of both hardcore and non.
    Jackwhat wrote: »
    flaagan, the player count is FAR better. the maps are also far smaller and tighter so yea, youll be fine!

    I'm actually a fan of the bigger maps in MW1, but even the smaller ones had some halfways decent hidey-holes.

    Regardless of all that, my coworkers all picked it up for console, so even if I did pick it up for PC we couldn't do our lunchtime MP battles, and since there's no option for custom LAN servers we'd be stuck with dev-decided setups. L4D2's coming out next week, so that'll fill the lunchtime slaughter fix. :)
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    I've played maybe an hour of MP so far, it's great fun, it really caters to the achievement whoring, tons of fun little stats like telling you that you interrupted another person's kill streak so you get some extra XP for killing them. They list off so many stats and give off so many bonuses to XP, it reminds me of Saints Row 2 where every little trick you pulled the game gives you extra benefits for!

    The lack of dedicated server thing is annoying, the minute spent waiting in a lobby between games or the occasional time where you get stopped in the middle of a game to wait for host migration were annoying, but it reminds me of both console MP and PC MP of the late 90s... a step back but quite tolerable especially considering how fun the game is.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    the game is awesome, that is all that needs to be said
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    I played the civilian level, what a bunch of bullshit over nothing. Guess i'm extremely desensitised (spelling? :o) or people are overreacting. It's a cool game though. So cool i played it through in one sitting. Never even restarted the game since i started it the first time.

    Mad props to you IW guys. Would have been fun to work on. :)
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    Just played a bit of regular deathmatch. Wow. I /suck/. o_O

    Also, I can't say I care too much for the ridiculous pace (everyone running around at full bore, etc). I think I'm gonna miss not being able to get on tactical/realism servers with their slower pace. :\

    edit: Also, why the fuck are 3/4 of the MP modes locked? Wasn't expecting that. Not only do we not get to customise playstyles, but we can't even play all the modes til we've leveled up enough? fuuuck.
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    Just completed it, not sure what to think of it.

    It felt waaaaaaaay too short. On one hand its a great game, amazing environments, graphics, pretty much everything, but i just wish they would stick to a scene, and make it endure. It actually kind of annoys me with the CoD series, as the fights are over far too quick, you get on a chopper and bam, your a different dude now.

    The airport level with the civilians didnt offend me, i liked that level (not saying i like murdering innocents) it was something very daring, a very eye opening level.

    I haven't played the MP yet, might give it a try once i get an adapter for my xbox :(
    The invasion of america felt a little weird at first, maybe it would have made a bit more sense if there were civilians about, without them the environments seemed incredibly dull (to me at least) the Washington bit was cool though, seeing everything destroyed.
  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    LoTekK wrote: »
    I think I'm gonna miss not being able to get on tactical/realism servers with their slower pace. :

    Thats why Red Storm needs to make Rogue Spear 2. I'm with you in this boat and always preferred the Battlefield series over COD. Just personal preference.
  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18
    LoTekK wrote: »


    I bet those in that picture playing MW2 were people who pre-ordered the game. And by that point they've already purchased the game, so they might as well play the game and get part of their moneys worth out of it.
  • glib
    Keg wrote: »
    I bet those in that picture playing MW2 were people who pre-ordered the game. And by that point they've already purchased the game, so they might as well play the game and get part of their moneys worth out of it.

    You can cancel a pre-order AFAIK.
  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18
    glib wrote: »
    You can cancel a pre-order AFAIK.

    That that I did not know, makes sense though. I would assume more people don't know this.
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    Lvl 42. Thermal scope on my WA2000 sniper makes seems to make people angry hehe.
    thought i got a 25 kills streak but alas it was only registered as 21... dunno, defending B at the airport map. time to put the nuke up on my kill streak list. :)

    Damn half of the servers are laggy though... hopefully it will improve.
    and for the love of god im getting sick playing with 65 fov.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Damn half of the servers are laggy though... hopefully it will improve.

  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Lvl 42. Thermal scope on my WA2000 sniper makes seems to make people angry hehe.
    thought i got a 25 kills streak but alas it was only registered as 21... dunno, defending B at the airport map. time to put the nuke up on my kill streak list. :)

    Damn half of the servers are laggy though... hopefully it will improve.
    and for the love of god im getting sick playing with 65 fov.

    How the hell are you lvl 42 already?! How many hours have you sunk into MP so far!?!?
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    I see they increased the PC version by £5 in a couple of days since release, was £35 the other day.

    That makes it £40 for a PC game. Sainsbury's even have the console versions for £26.

    Damn Activision are soo greedy.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    ...Damn half of the servers are laggy though... hopefully it will improve.
    and for the love of god im getting sick playing with 65 fov.

    Just wait for some more dedicated servers to pop up,

    and maybe you can mod in a different fov.
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    Frys has MW2 on 360/PS3/PC for 49.99 (normally 59.99)
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 14
    eld wrote: »
    Just wait for some more dedicated servers to pop up,

    and maybe you can mod in a different fov.

    hehe :p
    Anyway I'm really not gonna spend 70 damn euro's on this (that's a 105 dollars!) for 5 hours of SP and broken MP.
  • t4paN
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    t4paN polycounter lvl 10
    eld wrote: »
    Just wait for some more dedicated servers to pop up,

    and maybe you can mod in a different fov.

    Oh, snap! I was going to say something about writting a letter to santa claus to make lag disappear, but your post was much funnier.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    I bought it as a gift for someone on Steam when it was £34.99.
    Now it's £39.99... definitely not buying that for myself just yet.
  • metalliandy
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    metalliandy interpolator
    I got my copy from Asda £32.
    I finished it in 5.5 hrs, but i think i will play the SP a few more times at least and the special ops. missions are fun too.
  • LoTekK
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    was playing with my brother and niece earlier tonight - I wreaked havoc with a Pavelow, racking up 43 kills ^_^
  • CrazyMatt
    LoTekK wrote: »

    I literally just spat in laughter all over my desk from seeing the end of that clip! :thumbup: lol
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    just started into MP, and just won two matches in a row on maps i've never played before, simply cos the 1st placed player ditched either just before or actually on the final scoreboard. Whats that about then? Is it phinanthropism, or is there some negative effect to your stats when you've been killed tons by a lvl 2 player, and throwing the match works out better for you?
  • carlo_c
    Haha that knife throw was brilliant!
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    heheh, i like it. I just keep winning, i've no idea why ... i think it's probably cos everyone else insists on "playing" the "game", but they've made a default class - the recon one - that perfectly suits how i play these things, which is sprinting around as fast as possible shooting blindly at anything that moves. Nice one IW.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    My god just beat it...

    The ending sequence. That was awesome. I thought the getting up choking on water, slowly moving towards the goal just to be knocked out and then stabbed in the chest.
    Then to be rescued by Price and a fight breaks out. Pulling the very knife out of your chest to win it. WOW

    Nice one IW... Loved the credits too.
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    Got it on PC.

    Fantastic single player campaign. Short but oh so sweet.

    Mutiplayer has got to be the most polished and deep competitive shooter experienced since MW1.

    GJ IW guys,,
  • Dr Stench
    I just finished the SP and I loved the shit out of it.:poly142: The intense moments with the brilliant soundtrack:poly121: oh loahd.

    I really don't see how people can rage about this game so much :O
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    Just tried the MP, not my cup of tea. Lets just say there too much camping noobs with nades and tubers ruining the game.
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    Ark wrote: »
    Just tried the MP, not my cup of tea. Lets just say there too much camping noobs with nades and tubers ruining the game.

    I had the exact opposite experience. Everyone I played against was on speed or something. I was overwhelmed, and haven't been back since. :p
  • 00Zero
    want to wreak havoc on the other team? try this, ive been doing this for a while now and it works so well.

    work your way up to marathon pro, lightweight pro, and commando pro. then get 75 kills with a pistol so you get the tactical knife.

    now you can run really fast, climb fast, stab further, and with the tac knife, you stab faster with less time between stabs.

    its the ulitmate combo if you like to run around the map and flank the enemy. you can get 3,4,5, 6 or more stabs in a row on groups of enemies before they realize wtf youre doing and actually shoot you.
  • ArYeS
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    ArYeS polycounter lvl 8
    Ok, so me and my friends also bought the game. We had few problems installing it but after few hours we worked our problems out.

    Finished singleplayer in 5h on hardened. Only two more specops missions remaining (everything else at 3 stars). And i played some singleplayer... lvl 22 or smthing now. I really like multiplayer, no problems with it whatsoever... missing dedicated servers thou...

    I really hate that i cant level up in private matches... so me and friends cant enjoy some leveling during our private games.. really sux.
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    oozero, that is exactly what I'm aiming for atm :p
    I love running around stabbing people!

    Edit: Got all those pro perks now! but that pistol perk is still not so fun to get :<
  • 00Zero
    play hardcore, 1 shot kill. easy pistol shots. tac knife is totally worth it man. you'll be invincible. and if youre playing on pc, youll be even better because of the quick mouse movements.
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    Just playing, i wish I could join a server with my skill level, i guess i cant choose that, IW net insist i kick these noobs asses over and over again. i guess thats why i level up fast... 54.

    I hope they get dedicated servers up because it feels like im living in the stone age with this lag on some games... yes haha make some joke, great!

    and yes before some points out they rage quited, it was even player nr...

    My frustration is that i am getting negative points for leaving and I cant change team. sure there is a switch team button but its locked...
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    00Zero wrote: »
    play hardcore, 1 shot kill. easy pistol shots.

    ahh cool, never tried hardcore mode before till now~

    It actually brings a whole different type of gameplay, a lot less looking at minimap and more time concentrating on the environment instead. I like the friendly fire being enabled too, makes it more exciting :p

    Sneaking around pwning everything with a pistol makes me feel like jack bauer!
    Plus long range pistol kills feels awesome :D
  • greenj2
    LoTekK> That knife-kill vid is brilliant! XD


    "Some goofy teenager who had a 17 hour binge with Modern Warfare 2 decided to take to Youtube to vent his frustrations. The strange kid, seen with tears rolling down his face claims that after the video was finished he broke his hand."

    Like life, MW2 isn't for everyone...
  • sampson
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    sampson polycounter lvl 9
  • t4paN
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    t4paN polycounter lvl 10
    greenj2 wrote: »
    LoTekK> That knife-kill vid is brilliant! XD

    "Some goofy teenager who had a 17 hour binge with Modern Warfare 2 decided to take to Youtube to vent his frustrations. The strange kid, seen with tears rolling down his face claims that after the video was finished he broke his hand."

    Like life, MW2 isn't for everyone...

    Shit man, this is fucking disturbing.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    Working on getting the tactical knife now. Seems it might be easier / faster with the magnum rather then the smaller 9mm as there are a lot more add ons for that one.
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