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Tattoos and piercings affect being hired?

Hey guys, I know a while back there was a thread about whether or not long hair and a beard would affect potentially being hired in the industry, but I don't think it mentioned anything about tattoos or piercings. I bring this up because I currently have a tattoo on my left forearm and will soon have a full sleeve on my right arm. I also have my ears gauged and I am still increasing the size. After I graduate from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh I would like to get a job in the industry.

So the question is, would this affect my chances of being hired in the games industry? I know the long hair and beard thing is a matter of looking clean, but what about tattoos and piercings? And a little disclaimer, my tattoos are anything but obscene, and my gauges are the only piercings I have.


  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    How big of gauges? Its always good to cover up tattoos for an interview.

    Normally if you get an interview your pretty close to getting a job, I've heard for some companies use interviews mostly to make sure your not an asshole.
  • Sean VanGorder
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    ZacD wrote: »
    How big of gauges? Its always good to cover up tattoos for an interview.

    Normally if you get an interview your pretty close to getting a job, I've heard for some companies use interviews mostly to make sure your not an asshole.

    Right now they're just at size 2. Only going up a few more sizes. Nothing too extreme. I know there is a point where it just starts to look dumb and distracting, and I will not cross that line, lol.
  • Paul Pepera
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    Paul Pepera polycounter lvl 9
    If a company rejects you simply because of having tattoos or piercings then it's most likely a company you wouldn't want to work for anyway.
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    I see many professional has tattoos and piercing ( in artistic kind of job field of course)

    exept you have very offensive and disturbing one below here,

    prooooooblem, mr HR?
  • Gav
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    Gav quad damage
    Yo man, I've got both sleeves and a leg done and have had no problem getting jobs...in fact, most people seem cool with it and even ask about them. Unless you've got teardrops under your eyes, I think this industry is fairly hip with the whole body mod scene.
  • NyneDown
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    NyneDown polycounter lvl 11
    Yea man, if they dont hire you solely b/c you have some tatts and piercings...it's definitely better you dont get a job there anyway. Working at a place that restricts you from being you should be an instant turn off. Remember it should be a good fit for them as well as you.
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    I think the main thing is that you don't smell like buthole.....although I got hired..thank good for phone interviews
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    That really shouldn't matter all that much imo. I worked with a guy that wore dresses to work and he was the bomb. The work is what matters.
  • anoon
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    Probably won't effect you too bad; the industry is pretty casual and open. However, while there are the exceptions, it is my observation that the upper earners and people with most responsibility typically don't have such adornments.

    Not condeming nor condoning. Just sayin'
  • Sean VanGorder
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    Eraserhead wrote: »
    If a company rejects you simply because of having tattoos or piercings then it's most likely a company you wouldn't want to work for anyway.

    That's the opinion I've always had. I wouldn't want to work for a company that closed minded. But then there is always the nagging "I should take any job I can get" thought in the back of my head.

    @Killingpeople - For real? Dresses? lol
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    I always wore long sleeves to interviews, once I was hired I would say, "oh, just wanted to let you know I had tattoos". If they had a problem with it I would wear long sleeves.

    My current job doesn't care, but I dress in button ups and dress pants anyway and typically wear long sleeves just rolled up.

    I got asked by a cool dude (dreads, piercings, and tats) that owns the Caliente Grille in town, "man, where do you work that let's you have tatoos?"

    I just said something about the people I work for not caring, but I wanted to say, "no one LETS me have tattoos, 'cuz it's nobody's business",

    Most places won't have a problem, and those that do, well you can wear long sleeves.

    If your face is pierced up though, I have no idea. It would depend on the office and what they did for a living.
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    anoon wrote: »
    Probably won't effect you too bad; the industry is pretty casual and open. However, while there are the exceptions, it is my observation that the upper earners and people with most responsibility typically don't have such adornments.

    Not condeming nor condoning. Just sayin'

    what an odd thing to say
  • Gav
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    Gav quad damage
    That's a very odd thing to say, indeed.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 18
    what an odd duck
  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    how unfortunately odd.
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 19
    The art industry is very forgiving when it comes to that. I mean if you show up dressed up like babba fett to deliver your reel you might get a job provided your work is good I mean. It's not like working in a bank. The only thing that won't get you a job is bad work and a bad attitude. In fact you might have to come in with an open mind to some companies. As long as your tattoos aren't offensive, as in racist, for example, things like that, I don't see it being a problem.
  • Sean VanGorder
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    Nope, no offensive tattoos here, they're actually pretty positive if anything. Anyway, that's one of the things I like about the industry, I've always assumed it was pretty open minded. Now if only you guys could spread the news to my mother, who is worried I'll never be let in the front door, lol.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    xvampire wrote: »
    I see many professional has tattoos and piercing ( in artistic kind of job field of course)

    exept you have very offensive and disturbing one below here,

    prooooooblem, mr HR?
    I think he works at Hot Topics...
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Nah, he got fired for stealing the guyliner and hair dye, he works at the hippy/pipe store now, the one on the corner by the pretzel stand.
  • skankerzero
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    I just recently got 2 piercings. Eyebrow and lip, and it's no big deal.
  • JohnnyRaptor
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    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
    i sit across a guy with bright purple hair and dozens of piercings and tattoos. And iv met a few leads with mohawks in colours that would make a rainbow jelous not to mention tattoos and piercings :)

    hope that answers your question....

    if it doesnt...if its not one of those christian game gamestudios or something you usually get hired based on your skill and not your look (excluding your smell...)
  • Mark Dygert
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    I work for a pretty conservative company. We have a lot of tats and piercings floating around. It really doesn't matter at all and I think we're on the conservative end of the scale. It MIGHT make a difference at some bigger studios or in film but I doubt it.

    As cool as this guy is, I wouldn't want to work for him.

    I'm not a fan of gang or prison tats mostly because they end up being pretty shitty and racist if you know what you're looking for. But even then some of them can look amazing, if you filter out the BS.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Vig wrote: »
    I'm not a fan of gang or prison tats mostly because they end up being pretty shitty and racist to boot. But even then some of them can look amazing, if you filter out the BS.
    Check the russian prison tats. They are shitty but they carry so much meaning. In fact, Some people actually tattooed stuff to seem more fearsome. Little did they know that everyone knows everyone in the prison and if word got out that you didn't commit the act you claim, well. They gonna get that tattoo off one way or another. Usually with a sharp piece of glass ;)

    It's a three part series I think. If you want I can find you the ISBN's. It's written by a guy that worked in the russian prisons and interviewed the criminals and took pictures of the tattoos.

    PS: I hope no company frowns upon tattoos and piercings. I know that the company i was working on had no issues with it. (Though i got mine while working there).
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    anoon wrote: »
    ...it is my observation that the upper earners and people with most responsibility typically don't have such adornments.

    Have you seen them naked? Just sayin'.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    8FtSpider wrote: »
    Have you seen them naked? Just sayin'.
    Word. You can't see mine if I decide to cover it up. Point being, I have a fullsleeve going out over parts of my chest, shoulder and back aka a pretty big one.

    You normally cover it up in official business situations. Hell. You can't even see it if I have a normal shirt on.
  • t4paN
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    t4paN polycounter lvl 10
    Man, I reckon it's about time I get that swasticka lazered.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    t4paN wrote: »
    Man, I reckon it's about time I get that swasticka lazered.
    Do it wussy! (Laser hurts as hell. More than getting tattooed.)
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer interpolator
    Smart people usually don't have tattos and piercings, just saying' too :D

    Here, if you go with a piercing to an interview for a good job, you don't pass, as simple as that. It also depends of the company of course, but generally, some of my friends needed to "remove" the visible piercings for the interview, they passed, they put them again, and they only worked for some months. haha they didn't like jungle indians!

    It's like a sign of very low class, poor image, sign of a delinquent brat, bad people, primitive, something very pejorative, etc. It gives you very bad image, that's all, people don't think good about it.

    Executives say: -There are too many "artists", so we can contract anyone else to do the work-. No one is indispensable, we are numbers on a paper.

    Just be serious and give good image. If you have your nose, mouth or ears totally pierced, say bye bye XD. If not, a small piercing on the eyebrow should not be a problem, but for the interview remove it...
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    Ha...Any Studio that uses that logic is Doomed....

    Tom:" He need to let people go...who should we cut?"

    El Doucho: "Let's not worry about Artistic merit and skill, just round up all the guys with piercings and tattoos. They remind me too much of ethnic stereotypes that scare and arouse me. Plus they are stupid and poor."

    Tom:" Good point, El Doucho..I'm glad your the President instead of Coolsville!"
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 18
    lulz, since this is an international forum we might be seeing different cultural views. Tattoos have gotten pretty accepted in America. They were taboo about 20 years ago but everyone has them now; actors, actresses, models, sports figures, executives. Heck, all the fashionable people are wearing Don Ed Hardy clothing, he's a tattoo artist!

    Just don't get any tats above the neckline
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 15
    yeah i don't really see an issue here...except for the international thing like justin said... but i have piercings and tats, so yeah... i'm pro expression... so long as it's not too over the top like walking around with your prince edward for all to see... a company may or may not hire your ass for that one
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    I almost posted something about Blaizer being a complete douche, till I realized he's in spain and the culture there might be more strict overall on that sort of thing.

    I would never work at a studio that wouldn't let me look the way I wanted - obviously within reason.

    If a company rejects you simply because of having tattoos or piercings then it's most likely a company you wouldn't want to work for anyway.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    I have ink on my arms and head - hasn't kept me from finding work.
  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    Blaizer wrote: »
    Smart people usually don't have tattoos and piercings...

    Right. Which is why my wife and myself are graduate students with 4.0 GPA's.

    Has anyone else noticed the number of tattooed chefs on Food Network? It's like the only way you'll see a tattooed professional is on Food Network or Discovery.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 18
    lulz, we've only been doing it for about 5,000 years, you think everyone would be used to them by now :P
  • TheMadArtist
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    TheMadArtist polycounter lvl 12
    I think one thing people here should keep in mind is that the OP mentioned he is just getting out of school. Depending on his location, talent level, state of the industry, etc, he might not be able to get a job at some kick ass game studio that allows that right away. I know plenty of people that their first job out of school was doing 3d for oil and gas companies, architectural places, etc to get their foot in the door doing 3d at a professional level before they were able to move into the game field. A lot of those places aren't quite so laid back. I work for a company that does serious games and simulation work for the military, law enforcement, etc on top of arcade stuff and due to the nature of our clients, owners, etc, they certainly wouldn't hire someone that came in with a lot of ink or piercings.

    With all due respect, it's nice to say "Well if they won't let you be you then it's not a place you want to be at anyways" but that's certainly not realistic all the time, especially with the state of the industry and how hard it is to break into it. Yes, most game studios would be ok with it, but just keep in mind that you're first job out of school doing 3d might not be in that field just yet.
  • kolbyjukes
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    kolbyjukes polycounter lvl 18
    yeah, in North America, tats/piercings shouldn't be a problem in the game or FX industry. Every company I visit or conference I go to I meet tons of people with sleeves and other visible tats. Can't really speak for how it is in Europe, Asia, etc.

    I've worked in some pretty conservative markets, for some pretty conservative clients, and it's never been an issue. There's always a least a dozen people that have pierced faces, pink mohawks, visible ink or make-up'd emo/goth look. Long as it doesn't impact the work, doesn't matter.

    If you're really paranoid about it, wear a long shirt or get some of that Kat Von D tattoo-coverup makeup.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 18
    wasn't a problem for me when I applied at a conservative newspaper for old people
  • TheMadArtist
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    TheMadArtist polycounter lvl 12
    Maybe it's just a Houston thing then *shrugs*
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer interpolator
    LOL, i just commented what happen here... i haven't got problems with tats or piercings. Some friends have tattoos (tribal), piercings and weirdo haircuts, and there's no problem. But for jobs, they ask for serious people with good image, give or take, it's simple.

    In USA are also as strict as in Spain or Europe, no doubt. If you want to work in a serious company, a good one, don't pretend to be the only one with tattoos and piercings, just find "your kind of company" and that's all. There are too many companies that ignores small piercings like the ones for earrings.

    And don't think you are more "cool" if your have piercings or tattoos :D
    Because you are copying this kind of person:

    If you go to a job interview with that look... turn off, close, and let's go out! hahahaha

    There are too many great artists out there, the majority unknown, companies or studios are not doomed if they ask for a common kind of worker they can find elsewhere. People with piercings and tattoos are a minority, or not?

    Is so hard to give a good impression? subculture things like piercings and tattoos are not very compatible with work. They don't see you with good eyes.
    lulz, we've only been doing it for about 5,000 years, you think everyone would be used to them by now :P

    we? 5000 years? in occident, only women had small piercings for the earrings (boys didn't use to have earrings). All this is like new, like a fashion of these days, a bad one imho, and not common years ago. When i was a child, it didn't exist :D.

    Yeah, time to go back to the Cro Magnon era... infections and allergic reactions XDDD
  • Mark Dygert
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    1st off wow... lil racist there Blaizer?

    2nd, he was talking about tatoos not piercings.

    3rd, good companies (like good people) don't discriminate based on looks...
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 15
    TheMadArtist: there's some serious game companies out this way, and i can see your point... but i'm curious though... do they bring in the clients for walkthroughs of the facility on a regular basis? if not, then it's more of a personal matter with the superiors... which is really no different than dress code ethics in the work environment... someone doing marketing or insurance calls sitting in a cubicle all day would still be asked to wear khaki's and a button down shirt 4 out of 5 days a week even though no one would see them except for their boss and co workers... it's all so silly imo but it can unfortunately be a real deal breaker for some people.
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer interpolator
    Ups, Piercings were commented in the thread Vig... and i'm not being a lil racist, you talked so fast.

    That's a photo taken from the internet, showing the origin of that fashion, that's all. If you have piercings and you don't like to be compared, then you have the problem, not me.

    BTW, i have piercings.

    EDIT: "good companies (like good people) don't discriminate based on looks..."
    That's not the reality, you CAN'T go to work with a bad look, and less looking like someone primitive.
  • Mark Dygert
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    Blaizer wrote: »
    Ups, Piercings were commented in the thread Vig... and i'm not being a lil racist, you talked so fast.

    That's a photo taken from the internet, showing the origin of that fashion, that's all. If you have piercings and you don't like to be compared, then you have the problem, not me.

    BTW, i have piercings.

    EDIT: "good companies (like good people) don't discriminate based on looks..."
    That's not the reality.
    Well the person you quoted and the discussion directly leading up to it was about ink not piercings.

    Keep in mind we are NOT talking about accountants or bank teller positions but creative jobs in a young and progressive industry which the majority of studios (correct me if I'm wrong) are in America.

    Any company within that industry that is concerned with how someone looks rather than how that person behaves or does their job is a company going no where, they're going to pass up a lot of talent.

    If there was a poll, I bet the majority of workers in the industry would have some kind of body mod and the "freaks" would be the clean canvas folks. I think you might be confusing "selling lingerie to rich people" with working in a creative industry.

    Now obviously you're in another part of the world but I see a lot of professionals say its no big deal and since that has been my experience and I work at one of the most conversation companies in the industry I we know what we are talking about.

    Personally I see your view on the subject as throwback to the 1950's...
  • Xaltar
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    Xaltar polycounter lvl 17
    dress code I can understand. It ensures everyone is on the same level, at least visibly. I went to a school that had a uniform and much as it sucked having to put on a tie and blazer etc every day it did help to hide who came from what poverty bracket. When everyone is dressed the same it goes a small way toward everyone beeing treated the same. At least it gave the poor kids a shot at being popular. It sounds like total BS but I have seen it first hand. As for tatts, I think that so long as you are clean, have a professional attitude and don't sound like a retard it really shouldn't effect you being hired. Note, I said shouldn't, some people still won't like it but as has been said, you probably wouldn't like to work with people like that anyway.

    I have tatts, long hair and ear rings but I keep my beard trim and hair clean and I have never had an issue getting jobs.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 18
    Blaizer wrote: »
    In USA are also as strict as in Spain or Europe, no doubt.

    You are making assumptions. I know from friends that Italians view tattoos as dirty and will treat you very poorly if you have any showing. Maybe Spain has similar views on them?

    saw this on the internets:
    "The market demographics for tattoo services are now skewed heavily toward mainstream customers. Tattooing today is the sixth-fastest-growing retail business in the United States. The single fastest growing demographic group seeking tattoo services is, to the surprise of many, middle-class suburban women."
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer interpolator
    It may be difference of culture, but here, creative or artistic positions are not related to people with tattoos or piercings.

    It's very difficult to see someone with piercings or tattoos, is considered as something ugly and bad. The few ones only have very small tattoos painted (back, legs). Some women put a small piercing/jewel in the navel and that's all.
  • JohnnyRaptor
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    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
    Iv worked in a large, if not largest game studio in spain where they've chiefed up in the office durring work hours. i hope this settles the us / europe differences? also in the same studio wer people with tats and piercings(even if its not mentioned by OP). sheesh!
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 18
    this argument is moot anyways, learn to speak chinese
  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    You are making assumptions. I know from friends that Italians view tattoos as dirty and will treat you very poorly if you have any showing. Maybe Spain has similar views on them?

    saw this on the internets:
    "The market demographics for tattoo services are now skewed heavily toward mainstream customers. Tattooing today is the sixth-fastest-growing retail business in the United States. The single fastest growing demographic group seeking tattoo services is, to the surprise of many, middle-class suburban women."

    hot milfs with lower back tats?

    Wow Blazier your country sounds pretty backwards man.
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