The problem is, you dont have many spells till you are at the end of your trees, so you will always spam the same spells at lower levels. ive tried all the characters, and it just seems to be how it is. at least, on hardcore mode it is, cause i go for the skills that keep me alive (passive). but i do have a few others that help. and the spells you find along the way are good too. get a charm spell if you can. charming the big ogre guys is awsome, they take out entire packs of guys.
and if any developers are reading this could you please impliment a v-sync feature please? the screen tearing is minimal on my comp but still a bit annoying.
Honestly can't wait to dig into the modding side though, be some good practice to create some more props / environment pieces, see what can come out of it.
After all the good things I've been hearing about Torchlight, and the fact that I love this type of game I'll definitely pick it up soon. I'm trying really hard to resist until the Unearthly Challenge is over though.
Man, I just hit lvl 15 and got Ember Lance. Wow. If this were an online game, everyone that didn't play an Alchemist would be crying for Ember Lance to be nerfed.
I don't think I'll be dying again any time soon. Definitely worth persevering until Ember Lance levels the playing field. Awesome.
Only problem is, now I'm going to get even less done.
I have 3 pieces of a 5 piece set. I'm determined to complete it (although if D2 was any indication, one of those pieces will be the hardest to get, and be the most useless).
I have 3 pieces of a 5 piece set. I'm determined to complete it (although if D2 was any indication, one of those pieces will be the hardest to get, and be the most useless).
One of my favorite things about the game so far is that decent-looking armor is available sooner rather than later. In games where armor sets can look potentially awesome, it really pisses me off having to walk around in rags and horribly-mismatched gear until end game scenarios. I'm really digging how my character looks, and I've not even been playing for long. Definitely a good move by the guys at Runic.
Oh, and I don't think this has been posted yet (though I could be mistaken - if so, sorry), here's a pretty cool article on the art of Torchlight over at Gamasutra:
I don't see how Alchemists can use anything BUT that Ember Lance / Iron Man chest beam thing. Everything else is way too weak. Plus, the sound of it and the sight of all those numbers popping out is really satisfying.
I don't see how Alchemists can use anything BUT that Ember Lance / Iron Man chest beam thing. Everything else is way too weak. Plus, the sound of it and the sight of all those numbers popping out is really satisfying.
Yeah, totally. I went into the Tu'Tara Caverns without Ember Lance, and got my ass righteously kicked from the outset - I was literally dying at each and every group of mobs. Having descended three levels within the Caverns so far, I'd be so fucked without it. I almost rerolled a Destroyer because of the lack of any real punch prior to choosing Ember Lance, but I'm glad I stuck with it.
I've only been playing on normal and while ember lance does seem to be broken, wait till you get the next spell. aoe fire. combined with ember lance you just rip through mobs so fast. havn't got the lvl 25 spell yet though. only at lvl 22 with my alchamist.
It's cool, even tho I have no clue what I am doing (never been a hacknslash player) I find it rather easy to dive in even for a noob. And the art style is very engaging, very smartly done. What a nice package!
I think the difficulty scales pretty well on Very Hard. Initially, after I hit lvl 15, I thought I'd breeze through the rest of the game but I'm still dying occasionally, and I'm using a lot of mana potions, especially on the troll mini-bosses in the Molten Prison.
Im only playing on very hard, hardcore mode... i tried a regular player, and i found it took away some of the heart wrenching moments, cause there really isnt any risk to it. lol. i think lvl 12 is my furthest. ive gotten there a few times and keep making bad mistakes.
Seems like people are finishing the campaign pretty quickly. What level can you expect to reach before completing it?
I did it at around level 36 on normal but I've also been doing all the extra quests by that guy in the south (near the waypoint portal) plus I did some random level scrolls too~
now I retired my vanquisher and rerolled to a destroyer on very hard.
I spent a load of gold enchanting a ring into some uber ring with a crapload of stats in preparation of making it an heirloom and then it ended up losing all its enchantments I guess there is a limit to the number of enchantments you can do on 1 item, or the chances of losing all stats increases with the number of enchantments.
Either one will make sense, still makes me sad
I did it at around level 36 on normal but I've also been doing all the extra quests by that guy in the south (near the waypoint portal) plus I did some random level scrolls too
Yeah, I've been doing all the portal quests too, and I just hit lvl 19 and the second level of the Molten Prison. Does the experience points system remain the same regardless of difficulty level?
I did it at around level 36 on normal but I've also been doing all the extra quests by that guy in the south (near the waypoint portal) plus I did some random level scrolls too~
now I retired my vanquisher and rerolled to a destroyer on very hard.
I spent a load of gold enchanting a ring into some uber ring with a crapload of stats in preparation of making it an heirloom and then it ended up losing all its enchantments I guess there is a limit to the number of enchantments you can do on 1 item, or the chances of losing all stats increases with the number of enchantments.
Either one will make sense, still makes me sad
6% Chance you will lose all your stats from the vendor, and 2% from the Enchantment shrines (read it on the official forums after I lost my 700+ DPS Cannon).
I know it's a pipe dream, but rather than an MMO, I would very gladly pay another $20 to have 4 player co-op multi-player.
Sorry for delay in the editor everyone, all attention got shifted over to the critical and annoying bugs that were found and the editor was pushed back a little.
Its on the way, getting documentation and max files ready and we'll get it out as soon as we can. Which really should be soon but being an artist i can't put a date on it
Hey Za, what did you do on this game? you said you`re an art guy, so modelling, or animation?
i think the only thing that bugs me about this game is that enchanting is the way to get the best gear. at least, so far. there might be amazing gear that no one has found yet (extremely rare drop rate). but ya, seems like enchanting is the way to go. looks like they are changing that in the next patch. at least, changing some of the enchanting.
Hey Za, what did you do on this game? you said you`re an art guy, so modelling, or animation?
I'm a generalist/jack of all trades artist so I get to have a hand in alot of things.
What I do on a weekly basis can shift depending on need,but a few quick examples The spider and Goblinhound models and textures
Spent a good amount of time on weapon fixes/critiques/integration/icon creation.
Towards the end helped out here and there on 2ndary animations,level creation and whatever else needed a little more help.
i agree on the enchanting thingy
oh latest editor news
"We're attempting to get the Editor out this coming Friday or the following Monday. It really depends on how much time we get this week. Right now we're writing up some documentation, examples and hopefully solving any issues people might have with the single player game"
which probably means Monday since Friday launches are usually a bad idea.
"We're attempting to get the Editor out this coming Friday or the following Monday. It really depends on how much time we get this week. Right now we're writing up some documentation, examples and hopefully solving any issues people might have with the single player game"
which probably means Monday since Friday launches are usually a bad idea.
This is great. really want to start doing more environment work. Kind of intimidating these days with all the crazy normal mapping and spec work that needs to be done. will be fun to be able to just jump and do some low poly modeling and straight texturing.
Will the Blender crowd be able to take advantage of Torchlight? I'm not expecting official support. But I do know that Torchlight uses the Ogre3D engine for its rendering. Will any model converted to work with Ogre3D work with Torchlight? Blender already has the necessary tools for exporting models and converting them for use in Ogre3D.
Okay, so I just reached the Dwarf fortress, and I'm dying. A lot. As for my remarks earlier in the thread about the whole not dying anymore thing, I'd have to eat a whole damn hat store to convey how much I'm getting owned. Still fun, but man, boss encounters are seriously kicking my ass. The Trollmaster and Krag in the Molten Prison took me about twwnty minutes and untold deaths (plus two trips to town to restock my potions) to finish. All my gold is going towards mana pots, and I can forget about affording enchantments that actually do anything.
My typical fight combo (as an Alchemist) usually begins with Frost Bolt 2 to slow the mobs down, followed by concentrated Ember Lance 5, and maybe Flaming Sword 1 if there's a larger mob like a troll in the mix. I either end up having to run around endlessly to avoid taking a beating, or dying, or using two huge mana pots just to stay in the fight.
Any suggested builds for Alchemists at level 20? I've got three points in critical strikes, five in Ember Lance, and a few others here and there, including two in Armor Specialization. Shame there's no Armory feature, so I could link my profile....I might post specific build details later, but if any other Alchies can offer any survivability tips or suggested builds, I'd appreciate it.
One of the best (and cheapest!yay!) games I´ve played in a looong time. Half the company is playing it here at lunch The other half is playing Borderlands...GANG FIGHT!
danshewan, I have a similar build to you, and I breezed through the dwarf fortress without a prob on very hard.
Don't forget that Ember Lance scales with your magical damage, so find a really powerful staff to equip to make it stronger, and boost magical weapon expertise for extra damage (I have it at 10, along with 10 in critical strike, my Ember Lance is criting all over the place).
For some extra help, find an item with a knockback bonus, as it'll affect Ember Lance. I have a +15 to knockback ring, and no baddies can get close to me cause I push them back so much, even bosses. Sometimes I actually have to run after them cause I keep pushing them off screen.
huh, gonna have to re-try as an alchemist. Those fights were pretty easy (on hard difficulty) as a vanquisher. Built her toward offence specifically with some D to back it up.
I suggest Bal's advice on general principle though, as my weaponry for the Vanquisher is built the same way. Knockback, Health Drain, and high ROF, although my knockback doesn't quite do what Bal's does.. the DPS tends to kill them first.
Edit: YOu may want to download and install the respec potion mod. Its nice to have as an option to fix poor speculation on a first run character, or just to play with.
looking forward to making some little weapons and stuff for this game, do we have to go by those instructions and use blender? is there no way to just export from max and import into the editor? I guess we will know when its out.
I can point you in the right direction
Hope this helps.
Sweet, thanks!!!
Around 4am, I realised I was mistaken.
I'm operating on coffee.
Man, tell me about it. If my personal productivity for the last 24 hours were graphed right about now, it'd look like this:
Instead, my alchemist looks like this (level 12):
i'm trying to limit myself to 30 mins to 1 hour play sessions just to avoid this same thing.
Honestly can't wait to dig into the modding side though, be some good practice to create some more props / environment pieces, see what can come out of it.
I noticed they made a character after FLUX.
I knew him back when he was the mod over at
Gah, 9 hours in, and im level 22.
I knew this game was gonna be crack.
It would be about 100x better if it had multiplayer. Are there any plans to ever get that going?
the single player game is to get people into the world/game for when they release the mmo (next year i think)
they explain it all on the website, and in the viddocs and just about everywhere else on the internets;)
i haven't seen anything to suggest that the gameplay would be any different though.
I don't think I'll be dying again any time soon. Definitely worth persevering until Ember Lance levels the playing field. Awesome.
Only problem is, now I'm going to get even less done.
I have 3 pieces of a 5 piece set. I'm determined to complete it (although if D2 was any indication, one of those pieces will be the hardest to get, and be the most useless).
One of my favorite things about the game so far is that decent-looking armor is available sooner rather than later. In games where armor sets can look potentially awesome, it really pisses me off having to walk around in rags and horribly-mismatched gear until end game scenarios. I'm really digging how my character looks, and I've not even been playing for long. Definitely a good move by the guys at Runic.
Oh, and I don't think this has been posted yet (though I could be mistaken - if so, sorry), here's a pretty cool article on the art of Torchlight over at Gamasutra:
Yeah, totally. I went into the Tu'Tara Caverns without Ember Lance, and got my ass righteously kicked from the outset - I was literally dying at each and every group of mobs. Having descended three levels within the Caverns so far, I'd be so fucked without it. I almost rerolled a Destroyer because of the lack of any real punch prior to choosing Ember Lance, but I'm glad I stuck with it.
I dragged a spell from the shop into my spell icon, and learned the spell without having to pay for it.
Finished the Story Mode, Now onto the infinte dungeon mode.
I did it at around level 36 on normal but I've also been doing all the extra quests by that guy in the south (near the waypoint portal) plus I did some random level scrolls too~
now I retired my vanquisher and rerolled to a destroyer on very hard.
I spent a load of gold enchanting a ring into some uber ring with a crapload of stats in preparation of making it an heirloom and then it ended up losing all its enchantments
Either one will make sense, still makes me sad
Yeah, I've been doing all the portal quests too, and I just hit lvl 19 and the second level of the Molten Prison. Does the experience points system remain the same regardless of difficulty level?
I am waiting for the patch, which seemingly fixes model loading for mods.
Then to wait for the editor, oh my.
6% Chance you will lose all your stats from the vendor, and 2% from the Enchantment shrines (read it on the official forums after I lost my 700+ DPS Cannon).
I know it's a pipe dream, but rather than an MMO, I would very gladly pay another $20 to have 4 player co-op multi-player.
Sorry for delay in the editor everyone, all attention got shifted over to the critical and annoying bugs that were found and the editor was pushed back a little.
Its on the way, getting documentation and max files ready and we'll get it out as soon as we can. Which really should be soon but being an artist i can't put a date on it
i think the only thing that bugs me about this game is that enchanting is the way to get the best gear. at least, so far. there might be amazing gear that no one has found yet (extremely rare drop rate). but ya, seems like enchanting is the way to go. looks like they are changing that in the next patch. at least, changing some of the enchanting.
I'm a generalist/jack of all trades artist so I get to have a hand in alot of things.
What I do on a weekly basis can shift depending on need,but a few quick examples
Spent a good amount of time on weapon fixes/critiques/integration/icon creation.
Towards the end helped out here and there on 2ndary animations,level creation and whatever else needed a little more help.
i agree on the enchanting thingy
oh latest editor news
"We're attempting to get the Editor out this coming Friday or the following Monday. It really depends on how much time we get this week. Right now we're writing up some documentation, examples and hopefully solving any issues people might have with the single player game"
which probably means Monday since Friday launches are usually a bad idea.
This is great. really want to start doing more environment work. Kind of intimidating these days with all the crazy normal mapping and spec work that needs to be done. will be fun to be able to just jump and do some low poly modeling and straight texturing.
Kick ass! I'm kind of waiting for the retail release of Torchlight, but I'm definitely going to pick up a copy.
My typical fight combo (as an Alchemist) usually begins with Frost Bolt 2 to slow the mobs down, followed by concentrated Ember Lance 5, and maybe Flaming Sword 1 if there's a larger mob like a troll in the mix. I either end up having to run around endlessly to avoid taking a beating, or dying, or using two huge mana pots just to stay in the fight.
Any suggested builds for Alchemists at level 20? I've got three points in critical strikes, five in Ember Lance, and a few others here and there, including two in Armor Specialization. Shame there's no Armory feature, so I could link my profile....I might post specific build details later, but if any other Alchies can offer any survivability tips or suggested builds, I'd appreciate it.
Don't forget that Ember Lance scales with your magical damage, so find a really powerful staff to equip to make it stronger, and boost magical weapon expertise for extra damage (I have it at 10, along with 10 in critical strike, my Ember Lance is criting all over the place).
For some extra help, find an item with a knockback bonus, as it'll affect Ember Lance. I have a +15 to knockback ring, and no baddies can get close to me cause I push them back so much, even bosses. Sometimes I actually have to run after them cause I keep pushing them off screen.
I suggest Bal's advice on general principle though, as my weaponry for the Vanquisher is built the same way. Knockback, Health Drain, and high ROF, although my knockback doesn't quite do what Bal's does.. the DPS tends to kill them first.
Edit: YOu may want to download and install the respec potion mod.
But I'll assume that there is a wide variety of ogre exporters out there, for different applications.
But, Torchlight will be releasing there official exporters when the engine is released.
Runic uses 3ds max, so not to worry.