"I'm curious, anyone have any idea what sort of textures will be supported for the torchlight editor? Do the torchlight game models use straight diffuse?"
We save things off as .png then convert them to .dds
Typical texture sizes for props,weapons are 64x64,128x256,256x256 if its a small item it gets a small texture.
Most objects,models are using straight diffuse.
Polycounts are all as low as they can be.
Simple objects can run from 40-150.
example bucket=98 polies
Weapons can go up to 200ish depending on complexity.
But a sword example is 134 polies
Characters and armor set 2000ish
its really just trying to keep things as low as possible so you can get more on the screen and be able to run on more machines.
Zazerzs: Thank you so much! And yes, that answers all my questions, except one, but I think I can guess the answer. Character models, do they use 512x512 resolution?
Anyways, congrats Relic dudes on what I'm sure will be an awesome game.
Yup, I think I'm going to have my own character to put in the editor by its release. (As long as I get started soon )
-Our textures for playable character wardrobe is 256x256 in game...working from 512's.
-Creatures tend to be 256x256 to 512x512 depending upon their size. Bosses might get 2 512x512's.
-Props range from 64x64 to 512x512. Tileset pieces generally have numerous 512x512s. โ
โOfficial Forums
Polygon count information
Runic Games reveals their rough approximate poly count for their assets.
โ Our rough poly counts by asset:
- playable characters = 1600-1800
- creatures = 600-1800
- creeps/critters = 40-120
- weapons = 100-280
- props = 60-3000 depending upon the scope. The main thing is maintaining a consistent poly density. A pickaxe might be 60, a centerpiece sculpture could be 3000. Our individual tileset pieces also range greatly...from a 2 poly floor to a 400 poly section.
It doesn't exactly answer your question, but if I had to guess 2,000 tri's including the armor, ("fully playable character", or "Characters AND Armor set")
Character models, do they use 512x512 resolution? nope 256x256 for in game, work in whatever size you like (512,1024) but when saving out for game reduce it to 256.
keep in mind that a fully armored character contains texture pages for helmets (128x128 )and shoulders (128x128 )as well as their wardrobe texture of 256x256.
take a look at the layout of the attached image for what the texture layout for the characters wardrobe is like.minus the stuff on the side, those are props
oh, attached image not in correct scale, gamewise, its a promo piece
"By this, do you mean that the character is 2000 tris when fully armored?
Or is the base character 2000 tris, and the armor set adds another 2000?"
yo.. so Ive been lazy and haven't been here for awhile. But I'm back and I will try to answer any questions people have about characters and stuff that I can since Im working here now post Mythic.
Dont be angry with us Kill this studio is pretty awesome I swear.
Hey, was this the game that was like to the side of garage games in that alley near the turtle van? Wasn't a big booth, kinda long, but that game grabbed me instantly. If not, apologies. If so, hmmm!
I assume you're talking about PAX? No that wasn't Torchlight, but i can see why you mistook it, the style is somewhat similar. I believe that game was called Death Spank. Torchlight was actually in a smaller booth immediately to the right of the front entrance of the Capcom booth.
This is the first time ive come across this - love the look of the game, looks like it plays really arcadey too which is going to be awesome, id love to play this co-op !!!!
Even though i cant stand the cartoon WOW style graphics(I hate WoW), this game actually looks better than Diablo 3, which imo has really stiff animations and gameplay. Cool looking game!
Looks like an awesome game. How does one share their mod creations though? I can't seem to find out. Would I just be modding for me, or is there a way to get it to the masses?
EDIT: I'm trying to find this out too... I heard they are releasing a multiplayer element to the game. Is this a separate purchase or free, or for people who bought the first one or what? Anyone know?
Sorry, I haven't read this entire thread (no time). Can someone give me the gist on 'mods' for this game? Full gameplay mods? TC's? Or is it more scripting, item, and clothing mods? (Trainers?)
I just read on their website they'll be releasing the editor for free soon as a standalone app. This should getting people going who are waiting to get started on it before the release and also give some people who are chomping at the bit something to decide by. I pre-ordered mine today on Steam
I think I'll play around with the editor, looks like a fun engine to make models for too ;o Hopefully importing stuff into the editor is simple, unlike source stuff -.-
Sorry, I haven't read this entire thread (no time). Can someone give me the gist on 'mods' for this game? Full gameplay mods? TC's? Or is it more scripting, item, and clothing mods? (Trainers?)
The game will ship with the same exact editor we used to make the game, so depending on time and talent you could mod everything.
But something more simple : you can make new rooms for existing tile-sets that come with the game and add them so they randomly come up.
adding weapons ,props and static meshes if you know 3Dmax, and how to texture (we export out of 3Dmax, not sure if you can from another 3d package)
add new spell effects,triggered events,quest lines,weapon properties ect
there are also plans to get the raw maxfiles out so new animations can be created for the current characters, not sure to the extent of how many but the 3 main characters at least.
ah heres a quote from Travis
travisbaldree wrote:The reason the editor download will be separate is because the editor download will actually probably be bigger than the game.
We're going to include the raw textures and data files for you to play with ( pngs instead of DDSes, I think ), as well as max files with rigs and models, and tileset templates. So it'll actually be larger - and asking players uninterested in level editing to download that is a lot to swallow.
So the download size for the game will be in the 340'ish range, I think, and I'm betting the Level Editor package will be more like >400.
adding weapons ,props and static meshes if you know 3Dmax, and how to texture (we export out of 3Dmax, not sure if you can from another 3d package)
If you guys are still using Ogre for your rendering engine (which I think is totally Awesome btw). They have exporters on the Ogre site for other 3d packages.
We're going to include the raw textures and data files for you to play with ( pngs instead of DDSes, I think ), as well as max files with rigs and models, and tileset templates. So it'll actually be larger - and asking players uninterested in level editing to download that is a lot to swallow.
So the download size for the game will be in the 340'ish range, I think, and I'm betting the Level Editor package will be more like >400.
Wow, that's awesome. I am really looking forward to this.
just been playing 45 mins, its good, Im a lvl 4 destroyer(barbarian) and its good fun especially with the magic shadow armour which looks awesome.
I expected this to be a bit like diablo 3 but its really close, I mean it even has identify and town portal scrolls just like diablo 2, not complaining tho, just surprised how very familiar it all is.
I just watch the Dev Diary vids... Is that someone browsing through Polycount in those vids (from 1min in the first vid, it happens in the second vid as well)? Haha! Mad props if it is.
I've just picked it up on Steam and download as we speak. Looking forward to giving this a go.
This is looking really amazing. Loved the interview on Gamasutra, love the open editor. If I can get an extra $20, will definitely pick it up. Kudos to the devs! edit... okay, I bought it.
Played it for about 2 hours so far, I really like the look of it (it looks better when you play in it than when you watch videos of it ) I picked the vanquisher, it feels really cool spamming that bouncy arrow skill
I'm sad that theres no customizable hotkeys I hate 1-0 hotkeys (well, 1-4 is ok, but 5-0 its not so good - same with F1-F12)
And "I" and "P" are terrible. They make logical sense of course but I dont use hotkeys "logically", I mean I just remember the direction to place my fingers from the default "WASD" position. So Q isnt really Q, its 1-key-up-for-ring-finger
Luckily theres not that many hotkeys needed at the start, so I've literally bound every status/skills/inventory pages keys on my mouse using logitech setpoint/uberoptions.
But later on I'll assume I'd get more spells and thats when I'll whine more about the hotkeys
Oh and the constant identifying of loot is annoying, I know diablo 2 had it and it was annoying in that too I know it kinda increases the whole mysterious dungeon loot aspect of things, but identifying is so simple and those identifying scrolls are so cheap and easy to buy loads of, that it defeats the whole "mysteriousness" and it just forces you to waste inventory space, time identifying stuff and a hotkey for the identifying scroll (which you'd need considering how often you need to identify stuff!)
Other than that I'm enjoying it alot, great work runic!
OH NO figured out item dup bug. Go to shop, pick up item you can buy (like portal scroll, doesn't matter long as cheap), drop it over item in your inventory you want to dup, and the thing you had just picked up (scroll for example) will be transformed into that item in your hands and still in your inventory.
runic games are going to release an MMO version of this game later on. For now I bought this game to hear more of Matts music and as expected, its totally awesome. Not to mention the animation and style are mint, this game almost makes forget theres a diablo 3 coming....almost*
holy crap this game is awesome. just tried the demo and it was way better than what I went in expecting. I'm still sad there's no MP but the game doesn't even look like it was built with MP in mind, it's a very fine tuned sp experience from what I played in the demo. definitely going to have to pick it up.
though I will hope their next game is as good *and* multiplayer. a game like this is a shame not being able to run around killing shit in dungeons with friends
I so want to play this but fear it would end up devouring time that I use for work on personal artistic growth. What is the playtime for a full run through of the game on one difficulty level? Anyone know that information yet?
However, if anyone can shine some more light on the subject (polycounts, texture resolutions, etc.) I would love to hear about it!
We save things off as .png then convert them to .dds
Typical texture sizes for props,weapons are 64x64,128x256,256x256 if its a small item it gets a small texture.
Most objects,models are using straight diffuse.
Polycounts are all as low as they can be.
Simple objects can run from 40-150.
example bucket=98 polies
Weapons can go up to 200ish depending on complexity.
But a sword example is 134 polies
Characters and armor set 2000ish
its really just trying to keep things as low as possible so you can get more on the screen and be able to run on more machines.
hope that helps.
Anyways, congrats Relic dudes on what I'm sure will be an awesome game.
Yup, I think I'm going to have my own character to put in the editor by its release. (As long as I get started soon
Thanks again!
By this, do you mean that the character is 2000 tris when fully armored?
Or is the base character 2000 tris, and the armor set adds another 2000?
Just wondering about that, since I'm eyeballing this game as well for its moddability. :poly142:
This Wiki has some more answers:
But here is a quote from the wiki:
It doesn't exactly answer your question, but if I had to guess 2,000 tri's including the armor, ("fully playable character", or "Characters AND Armor set")
Character models, do they use 512x512 resolution? nope 256x256 for in game, work in whatever size you like (512,1024) but when saving out for game reduce it to 256.
keep in mind that a fully armored character contains texture pages for helmets (128x128 )and shoulders (128x128 )as well as their wardrobe texture of 256x256.
take a look at the layout of the attached image for what the texture layout for the characters wardrobe is like.minus the stuff on the side, those are props
oh, attached image not in correct scale, gamewise, its a promo piece
"By this, do you mean that the character is 2000 tris when fully armored?
Or is the base character 2000 tris, and the armor set adds another 2000?"
Character+armor pieces = 2000 ish
Dont be angry with us Kill this studio is pretty awesome I swear.
So yeah let em fly if you got em.
I assume you're talking about PAX? No that wasn't Torchlight, but i can see why you mistook it, the style is somewhat similar. I believe that game was called Death Spank. Torchlight was actually in a smaller booth immediately to the right of the front entrance of the Capcom booth.
Sadly no COOP though from what I have read so far. Oh well I still want it!
Skiffy the Junkyard monster jumps up and down with excitement... and then falls over.
Matt Uelman interview
more about the editor this time.
Oh yeah, you can pre-order it from Steam now.
$17.99 what a deal
EDIT: I'm trying to find this out too... I heard they are releasing a multiplayer element to the game. Is this a separate purchase or free, or for people who bought the first one or what? Anyone know?
http://www.runicgamesfansite.com/ which has a mod section all ready to go http://www.runicgamesfansite.com/torchlightmods/
No multiplayer in Torchlight . .but there will be an upcoming MMO in about 18 mnths/ 2 years later.
The MMO will be a free to play, more info at http://www.torchlightgame.com/
this is what I've heard of.
The game will ship with the same exact editor we used to make the game, so depending on time and talent you could mod everything.
But something more simple : you can make new rooms for existing tile-sets that come with the game and add them so they randomly come up.
adding weapons ,props and static meshes if you know 3Dmax, and how to texture (we export out of 3Dmax, not sure if you can from another 3d package)
add new spell effects,triggered events,quest lines,weapon properties ect
there are also plans to get the raw maxfiles out so new animations can be created for the current characters, not sure to the extent of how many but the 3 main characters at least.
ah heres a quote from Travis
travisbaldree wrote:The reason the editor download will be separate is because the editor download will actually probably be bigger than the game.
We're going to include the raw textures and data files for you to play with ( pngs instead of DDSes, I think ), as well as max files with rigs and models, and tileset templates. So it'll actually be larger - and asking players uninterested in level editing to download that is a lot to swallow.
So the download size for the game will be in the 340'ish range, I think, and I'm betting the Level Editor package will be more like >400.
If you guys are still using Ogre for your rendering engine (which I think is totally Awesome btw). They have exporters on the Ogre site for other 3d packages.
I've already got a few ideas I'd like to develop into a small mod.
Wow, that's awesome. I am really looking forward to this.
Gonna have to mess with the editor when i've completed it.
going to have to wait a bit to play. lol
I expected this to be a bit like diablo 3 but its really close, I mean it even has identify and town portal scrolls just like diablo 2, not complaining tho, just surprised how very familiar it all is.
I've just picked it up on Steam and download as we speak. Looking forward to giving this a go.
I'm sad that theres no customizable hotkeys
And "I" and "P" are terrible. They make logical sense of course but I dont use hotkeys "logically", I mean I just remember the direction to place my fingers from the default "WASD" position. So Q isnt really Q, its 1-key-up-for-ring-finger
Luckily theres not that many hotkeys needed at the start, so I've literally bound every status/skills/inventory pages keys on my mouse using logitech setpoint/uberoptions.
But later on I'll assume I'd get more spells and thats when I'll whine more about the hotkeys
Oh and the constant identifying of loot is annoying, I know diablo 2 had it and it was annoying in that too
Other than that I'm enjoying it alot, great work runic!
Im really having a blast with this game, its just a shame theres no coop, could've been so much more fun with a friend or two
OH NO figured out item dup bug. Go to shop, pick up item you can buy (like portal scroll, doesn't matter long as cheap), drop it over item in your inventory you want to dup, and the thing you had just picked up (scroll for example) will be transformed into that item in your hands and still in your inventory.
Im very happy with this buy.
though I will hope their next game is as good *and* multiplayer. a game like this is a shame not being able to run around killing shit in dungeons with friends
either way - awesome! will buy!
holy crap I forgot about the editor!
Been playing it all this morning since i had a rain day from work. The environments are very cool. I just hit the second level/dungeon.
Can't wait for the editor either!