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Call of Duty MW2



  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Matabus wrote: »

    No one is shooting back at you, they are all running. Gross. Just my opinion.

    Okay, but when was the last time death of regular' 'enemies' in a videogame actually effected you?

    I mean ostensibly we're make believing ending the lives of innocent people with their own hopes and dreams and fantasies in EVERY game, whether they fell in with the wrong crowd or not.

    Dont you think making you care about the people -- in this case, civillians -- you're shooting is, in itself, a powerful message?

    Additionally, i mean, your character is shot and killed at the end, even though the rest of the team is brought on the escape. Is it because you, the player/character, had second thoughts, or weren't quite cold blooded enough to not feel uncomfortable?
    There's a layer of emotional impact and communication you cant get just by saying THESE ARE BAD DUDES in a cutscene.
  • Luxury
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    Luxury polycounter lvl 18
    SupRore wrote: »
    Okay, but when was the last time death of regular' 'enemies' in a videogame actually effected you?

    Shadow of the Colossus.
  • JDinges
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    JDinges polycounter lvl 18
    Wow, talk about a passionate debate. I can only imagine the field day that news organizations and politicians will have with this.

    Obviously my "bad taste" comment is based only from viewing that vid which is pulled out of context from the full experience of the game itself. Perhaps if it does add some emotional depth to the story it might be easier to swallow, but my gut reaction to that type of gameplay scenario is a turnoff.

    I will say that regardless of how I feel about this video I still have full intentions in playing MW2.

    Glib: didn't mean any disrespect by that, I was just being dramatic.
  • Sandbag
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    Sandbag polycounter lvl 18
    is it too easy to say you're not supposed to enjoy playing that part?

    They're obviously trying to shock the player; sounds like mission accomplished. Nothing more uncomfortable than something as detachable-from-reality as a video game making you feel like a terrible person.

    I'm not really into shock-factor art (usually the weapon of the unimaginative in art school), but it seems like a pretty effective way to establish how much you should hate these badguys.
  • Matabus
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    Matabus polycounter lvl 19
    Sandbag wrote: »
    I'm not really into shock-factor art (usually the weapon of the unimaginative in art school).

    Haha! I share that sentiment. I kinda feel like that is what is going on here.
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    I wonder what the survivors of Chernobyl, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki felt about the Nuke that went off in Modern Warfare.

    Then required you to play the last dying seconds before your heart flat-lined, to punctuate what they might have went through.

    That wasn't simple entertainment video games in the same vein of Double Dragon, and Pac Man.

    That was something completely different. It was an experience that struck a chord in a lot of people, making an experience that has a lasting impact on you.

    I think a lot of people still refuse to see video games as anything more than High Scores, and sinks for your quarters (neither of which are really around anymore).

    Games have evolved. Deal with it. The games your kids will be playing will be far more immersive.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    who say's you have to shoot anyone? if thats how you play it, that's how you play it. You could do the whole thing 'accidentally' missing every civilian in there
  • teaandcigarettes
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    teaandcigarettes polycounter lvl 12
    JacqueChoi wrote: »
    I wonder what the survivors of Chernobyl, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki felt about the Nuke that went off in Modern Warfare.

    Then required you to play the last dying seconds before your heart flat-lined, to punctuate what they might have went through.

    That wasn't simple entertainment video games in the same vein of Double Dragon, and Pac Man.

    That was something completely different. It was an experience that struck a chord in a lot of people, making an experience that has a lasting impact on you.

    I think a lot of people still refuse to see video games as anything more than High Scores, and sinks for your quarters (neither of which are really around anymore).

    Games have evolved. Deal with it. The games your kids will be playing will be far more immersive.

    I am afraid I didn't feel anything upon seeing it.
    The idea was good, but was terribly executed in my opinion.
    I know we are still limited by the current hardware, nevertheless it still looked like something straight out of a cheap action flick.

    I am all for immersive games. The possibilities that interactivity gives us are endless. But if games are going to mimic the cinema, then they should better do it right. This whole pursuit for the cinematographic gameplay simply doesn't work for me, mostly because the cinema set my standards much higher than what games can currently achieve.

    If developers want to create a truly immersive experience then they should try to find new methods of storytelling. But what's the most important thing - they should get their stuff together and get rid of all the clashes between content and gameplay. Even Bioshock, which was one of the very few games I actually enjoyed this gen, had plenty of moments when I was playing the game with a cheesy grin on my face. It's amazing, because the harder you try to create an immersive experience in video games, the more distracting are your mistakes. The last two levels completely ruined my experience with the game - yet, they wouldn't bother me if it wasn't trying so hard in the first place.

    I have to disagree with your last statement as well.
    Games have not evolved. They are trying to evolve.
    However, as long as this old-fashioned idea of "fun" remains their main purpose, I cannot see that happening.
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    im sorry this is may not about MW2 but might be related :


    Man causes hospital blackout, blames Silent Hill

    Amazingly, he was found not guilty in a trial last week as the court ruled Jan had "no idea of the true consequences of his deed." Jan claims that, during his warped state of mind, he believed that shutting off the hospital power would allow him to acquire a toothbrush as part of some convoluted Silent Hill puzzle.........

    wow ..... why why why ....
  • t4paN
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    t4paN polycounter lvl 10
    Meh, Americans bombing civilian Iraqis is ok, but shooting civilians as a russian in a videogame is in bad taste. Whatever, it's just a game with shitty multiplayer (discontinued dedicated server support). Who cares?
  • Junkie_XL
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    Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14
    t4paN wrote: »
    Meh, Americans bombing civilian Iraqis is ok, but shooting civilians as a russian in a videogame is in bad taste.

    This post is full of win. End thread.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
  • Matabus
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    Matabus polycounter lvl 19
    t4paN wrote: »
    Meh, Americans bombing civilian Iraqis is ok, but shooting civilians as a russian in a videogame is in bad taste. Whatever, it's just a game with shitty multiplayer (discontinued dedicated server support). Who cares?

    This is dumb. I am an American, I don't think Americans bombing Iraqi civilians is OK. Do you really think that all Americans are "OK" with bombing civilians?! Ignorance, man.
  • IEatApples
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    They got lots of people talking about it and got it into media, job well done IW.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    t4paN wrote: »
    Meh, Americans bombing civilian Iraqis is ok, but shooting civilians as a russian in a videogame is in bad taste. Whatever, it's just a game with shitty multiplayer (discontinued dedicated server support). Who cares?

    Ignoring the first part of this "colorful" statement and looking at the later half.

    Shitty multiplayer? WHAT? Really? Get over the pc dedicated server support thing. Jesus fucking christ none of you have even played it yet so you have no idea on how it runs or works. Have some god damn faith. Always bitching before shit even gets installed on your computer.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Matabus wrote: »
    This is dumb. I am an American, I don't think Americans bombing Iraqi civilians is OK. Do you really think that all Americans are "OK" with bombing civilians?! Ignorance, man.

    You get that the plot of mw1 was american marines going into a war based entirely on bad intel and a nuke leveling a city in an iraqlike nation, right?

    I think that's what he was getting at.
  • Guriamo
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    Guriamo polycounter lvl 17
    not to forget the bombing mission in MW1 with all the comments to it...
  • t4paN
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    t4paN polycounter lvl 10
    Ignoring the first part of this "colorful" statement and looking at the later half.

    Shitty multiplayer? WHAT? Really? Get over the pc dedicated server support thing. Jesus fucking christ none of you have even played it yet so you have no idea on how it runs or works. Have some god damn faith. Always bitching before shit even gets installed on your computer.

    Have you played any similar games on your computer? I have. I've played Gears of War, which was an excellent game in my opinion, but the worthless p2p connectivity completely killed it for me. It's exactly the same scheme here.

    What makes you think this is going to be any better? Do you really think your or mine or anybody else's home cable or dsl line is going to support 32 players in one map? Or not go through all that host advantage bullshit all over again?

    Do you really not get that this is the only way to kill the modding community in order to sell only paid-for DLC thus forcing yuo to pay for every map pack they put out there or you're left with a game that you can't play with anyone?

    Please, don't be naive. I've got faith when Valve says "we're making L4D2 and it's gonna rock but we'll still support the original L4D" I don't have any faith at all at IW's console-oriented community manager who says they're doing it for our personal benefit. And I most certainly (and justifiably so) don't have any faith in Bobby Kotick.
    Guriamo wrote: »
    not to forget the bombing mission in MW1 with all the comments to it...

    Yeah, that too.
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    I am afraid I didn't feel anything upon seeing it.
    The idea was good, but was terribly executed in my opinion.
    I know we are still limited by the current hardware, nevertheless it still looked like something straight out of a cheap action flick.

    I am all for immersive games. The possibilities that interactivity gives us are endless. But if games are going to mimic the cinema, then they should better do it right. This whole pursuit for the cinematographic gameplay simply doesn't work for me, mostly because the cinema set my standards much higher than what games can currently achieve.

    If developers want to create a truly immersive experience then they should try to find new methods of storytelling. But what's the most important thing - they should get their stuff together and get rid of all the clashes between content and gameplay. Even Bioshock, which was one of the very few games I actually enjoyed this gen, had plenty of moments when I was playing the game with a cheesy grin on my face. It's amazing, because the harder you try to create an immersive experience in video games, the more distracting are your mistakes. The last two levels completely ruined my experience with the game - yet, they wouldn't bother me if it wasn't trying so hard in the first place.

    I have to disagree with your last statement as well.
    Games have not evolved. They are trying to evolve.
    However, as long as this old-fashioned idea of "fun" remains their main purpose, I cannot see that happening.

    Maybe it's a difference of interpretation. In my mind it was very effective.

    The game also stands as one of the highest rated games of all time, winner of IAAS Game Of The Year, and is sitting around 13 million sales.

    I don't think it would have garnered that level of success or acclaim if everyone felt it was as cheesy as you did.

    And sorry, but coin op arcades are long dead, so are the quarter-sink related gameplay that gives you 3 lives and is merely designed to suck your quarters. It's already evolved long past that, and is trying to evolve into something new.

    I agree though, about evolving past 'fun'. Games really need to push the envelope in terms of being a cathartic experience. Maybe "Shock value" is maybe one of the ways to push that envelope, but I can tell you there aren't many things left in cinema that shock me anymore.
  • 00Zero
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    Have you played any similar games on your computer? I have. I've played Gears of War, which was an excellent game in my opinion, but the worthless p2p connectivity completely killed it for me. It's exactly the same scheme here.

    What makes you think this is going to be any better? Do you really think your or mine or anybody else's home cable or dsl line is going to support 32 players in one map? Or not go through all that host advantage bullshit all over again?

    And how may I ask do you know what kind of system they are implementing for MW2? Have you played it? All youve heard about it has come from PC fanboys raging on forums. So don't toss it into the trash pile because youve played Gears on PC and somehow assume that its the same system. I love how misinformed fanboys read what their PC buddies say and then repeat it to whoever will listen even though they have no idea wtf theyre talking about. Wait for the game to come out, read some reviews about the matchmaking system, then you have the right to bitch and complain, but until then i think the PC "community" would do themselves some good by not acting like fear mongering children.
  • glib
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    00Zero wrote: »
    i think the PC "community" would do themselves some good by not acting like fear mongering children.

    It worked pretty well for the Conservatives.
  • t4paN
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    t4paN polycounter lvl 10
    00Zero wrote: »
    And how may I ask do you know what kind of system they are implementing for MW2? Have you played it? All youve heard about it has come from PC fanboys raging on forums. So don't toss it into the trash pile because youve played Gears on PC and somehow assume that its the same system. I love how misinformed fanboys read what their PC buddies say and then repeat it to whoever will listen even though they have no idea wtf theyre talking about. Wait for the game to come out, read some reviews about the matchmaking system, then you have the right to bitch and complain, but until then i think the PC "community" would do themselves some good by not acting like fear mongering children.

    Mate. There's two types of servers for playing games. Listen servers, and dedicated servers, far as I know anyway. There's no big mystery here, you either have one or the other. You talk too much without adressing any particular point that I've made, and it seems to me that you're a fanboy yourself. Believe what you want, we'll see how this whole fiasco goes in a couple of weeks tops.
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