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Torchlight by Runic Games



  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    its fun! Charging dudes as the barb-erzerk-arrior is awesomeeeeeeeeeeeee, charge + swipe + magma stomp is fun :)

    I really like the art, its grown on me. At first i was thinking it was a little too "Playskool," with large fonts, exaggerated, easy to understand voice over ("YOUUUUU have triggered a trap!"... no shit, thanks), and am accepting it for the awesomeness that it is. I keep thinking it actually is Diablo though, with the music and the health-leach sound effect (its totally the Iron Maiden sfx from Diablo2).

    fun game, i like that the bosses dont follow the simiple cliclciclicliclickclicklcklcicklclicklcikl strategy, there are entertaining effects :)

    I wish the map was more robust though, like some sort of world map of places you've explored... would be nice. I have a these quests that say "go to the <Insert Name here>" and i have no fucking clue what, or where, or how i get there. For a game that seems to be simple and easy to play (which i think was the goal), its frustrating to not know what to do for a quest.

    awesome game though, major props to any polycounters involved, the art in this game is somethin to be proud of, imo!
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    Millah wrote: »
    I so want to play this but fear it would end up devouring time that I use for work on personal artistic growth. What is the playtime for a full run through of the game on one difficulty level? Anyone know that information yet?

    not sure millah but its a really casual game you can play for 15 mins and put it down and get back to your art and not feel too pressured to finish the level etc.

    The art is good, when I first saw my starting character I was a bit underwhelmed but with some awesome armour and powerful magic skills and weapons you will find the charcters are covered in amazing spikey lightining powered lazer shooting details in no time
  • Zazerzs
    WoW! Thank you for all the positive comments :) I'll make sure the team gets over here and takes a look.

    @cholden Thanks for the bug! Its on the list and is getting looked into.
  • man_o_mule
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    man_o_mule polycounter lvl 18
    I just picked this up last night on a whim. Love it when a game is only $20 so i dont feel so bad when i do that. It's really fun. trying not to spend all morning playing it was tough though.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Finally gave the demo a run-through last night. Super awesome. I'm strapped for cash these days, so I don't know when I'll get the full game.

    The Alchemist is pretty damn cool, my fav of the classes.

    I'm totally in love with the art, and surprisingly impressed with some of the VFX. Generally VFX in games like this are sort of a last-minute thing that people ignore till somebody is told they have to do it. While there's some rough stuff of course, it's definitely apparent that somebody put some love into them.
  • Noonie
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    Noonie polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks for all the good words guys.. and Cholden.. stop breaking my game! I know where you live ;)
  • slipsius
    Just bought the game. didnt try the demo, but i gotta support these guys. you`ve worked on some of my favourite games of all time. loved the mythos beta. cant wait to try this! 60% downloaded!
  • slipsius
    double post, but http://forums.runicgames.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=705&hilit=hardcore+dive

    hardcore dive... when you buy the game, without trying the demo, start a hardcore character. only one. and you cant play any other character until you die... see how far oyu make it. im totally trying it!
  • Em.
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    Em. polycounter lvl 17
    Excellent stuff, I would kill to work on something this tasty. A co-worker downloaded the demo this morning and I have to say the art looks even better in motion. Excellent work guys, looking forward to playing it!
  • BlackulaDZ
    I can either buy torchlight or buy food. torchlight it is!
  • Rory_M
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    Rory_M polycounter lvl 10
    love the art style!
  • slipsius
    been playing for the past 2 hours. soooo good! loving it more than i liked diablo 2. GREAT job guys!

    now get cracking on multiplayer!
  • mdeforge
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    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    Where is the editor? Has anyone heard anything about this? Steam doesn't have it, and there is no news on the net about if from what I've searched. I can't wait to get the editor!
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    It's coming soon
  • Vrav
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    Vrav polycounter lvl 11
    eld beat me to it, though the game can be modded already. For example, I did a quick paintover of the vanquisher's face to be a bit less cartoony (at bottom). Though my texture isn't anything particularly amazing, it was cool to get it working this easily. The texture was a PNG in the Pak.zip file; all I had to do was retain folder hierarchy within a mod folder, i.e. "\Username\Application Data\runic games\torchlight\mods\ModName\etc."


    Check out this thread for info... http://forums.runicgames.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1013

    EDIT: though it looks like you can store your mods anywhere by editing the dat file. :D
    It auto-checks the mods directory... but the location is editable in notepad. Very open system!
  • bounchfx
    bad ass vrav! that's the one thing that threw me off about the female characters was their faces.. it's awesome to hear that it's so easily modable, I can see myself going in and just trying to make cool shit :D

    can't wait to get home and play more.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    I've already started making a set of new weapons for my Alchemist, and I haven't even bought the game yet (milking the demo till I can spare the cash) :P
  • divi
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    divi polycounter lvl 12
    it's very much like mythos was. just more coherent. played all day today. im terribly ashamed, but the game is just fucking awesome.
  • slipsius
    i agree. game is badass! i heard they are making it into an mmo, or at least, making an mmo. if it was the same universe, that would be amazing.

    one thing i will say though, i got pretty bored with the vanquisher pretty fast. spaming the same spell over and over, since i went the route of picking all passive skills. picked up the knockback spell after a while. which helped save my ass alot. i was on very hard, hardcore mode. made it to lvl 11, with never playing the game before. ill tell ya one thing... making a hardcore toon on the hardest difficulty, makes you jump from time to time.lol

    but in terms of over all gameplay. there were a few times today i said "wow" out loud.

    sending your pet back to sell items is awsome. and i like how you can pick up spells.

    one thing i didnt see yet was how to retire characters? does anyone know if thats actually in the gmae? or if you have to beat it first?
  • Gardini
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    Gardini polycounter lvl 13
    The game has so much potential!
    Sending your pet back to sell items is awsome idea !
    But i hate to say ....some dungeons are so LARGE with no idea of directions....(Tu'Tara Caverns) imo....this is really bad!
    I loved the idea of being able to choose between destroying the item or the gems! :D
    But i hate the feedback of " Ok your enchant fail and you lose 10k of money **smile**" :\
    And finally!
    They should have released with multiplayer even if it was peer to peer ...
    I would love to play this game with my girlfriend.
    For a long time I had not fun with a single player game and this game really reminded me how good it was to be teenager :)
    One of the best buys of the year

    Gratz !

    My char

  • glib
    This game is fantastic. I totally forgot about it until I started reading about all the excellent deeds you guys were doing via reddit, and then this post popped up again right afterward.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    I only played it for an hour earlier today (planning on playing more tonight). I loved it, it feels a lot like diablo but with a few of the kinks ironed out. The art is great and I'll be looking forward to trying to get some custom content into the game.
    I personally would have loved a bit of co-op action, but I'm not going to complain when the game is only $20.
    This game needs achievements for achievement whores like myself :D
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    This game needs achievements for achievement whores like myself :D

    i concur. Its odd how achievements are kind of expected now, after the 360, Steam, WoW, PS3, and other games (iphone games, etc). Even something as simple as stats tracking for extra boosts; "You killed 200 skeletons! have a stat point." "you killed 50 enemies at once!" <free level>. etc.

    played a lot more today, got to see some more diversity in environments & creatures. Looking forward to when the tools are released, totally making a custom tileset, creatures, and items!
  • Xaltar
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    Xaltar polycounter lvl 17
    looks like these guys got the formula right :) I am getting this as soon as it hits the shelves here. Should be in a week or so :)
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    I'm rather enjoying this. It's a bit on the ridiculously easy side when playing in normal - I didn't use a healing potion for the first 8 character levels. It's kind of relaxing though not having any real risk of failure. I can just run through and melt faces.

    Certainly a lot of polish for a budget typed title. Props to the dev team.
  • divi
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    divi polycounter lvl 12
    Jackablade wrote: »
    I'm rather enjoying this. It's a bit on the ridiculously easy side when playing in normal - I didn't use a healing potion for the first 8 character levels. It's kind of relaxing though not having any real risk of failure. I can just run through and melt faces.

    Certainly a lot of polish for a budget typed title. Props to the dev team.

    later on you might even die. but it will only get harder quite a bit into the second half of the game.
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    divi wrote: »
    later on you might even die. but it will only get harder quite a bit into the second half of the game.

    hmm not for me. "Normal" is very easy, I'm on level 28 atm~ I still havent died without wanting to yet (I tried commiting suicide once just to see what happens when you die)
    It might be because of my class or build, but I doubt the vanquisher is the only one that can take out groups in 1 shot.

    I'll try another char on hardcore mode after I complete it :)

    but yea its very addictive :/ Stayed up all night playing it
  • Bal
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    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    I started playing on normal, reached lvl 10, and it was a bit boring, so I stuck all my stuff in the shared stash, restarted same type of character on very hard, and it's way more fun! I'm actually using potions now.
    Very nice game anyways, very addictive.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    yeah, difficulty is tilted in the wrong direction, they should up every diffculty a notch, HARD feels like normal difficulty for me.
  • Xenobond
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    Xenobond polycounter lvl 18
    I've only played for an hour or two, and already I feel like I would have paid more for this game. Mega value $$!

    I'm totally going to hit up those mod/editing tools when they comes out.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Bal wrote: »
    I started playing on normal, reached lvl 10, and it was a bit boring, so I stuck all my stuff in the shared stash, restarted same type of character on very hard, and it's way more fun! I'm actually using potions now.
    Very nice game anyways, very addictive.
    You're a smart man, Bal. Perhaps too smart.

    Very Hard restart coming up.
  • slipsius
    Xaltar wrote: »
    looks like these guys got the formula right :) I am getting this as soon as it hits the shelves here. Should be in a week or so :)

    boxed version isnt coming till next year, or so says their website. start downloading it from steam dude
  • Waz
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    Waz polycounter lvl 17
    Pretty awesome game I must say for being so small. Not something I'd play forever as it gets to be the same old stuff pretty quick. But fun for the first few hours to make me remember how awesome Diablo was. Now I'm looking forward to D3 even more. Co-op would have been nice to include to get people hooked on the MMO side of things.
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    Played through an hour or so before forcing myself to stop. Pretty damn addictive - it's like one long ninja looting spree, and I can't get kicked from the instance! Hooray! For a recovering 'phat lewt' abuser like myself, this is like the methadone to Warcraft's heroin - ultimately not as harmful to you, but even more addictive.

    Loving the art style, too. Very polished, with quite a strong JRPG element to it, as well. The design of the Alchemist class reminded me of Toriyama's work on Chrono Trigger, which can only be a good thing.

    Great work, and well done to any of the guys here from Runic.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    ah, the credits screen, its its only one screen :D, such awesome work from such a small team, must've been fun working in such a small group.
  • slipsius
    ah! i noticed that too eld! haha! that would be such a good place to work. i think
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    Is this getting a retail release? I've never actually played Diablo, so I'm not really familiar with this type of title. I'm thinking this might actually be a good chance to try this out.

    I know a lot of people have been complaining about no multi-player. But there is something to be said for a more stream-lined single player experience. Most notably, it can be said that this kind of project would never have been possible in eleven months if they had added any multiplayer. I applaud this developer for knowing their limits, and playing to their strengths. I also applaud them for releasing this game for $20. Given the critical praise this title has recieved, I think I'll pick up a copy just to support the developer.
  • rebb
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    rebb polycounter lvl 17
    Its a really nice game, well worth the money, if not more.

    The only nitpick i have with it so far is that it feels like i'm being spammed with items ( playing on normal ), requiring a lot of boring and slightly annoying "identify, sell / stash to get inventory space back" travels to the town - being able to send your pets away doesn't seem to help that much, or i'm just not using that properly yet.

    Or maybe i should just unequip that +15% magic find weapon - hmmm :poly128:.
  • Target_Renegade
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    Target_Renegade polycounter lvl 11
    Good game good game, up to level 9 (normal, alchemist) really enjoying it, art style is great and it feels at home, with the interface and design. The art style is really something I've been wanting to do myself, for an indie project I have in mind, so its great seeing something so polished visually, good indicator of the quality.
  • lefix
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    lefix polycounter lvl 11
    it's a fun little game, but normal difficulty was way too easy :(
    ended up finishing the game one hitting every mob while not being high level enough to wear the item drops
  • Pseudo
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    Pseudo polycounter lvl 18
    Pretty awesome so far. I started on Normal and thought the game was "OK", but then I restarted on Hardcore Hard mode and now every mini boss fight is an epic life-or-death struggle and I am enjoying the game much more.
  • oalexis
    This game is great :) loving it so far :)
  • slipsius
    Im with you pseudo. i cant play any character that ISNT hardcore mode. I dunno why. its just more fun. i wanna see if i can get a hardcore guy retired. im having a hard time though. lol. definitely keep making mistakes. htough, i found a secret. enchanting your weapons is a must! soo good.

    @richard, the boxed version isnt coming till next year. but, if you want to try it, there is a demo for it, so give it a go, but honestly, its 20 bucks. i woulda paid at least double for it. triple if it had coop. for 20 bucks, its worth it just to support the team! ive yet to hear anyone say they didnt like the game. so thats gotta say something.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    geez, Ordrak, could you have any MORE hit points?!
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    I just bought it.


    Kinda already disappointed there's no multiplayer, but wevs. $20
  • man_o_mule
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    man_o_mule polycounter lvl 18
    and if any developers are reading this could you please impliment a v-sync feature please? the screen tearing is minimal on my comp but still a bit annoying.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    man_o_mule, graphics driver control panel wont let you set the vsync?
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    Well, I opted for an Alchemist character, and even though I'm only level 8 right now, I still find myself dying quite often on Very Hard. Maybe I just suck, but it's still really fun.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    Yea, danshewan, there's appearently a alchy path that's fairly weak laiden with useless abilities, and another that has one OP skill that'd be the only thing you ever use. There's more info on their forums about that. Either way, I think we both went up the same path, and it was freaking rough, slow and boring.
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    cholden wrote: »
    Yea, danshewan, there's appearently a alchy path that's fairly weak laiden with useless abilities, and another that has one OP skill that'd be the only thing you ever use. There's more info on their forums about that. Either way, I think we both went up the same path, and it was freaking rough, slow and boring.

    Oh, really? I'll have to check it out. Might opt for a Destroyer instead then, since I don't want to end up spamming the same spell throughout the whole game.

    edit: Best thread I could find on the subject of Alchemist talents, if anyone else has experienced similar frustrations.

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