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Apples Anti Windows Commercials

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BradMyers82 interpolator
Is it just me, or does anyone else find the apple commercials really annoying.
I mean, they just come off as jerks bashing Windows, and don't tell me actually why I should by a mac.

Being a happy Windows user I am certainly biased on the subject, but I think regardless its pretty low of apple to "campaign" in this manner.

I'm pretty much just venting here, anyone else find these commercials particularly obnoxious?



  • Vrav
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    Vrav polycounter lvl 11
    I think the joke is still legit, but totally old. Then again, I've used both, and been longing to get back on a Mac for ages, though I know it'd be my software compatibility funeral to some degree. Probably not so much these days as it used to be.
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
  • Snowfly
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    Snowfly polycounter lvl 18
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 17
    I love how the arrogance has slowly been getting more and more blatant over time... one day they're gonna cross the line and all the mac users who used to love these commercials are gonna have a sudden mass realization that they're arrogant douches
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Apple doesn't need to say anything good about their products and they don't need to convince you to buy anything of theirs. They do a good enough job of telling you that their competition is rubbish and don't buy anything from them.

    These ads aren't aimed for the tech savvy, they are aimed for the computer illiterate.
  • mLichy
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    Yeah, usually I'm like w/e about the commercials, but the newest one is fucking garbage. Like others said, they come off even more arrogant than usual, and actually probably more desperate I think than anything.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Apple is scared of win7.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Apple isn't a software company. At least not any more.
  • Illusions
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    Illusions polycounter lvl 18
    I think I came to a realization the other day. Their commercials no longer seem like they're aimed at getting people who use regular PC's to switch to buying a Mac, but to keep people who already own Macs from switching to PC's.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Illusions wrote: »
    I think I came to a realization the other day. Their commercials no longer seem like they're aimed at getting people who use regular PC's to switch to buying a Mac, but to keep people who already own Macs from switching to PC's.

    You know what... you right...

    That makes their existence even more amusing to me.
  • MRico
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    MRico polycounter lvl 10
    I'm with ya Brad, hate those commercials too. I've used Macs in the past and hate them!...With their stupid no button mouse and paper thin keyboards....and stupid computer-in-monitor bullshit.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Had to use them in my animation classes in highschool, it sucked (we had to use maya too)
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    have any of you been inside an apple store? do you see how many people are purchasing apple hardware. As Emil said, these are for people who just want to turn the machine on, plug in a usb device, or printer and go! not have to worry about drivers, setup, etc.

    Having used both Mac and PC, in todays market Apple hardware looks too damm sexy not to get one ;)
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Lee3dee wrote: »
    ...in todays market Apple hardware looks too damm sexy not to get one...

    Until you look at the price tag
  • Xaltar
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    Xaltar polycounter lvl 17
    Apple are and always have been solid, complete systems. Everything I have used on mac has been well, better than PC. The big issue though is there just isn't enough software and as ZacD said, you really pay through the nose for it. I remember playing UT on an old mac that ran at like 300mhz on OS 8 and thinking how smooth it ran and how much purdier it looked than it did on my 1.1ghz P3 with win2k. Apple is quality but in my book its like a rolls royce, no one who has been in one can deny the quality but you would have to be either disgustingly rich or just plain stupid to own one to go to the store every day.

    Apple need to back up a little, examine the market and come out with a product line that you can go to the store with every day. These adds are just desperation imo.
  • Noia
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    Noia polycounter lvl 15
    I'm both a Mac and PC user. Apple commercials are smug, but Microsoft marketing tends to miss the point entirely.

    - PC hunter ones where people buy the crappiest computers they can find, not even decent PCs that would better showcased. The people often contradict their wants with what they end up with too.
    - the Seinfeld/Gates adventures that had nothing to do with computers at all
    - Any Bing commercial
    - Windows 7 launch parties

    I can live with all of these except the ones with the incoherent little girl.
  • Adam L. Gray
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    Personally, I find mac's to be quite alright to work with, never done any 3d work on them though, just movie editing, flash, webdesign and photoshop/printing stuff. And they seem to be pretty fine for people who are 'computer illiterate' as Emil mentioned :)

    I'd never use on as my personal computer at home though, mainly due to their limited software compatibility and restricted options towards customization/upgrading. Oh, and the fact that fixing hardware failures on a PC usually only costs about 15% compared to 'having to' send it off and getting your mac repaired, even if you know what is wrong.

    As said, actually working on them is quite alright though. BUT, I have to agree on the point that Apple really seems to be desperate running those kind of commercials.. Cause we all know how perfect...

    'The message could not be completed
    An unexpected error occurred'
  • Lee3dee
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    Ferg wrote: »
    ... one day they're gonna cross the line and all the mac users who used to love these commercials are gonna have a sudden mass realization that they're arrogant douches

    No, they'll wake up and realize they should just kill all the PC users due to their inferiority complexes.
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    When I tell people I'm an artist, sometimes people ask me

    "Really? Do you use a Mac"?

    My retort is usually 'No, I'm an EMPLOYED artist'.

  • Ferg
  • Jason Young
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    Jason Young polycounter lvl 14
    I don't particularly like macs, but I find the commercials amusing.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Win Seven will fix EVERYTHING!!!
    You guys can't deny you never heard that from some overhyped enthusiast ...
  • Carbon14
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    Carbon14 polycounter lvl 10
    They annoy the hell out of me, it's propaganda campaign aimed at the uninformed.

    What a grand waste of time, if you want to do anything other than reply to emails or make dodgy videos on them (exaggeration, I realize you could also use them as paperweights and for packing under wobbly table legs :p ) you have to install windows or make crossfire work and honestly if you are going to get into that sort of irritation and "difficult" computer maintenance just get a windows machine and take care of it and it will do everything you want easily and smoothly.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
  • MALicivs
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    I should just forward this thread to my coworker, he will shitstorm all over every one of you that doubts the Word of Steve. :poly142:
    JacqueChoi wrote: »
    When I tell people I'm an artist, sometimes people ask me

    "Really? Do you use a Mac"?

    My retort is usually 'No, I'm an EMPLOYED artist'.


    Hahahahahahahaha! :thumbup:
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Funny, I just wrote a lengthy thread reply on my mac at this very minute and lost if because I accidentally performed a flick gesture sending me back to the previous page haha :P Lethargic Paper Student Girl can suck it up yo!

    Yeah these ads are painful. I guess the best way is to not care for them. But the annoying thing is, there is always going to be some fanboy (fangirl) coming back screaming how good their macs are and how/why someone SHOULD yes really SHOULD switch. People are just stupid. With social networking drama it seems like they are getting even louder, still. Yuck.
  • Paul Pepera
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    JacqueChoi wrote: »
    When I tell people I'm an artist, sometimes people ask me

    "Really? Do you use a Mac"?

    My retort is usually 'No, I'm an EMPLOYED artist'.

    HAHAHA! Awesome!
    That is the best response to that question EVAARR!
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    I'd like Macs if they weren't prohibitively expensive for no good reason, if the software I use were actually available, if I didn't void my warranty by (gasp) installing some extra memory, if the extra memory weren't prohibitively expensive for no good reason.....
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 14
    This one's the best:


    "I can"t turn things on!" ROFL! Shows what kind of retards they aim at, haha.
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    I thought that was a gag advertisement, until the end.

  • oXYnary
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    I told someone I was a 3D designer recently and they immediately assumed we all worked on a mac because its "better at graphics and stuff isnt it?". I just said the same software that is available for mac is available for pc so theres no difference whatsoever.

    A mac is just a well branded pc with some different software. If there were some pc specialists that established a powerful reliable brand the mac would be nothing to note at all but unfortunately the pc market is in disarray most of the time and hardly reliable.
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    Ged wrote: »
    I told someone I was a 3D designer recently and they immediately assumed we all worked on a mac because its "better at graphics and stuff isnt it?".

    It used to surprise me how many graphic designers claim this, but when you mention resource forks or anything even slightly technical from a hardware perspective to them, all you get are blank looks.
  • Gilgamesh
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    Gilgamesh polycounter lvl 12
    Apple is a fashion icon no more no less to me. Fashionable to have a ipod/iphone/mac at present when I still think you can get more for less for most if not all their products it's just 'cool to have' and show off to your friends. About the only thing apple done right with the appstore and even then they are robbing thugs to the developers (yes I have made a few apps :/).
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 14
    danshewan wrote: »
    I thought that was a gag advertisement, until the end.


    Haha great! Goes to show....

    You know, if I wanted a "it just works" machine for easy, light stuff, I wouldn't get a Mac. A 400 euro netbook with Ubuntu is WAY cheaper and just as reliable. I used to run Ubuntu in dualboot on my laptop, I really preferred to start it over Windows because it was faster and wireless worked better. I only stopped using it because my brother accidentally wiped my entire HD. Now I have another laptop, with my job requiring me to do lots of presentations in Max & Unreal.

    Thinking of it, I really do want an Ubuntu netbook :(
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Gilgamesh wrote: »
    Apple is a fashion icon no more no less to me. Fashionable to have a ipod/iphone/mac at present when I still think you can get more for less for most if not all their products it's just 'cool to have' and show off to your friends. About the only thing apple done right with the appstore and even then they are robbing thugs to the developers (yes I have made a few apps :/).
    Well. I agree with this but in all honesty the Iphone really blows me away. I´m never gonna settle for less. Good surfing, Good games, Good musicplayer and an ok phone ;)

    I guess the android-ones will give the iphone a worthy challenge but I haven´t looked into it.
  • monkeyboy_garth
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    monkeyboy_garth polycounter lvl 9
    Lol yeah...macs...whatever.
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 14
    Well. I agree with this but in all honesty the Iphone really blows me away. I´m never gonna settle for less. Good surfing, Good games, Good musicplayer and an ok phone ;)

    In what way? My cellphone has a decent interface for texting, plays MP3's and reminds me of important stuff from time to time. I can even play Pokemon Yellow on it when i'm bored. I can't imagine needing anything else than that, except for a normal audio jack instead of the Nokia mini thing that requires a flimsy adapter.

    And well, my phone only cost 150$, compared to the almost 900$ (yes, i'm not kidding) they ask for an iPhone here...
  • Rumkugel
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    Rumkugel polycounter lvl 14
    shit´s annoying..

    they´re good and reliably things if youre doing "regular" work by means of intrawebs and office work... but the whole incompability thing is just somewhat lame...

    apple´s would sure boost if they only weren´t such arrogant snobs as they appear to be.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Xoliul wrote: »
    In what way? My cellphone has a decent interface for texting, plays MP3's and reminds me of important stuff from time to time. I can even play Pokemon Yellow on it when i'm bored. I can't imagine needing anything else than that, except for a normal audio jack instead of the Nokia mini thing that requires a flimsy adapter.

    And well, my phone only cost 150$, compared to the almost 900$ (yes, i'm not kidding) they ask for an iPhone here...

    I´ll just mention the things I like with it then you can decide if there´s anything of value in it. Every person is different and want different things. In my case I´m a gadget-nerd with small pockets. All in one preffered! :)

    In my case i use it more as a universal device than a phone. Remember that. :)


    * The games are great and look absolutely wonderful. I stopped using my nintendo DS altogether. You would be surprised of the quality. It´s a valid gaming platform.

    * The messaging-system with history including mms and what not (It´s laid out like a chat window). Although the auto-correction on texts pisses me off at times.

    * Surfing the web. Quick and smooth. No lite-mobile versions of pages and very quick due to 3G. :)

    * Musicplayer and videoplayer. I used to fly around quite a bit. Just watch a movie and bang. Time flies.

    * Touchscreen. Clear, bright, high res and responsive. I have the newer 3GS and its supersnappy. I heard the older ones are a bit slower.

    * The applications. Access whatever the hell you want, anywhere, anytime. Dropbox, Twitter, MSN, Your email. Use it for your training as a personal gps-thing and upload info online to see how far you´ve run and quickly.

    * The gps/map function. Saved me time and my ass many a time. You´re looking for a place youve never been at? Just pinpoint your location on the map and search for it. Bang. You get a direction to go including compass.

    * Remote control. I can control movies etc being played on my computer / projector from the couch with my freakin phone. VLC-iphone app.

    I could write more but I don´t wanna stroke more apple-cock. I´m with you guys on most of the things you say, I just happen to think that the iphone is a good device... It´s just very pricey all because it has an apple on it (and i´d buy it even if it didn´t).

    My tip xoliul is that if you ever get the chance to hold one, just do it. Drop your opinions about macs and apples. It´s quite a solid product although overpriced.

    EDIT: There is a few really horrible shitty things about the iphone though. Batterytime (really lousy!) and the whole itunes thing. Shit sux.

    Especially that you have to synch it, If you use two comps they have to be identical or you will loose stuff next time you synch it.
  • ChrisG
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    ChrisG polycounter lvl 14
    ipods are the biggest con in history, terrible head phones below average sound quality and no easy way of putting your music onto it add that to a bumped up price tag and you have an all round shite product.
  • ChrisG
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    ChrisG polycounter lvl 14
    I´ll just mention the things I like with it then you can decide if there´s anything of value in it. Every person is different and want different things. In my case I´m a gadget-nerd with small pockets. All in one preffered! :)

    In my case i use it more as a universal device than a phone.


    * The games are great and look absolutely wonderful. I stopped using my nintendo DS altogether. You would be surprised of the quality. It´s a valid gaming platform.

    * The messaging-system with history including mms and what not (It´s laid out like a chat window). Although the auto-correction on texts pisses me off at times.

    * Surfing the web. Quick and smooth. No lite-mobile versions of pages and very quick due to 3G. :)

    * Musicplayer and videoplayer. I used to fly around quite a bit. Just watch a movie and bang. Time flies.

    * Touchscreen. Clear, bright, high res and responsive. I have the newer 3GS and its supersnappy. I heard the older ones are a bit slower.

    * The applications. Access whatever the hell you want, anywhere, anytime. Dropbox, Twitter, MSN, Your email. Use it for your training as a personal gps-thing and upload info online to see how far you´ve run and quickly.

    * The gps/map function. Saved me time and my ass many a time. You´re looking for a place youve never been at? Just pinpoint your location on the map and search for it. Bang. You get a direction to go including compass.

    * Remote control. I can control movies etc being played on my computer / projector from the couch with my freakin phone. VLC-iphone app.

    I could write more but I don´t wanna stroke more apple-cock. I´m with you guys on most of the things you say, I just happen to think that the iphone is a good device... It´s just very pricey all because it has an apple on it (and i´d buy it even if it didn´t).

    My tip xoliul is that if you ever get the chance to hold one, just do it. Drop your opinions about macs and apples. It´s quite a solid product although overpriced.

    its still ridiculously expensive
  • tacit math
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    tacit math polycounter lvl 17
    well. i'm a little drunk right now so i'll bring the acid. macs are for girls. just. with their glowy bubbly scrollbars and drop shadow windows. just. fuck. fuck off. tuck your penis up into a vag shape fella's if that's your platform of choice

    don't even get me started on the iPhone. you ladies compact sporting motherfuckers
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    chrizz1 wrote: »
    its still ridiculously expensive
    Yes it is. No arguments there, Even mentioned it a few times.

    One of the biggest reasons I got mine was as travelling security. The whole gps-thing and translator. Was gonna spend some time in china.
  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 16
    chrizz1 wrote: »
    ipods are the biggest con in history, terrible head phones below average sound quality and no easy way of putting your music onto it add that to a bumped up price tag and you have an all round shite product.
    I disagree with that, I got my old ipod nano (the old one ;)) quite a while ago, and all the simple mp3 players I had before that used to crash within half a year, buttons falling off and software crashing. Never had that problem with this thing. I did have to buy new earplugs every now and then, and i agree that the default ones suck pretty bad, but overall a good product :).
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