Here's the scenario,i want whenever i press a key(or activate a trigger),the players camera transitions/fades to a slightly wider FOV state(a recent example would be the menu in Skyrim,if you press Tab before the UI appears the FOV changes slightly),now i can do that no problem,except with a new Camera Actor that i have to place in the level,but the problem is i have no idea how to position this camera exactly where the players camera is in order to hide the shift between the cameras...So,is there a way to create the effect for the default camera,preferably through kismet?...if not then can anybody please tell me how i can position the camera exactly in the place of the default camera,i know about the 'attach to actor' node,but where can i get the coordination of the default camera...hope i made sense...^^
Create a camera animation in your map package, then open it and add a new Float Property track in Matinee. A pop-up will provide a list of options for the Float track, and one of the first options available is "FOVAngle". You'll have to check out a tutorial for Matinee if you're not familiar with it, but it's easy to pick up.
To play the animation through Kismet, there's a "Play Camera Animation" node that you can use. Plug in your new camera animation there, link up the node to a sequence/event, and you should be good!
My second problem is that,when the animation ends(after 1 second),the FOV resets back to normal,how can i make it stay the same instead of jumping back to the normal FOV?...i've came up with a workaround which is increasing the duration of the animation far beyond my last keyframe,but i'm not sure if that's the right way of doing it...