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How to reference player's Camera?

polycounter lvl 5
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Minato polycounter lvl 5
Here's the scenario,i want whenever i press a key(or activate a trigger),the players camera transitions/fades to a slightly wider FOV state(a recent example would be the menu in Skyrim,if you press Tab before the UI appears the FOV changes slightly),now i can do that no problem,except with a new Camera Actor that i have to place in the level,but the problem is i have no idea how to position this camera exactly where the players camera is in order to hide the shift between the cameras...So,is there a way to create the effect for the default camera,preferably through kismet?...if not then can anybody please tell me how i can position the camera exactly in the place of the default camera,i know about the 'attach to actor' node,but where can i get the coordination of the default camera...hope i made sense...^^


  • Slainean
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    Slainean polycounter lvl 18
    You can do all that in Matinee without a camera actor.

    Create a camera animation in your map package, then open it and add a new Float Property track in Matinee. A pop-up will provide a list of options for the Float track, and one of the first options available is "FOVAngle". You'll have to check out a tutorial for Matinee if you're not familiar with it, but it's easy to pick up.

    To play the animation through Kismet, there's a "Play Camera Animation" node that you can use. Plug in your new camera animation there, link up the node to a sequence/event, and you should be good!
  • Minato
    Offline / Send Message
    Minato polycounter lvl 5
    Hey Slainean,thanks a lot for that solution,i tried it and it works,two problems though,there are two nodes for playing Camera Animations in kismet: the "Play Camera Animation" node which is apparently a UTGame only node and works fine in that game type,and the other one "Play CameraAnim" which is an Engine node and apparently does the the same thing but no matter what i do can't get it to work,so my question is,how can i use these nodes in my own game type,where should i look for the codes?

    My second problem is that,when the animation ends(after 1 second),the FOV resets back to normal,how can i make it stay the same instead of jumping back to the normal FOV?...i've came up with a workaround which is increasing the duration of the animation far beyond my last keyframe,but i'm not sure if that's the right way of doing it...
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