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Diablo III Witch doctor WIP thread



  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    Sorry for de delay,
    I actually don't have to much of a trouble with the modelling itself, but its more about the sculpting and the anatomy that I have trouble.
    Anyway here's some screenshot, I know there is some issue with those, will work on the hands even harder next time.
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    Delay again, sorry guys, had a little bit of a water problem in my appartement, water flowing down my ceilling, those kind of very awesome stuff...
    Anyway i've been working on the texture some more, hope it's getting better, Right now i'm baking the mask
  • dur23
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    dur23 polycounter lvl 20
    Looks pretty good so far, tits.
    One issue i'm noticing is the white paints. They currently look like a stencil instead of hand painted on to her skin.
    Personally i think her skin bits need more characteristics of human flesh such splotchiness in the colors,some texture a roughness and some shiny oily areas.

    Keep going!
  • s33th
    Some food for thought with your next model - So far all of your female characters have the same basic face. The most noticeable thing that says "Tits made this character" has to be the jawline... which is incredibly sharp especially at the corner where it meets the neck and then runs up into the ear. Playing more with the overall facial shape - maybe sculpting some really fat or ugly people, or on a character like the witch doctor really playing up her ethnicity could be helpful.

    The hands are the second signature of your characters. The very tiny and tapering fingers - even the toes on the witch doctor.

    and to a lesser extent the overall build of the characters - the really square shoulders, and slim build. What really drives a lot of these points home is that even the male soldier you have on your site falls victim to these traits.

    Maybe try more male characters, super beefy people, fat people, anything that will make you really think about the human form and your sculpting habits as well as push your knowledge of anatomy.

    I'm not saying your work is bad by any means but it seems like you've found a comfort zone and in my opinion breaking out of that comfort zone could only strengthen your work as an artist.
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    Thanks a lot Dur23 for the comment, I will try to correct the white paints and add a little bit more of a skin look to the character, working on it :)
    @s33th pretty interesting comment, thanks a lot for telling me, I will sure try to break out of my comfort zone, didn't realized my character had those kind of ''signature'' featured. I'm going to check it out and try to do stuff very different next time.
    Thanks a lot, was very interesting to read!
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    I've been trying to pose her in zbrush but at the moment its pretty much a disaster,
    Working on it, might ask the help of a rigger or try to rig her myself if i'm motivated enough, and then i will do a beautyshot :)
    This is a render from 3ds max, will probably try it out in Marmoset tonight too.
  • Low
    Nice job. Looks cool but I got some critics if you don't mind.

    Those feathers looks kinda dull in color variation. It was a nice spot to go wild a bit. ChickenFeathers.jpg Some exotic birds have really colorful and varied colored feathers. Maybe you could bring back some color from the necklace to those brownish feathers to balance things up.

    I'm not convince either with the bodypaint. Here an awesome link with awesome pictures [NSFW: Some nudies in there]

    The biggest gem on the mask looks flat (since it's bigger than the others). I'm just throwing idea in air but maybe you could play with some fake caustic on the diffuse or the specular map and pop the normal map with a prism shape (you could probably do it directly in photoshop).

    I understand you might wanna stick with the concept but that was my humble opinion. And I might add I don't really like the red eye color but that's mostly personal I guess.
  • Pancakes
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    Pancakes polycounter lvl 14
    Rig her in blender Tits! There is an autorigger that rigs your character for you and also paints all the weights it doesn't have the nice floor detection that most people would probably want, but it would work for your purposes I think
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    @Pancakes I know nothing about blender but i shall take a look then :)
    @low thanks a lot for your comment, Those are really good suggestions and I really like the body paint reference you sent me. For Now I think I'm still going to call her done because at some point I just feel like I need to pass to something else. But appreciate your comment, they are all very true.
  • Pancakes
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    Pancakes polycounter lvl 14
    Beware, once you go blender you might not ever go back! a ha ~ha ha hahhhhaa (I know there are like 20 people who are gonna read this and want to punch me in the face for saying it but whatever!)

    Anywho, here is a video tutorial for how to use blender auto-rigging "Rigify", maybe it's too "g"s I'm not sure. Anyways, if this doesn't work for whatever reason (although it should because I've tested it myself before) I can send you one of my own rigs which does have the floor detection for the legs. Why? Because blender users and even potential blender users have to look out for each other. Btw, once you install blender you'll gain access to a special file with instructions on our secret handshake, as well as the cardkeys that give you access to the Whitehouse. But more on that later.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Txl1X2WVX_E&feature=related"]How to Use Rigify in Blender 2.5 - YouTube[/ame]
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    Hahahaha you are awesome, going to check it out :)
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    After a super long time, a little position for this character :)
    Not really good at posing but still.
    And you can see her turn over and over again..
  • FullSynch
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    FullSynch polycounter lvl 12
    Looks great, the toes are kinda creepy though. :poly124:
    Pancakes wrote: »
    ...as well as the cardkeys that give you access to the Whitehouse. But more on that later.

    SHSHSHSHSHSHHH It's crowded enough in here, thank you.
  • Texelion
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    Texelion polycounter lvl 8
    Hey girl,

    if you got some time it could be cool to pose her like the concept, and add the weapons ^^.


    The picture is stronger like this.
  • butt_sahib
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    butt_sahib polycounter lvl 11
    Looking great.

    My comments
    - Add in the accessories and weapons as texilion mentioned
    - Your speculars arent really doing anything right now, i think you could make the model more realistic and make it pop more if you really spend time on working the specular
  • woogity
    add some noise to your skins spec map.and yea get more contrast in your spec in general.
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    Thanks a lot all of you guys for the comment!
    It might take a little while once again for me to post here since
    I'm on a lot of other stuff but I will try to do this for sure.
    I have very low knowledge of specular, always have a hard time getting exactly what I want. I will try reworking it some more.
    Thanks again guys,
    It's always very long for me to pose my characters because I don't really do rigg myself, need to rely on other person and so it can take some times..
  • deolol
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    deolol polycounter lvl 6
    Tits wrote: »
    Hey guys,
    Thanks to pancakes for making this thread revive after such a long time haha!
    I actually started working on her low resolution model few days ago, I've been quite busy with and art test recently but I actually failed it, didn't get the job (trolololol). So I'm back into real business here :).
    So here's a little preview of what I did for the texturing, still a work in progress,
    what do you guys think?

    What did you render that with ? What lighting? Thanx
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    It's from Marmoset Toolbag :)
    If you don't have it aldready you should get it for sure, very cheap and so useful!
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    Anyone has good exemple/tutorial of character spec map^?
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