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Diablo III Witch doctor WIP thread

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Tits mod
Hey guys, i'm just starting this thread to get some comment/critics on the character that I just started.
Out of inspiration i'm doing another diablo III character. (I don't have my own concept artist and I don't do my own concept, and I like the diablo III concept a lot :). For those who haven't see my other one, here's the link to see my Monk : http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=97683
So here's the concept for those who might not have seen it aldready
This is just a WIP obviously, i just started this and most of the part are still in blocking and I still have to add a lot of pieces :).
Thanks for readings and Looking forward to see what you guys think.


  • FullSynch
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    FullSynch polycounter lvl 12
    Well if it's anywhere as good as your monk, I can't wait to see how it progresses. :)
  • tupwick
    Damn that painting is hot.
    Your model is looking great so far. Id like to see a narrower upper arm and more of a prominent shoulder combo like the concept. To me thats one of the big selling points on the character type.
  • JoshC
    tupwick wrote: »
    Damn that painting is hot.
    Your model is looking great so far. Id like to see a narrower upper arm and more of a prominent shoulder combo like the concept. To me thats one of the big selling points on the character type.

    Agreed :D, Looking good so far, loved the monk, can't wait to see more.
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    Yeah I would go over the shoulder area again, that line going up from the chest in the shoulder looks weird. The deltoid goes over the pec so that line shouldnt be there.

    And if you want to stay as close to the concept as possible then you could bring in her waist a lot more and define her abs a bit more. But obviously this is still WIP so maybe you haven't gotten there yet :D

    Can't wait to see this finished!
  • daphz
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    daphz polycounter lvl 14
    Nice start! I'm with sukotto on tweaking the shoulder area, and I think you could increase her hip size a bit.
    The face looks pretty solid but I think you should push some of her facial features a bit, like increasing the width of the nose, and increasing the thickness of the lips a little bit.

    Lookin' forward to updates!
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    Hello guys!
    Things are not going as fast as I would like,
    Have been pretty slow in the past 2 days, fixed some little shit I didn't like (might be very subtle tho) still a lot of stuff to fixe, pieces to add and pieces to start detailing.
    Critics and comment are still more then welcome.
    I tried to thinner here waist a bit, I know i'm going a little bit more on the realistic side for this one, kinda of a bad habit I took, stylized proportions are really hard to master because you want it too look like an artistic decision not like a beginner mistake. Pretty hard to achieve IMO.
    Anyway thanks a lot to all of you guys for the nice comment and to actually take the time to do it. So many aldready.
  • deolol
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    deolol polycounter lvl 6
    Hey nice job! I just think she looks Caucasian and not African. I think you should change some of the facial structure. Keep it up. :)

    Blizzards concept looks caucasion though. It's considered more attractive (don't shoot the messenger) than an African looking female overall.
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    Yeah on the concept it pretty much looks like a Caucasian girl with a dark skin (imo), But i will sure try some little tweek on her face. I want her to have an african look but still wants to keep how delicate her face is in the concept
  • Tits
  • duncan
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    duncan polycounter lvl 11
    Looks cool. I think you could exaggerate the proportions quite a bit based off that ref. I am keen to see more please.
  • nofacej
    Tits wrote: »
    Yeah on the concept it pretty much looks like a Caucasian girl with a dark skin (imo), But i will sure try some little tweek on her face. I want her to have an african look but still wants to keep how delicate her face is in the concept
    Sheva Alomar
  • FullSynch
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    FullSynch polycounter lvl 12
    I might be incorrect, but I think the upper body could be a lot more skinnier in the waist and torso. In the concept it almost looks like the width of her stomach (at it's smallest) is half that of her shoulders/thighs.
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    Yeah I know, Like I said before I made the character way more realistic that on the concept. still a lot of thing to tweak. Tho i'm not sure if I will go with THAT skinnier for her waist
  • Edrice
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    Edrice polycounter lvl 7
    If I may make a few suggestions, I think you should widen the hips just a little, and reduce the chest a bit as well. For her face you should lower her brow to remove her surprised expression and african people tend to have lower brows as it protects your eyes better from the sun. Also the corners of the lips wrap inwards, it's a subtle to get, but it worth it to reach that next step in sculpting.
    I made a quick paintover to show what I mean. I'll be watching your progress, you did a really great job on the monk, this should be good.
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    Hey, thanks a lot Edrice for you suggestion, makes a lot os sens.
    I actually rework the upper body part but still have some tweak to do.
    I worked on the face today, still not over, your comment about the eyebrows is really good, i will check it out.
    I will not post anything new for the weekend, i'm out of town.
    Here ya go for today, had a very busy day I wish I could show more
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    Hey, I'm not dead guys,
    sorry for the lack of updates, was out of town all weekend and I've been working a lot to be able to put my own website online very soon.
    So here ya go, i've made a lot of very subtle fix so I dont know if it will be easy to see right away. Work on the proportions, smallest waist, changed to the shoulder and some fix on the arms.
    Anyway I will try to post news more often, I'm starting the mask today
  • theslingshot
    very nice stuff ^^

    May I ask what was the process of doing your torned cloth edges, how did you tear up that fabric? ;)
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    Yeah for sure!
    The only thing about that technic is that it will make you loose all of your lowest division, tho there is usually a way to go around it and keep something a little more low resoltution somehow. (for tear up mesh it gets a little bit more complicated tho, but I usually redo a topology in zbrush and then reproject the details subdivision level at a time, to basically get all of my subdivision back, you can also use the same technic with a dynamesh. For some cloths parts I have not been able to get my lowest back wich means posing in zbrush might not be possible / easy, just be aware of it)

    Here I painted a mask on my piece of cloth by hand, I know that there is a way to generate random mask using the noise filter and then converting the polypaint into a mask. but it did not want to work at all time for me so for this exemple I hand painted it. Of course you can make your own alpha and really try to give it a nice look, I made this one pretty quickly.
    Then all you need is to sharpen this mask a few times. should give you something like that 60166751.jpg
    Then its really simple delete your lowest subdivison level, invert your mask, go in the visibility panel and hit ''HidePT''. Tho at the moment the geometry is only hided, now you will only need to go back to the geometry panel and hit del Hidden.
    here ya go, you got your teared up mesh.96284935.jpg
    There is probably easiest way to do this without losing your subdivision level, if some people know about it please share it with us. I dont mind that much because i've never been able to do a great job at posing in zbrush anyway so it will be perfect for baking a low resolution still.
    anyway, once again, soryy for my crappy english and I hope it was understandable.
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    Hey, I made some research and actually found a tutorial on the zbrush website using the noise technique to create randomnized tear. I tried this way few times but unfortunatly some of the time the polypaint just wont get applied to my mesh making it impossible to mask it. Maybe i'm doing something wrong, He is too not deleting the geometry, I guess it's not mendatory to delete it.
    Once again I just started to do characters in October so i'm sure some people here have better ways to do this
  • theslingshot
    Wow thanks a lot for that small tutorial.This will be very useful ^^

    Will try that tonight!
  • darthwilson
    Nice method!

    Your sculpt is looking great too! I can't wait to see it textured!
  • gilesruscoe
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    gilesruscoe polycounter lvl 10
    looking great so far! Digging how you did the feathers
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    Preview mask, going fast today, might post again later :D
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    okay face isn#t that visible anymore but the last time it was way too white for my taste, if you need refence, search for mark newmans sculptures, he has a lot of super awesome black sculptures
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    Yah I always go a little bit more realistic then on concepts for some reason,
    Changed the face a bit, here's another update
  • Low
    Beau travail Tits!

    What do you plan to do with those feathers? They look way too thick as they are right now.
    The "shirt" should be hanging under the boobs.
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    I can make then less thick, Those will be use to bake on a plane (wich will not be too thick hehe)
    I will try fixing them :)
  • Natland
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    Natland polycounter lvl 9
    This character looks really fun to make, good luck and I will be checking back for progress!

  • Dylan Brady
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    Dylan Brady polycounter lvl 9
    Tits wrote: »
    Yah I always go a little bit more realistic then on concepts for some reason,
    I do too, and its something I think has its place. but keep in mind that some Art Directors might see this as an inability to hit the style of a concept. just saying cause Ive gotten that more than once.

    similarly though, its pretty kool when you see something like a "Realistic mario" or something of that nature, it just kind of has to be what you set out to do, rather than happening because your using real life reffs and not keeping yourself to the style.
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    Well I feel confortable doing more stylised character but I usually request more reference, I'm usually really hard headed when it comes to have nice character sheet when it comes to stylised character because it's so easy to destroy a nice stylised design. Do it too much and it might look weird, not enough and it might look like you were trying to go realistic but were just a bit off...
    Since I had more of a posed concept art here, harder to tell proportions, I went for something more easy to relate to without more information.
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    Final render for the high resolution sculpt, will start the low resolution and baking ;)
  • sipher3325
  • Pancakes
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    Pancakes polycounter lvl 14
    giggity g~ggggggoooOOOOOOOOOO :poly142:
  • duncan
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    duncan polycounter lvl 11
    wow. Those details are looking awesome. I am keen to see her with some textures. Great works.
  • MrNinjutsu
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    MrNinjutsu greentooth
    Looking great man, be good to see this finished. Great detail!
  • Alphavader
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    Alphavader polycounter lvl 11
    Great stuff.. like the progress !
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    Hey guys,
    Thanks to pancakes for making this thread revive after such a long time haha!
    I actually started working on her low resolution model few days ago, I've been quite busy with and art test recently but I actually failed it, didn't get the job (trolololol). So I'm back into real business here :).
    So here's a little preview of what I did for the texturing, still a work in progress,
    what do you guys think?
  • afisher
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    afisher polycounter lvl 6
    sorry to hear you didn't get the job. Good start with the textures. You can probably add some more subtle colour variation to the skin and the yellow could maybe go to a slightly darker gold. Just my 2 cents anyway. Looking good.
  • Pancakes
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    Pancakes polycounter lvl 14
    Tits, it seems to me that you are nearing the verge of having an epiphany. You'll be super saiyan soon enough
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    @afisher, thanks a lot for the comment, sure needs to work on the skin in a more subtle way now, never done darker skin before, kind of a challenge :).
    @pancakes, you are silly, thanks a lot :)
  • achillesian
    the faces are dragging this and your monk way down, nail the face eyes and hair, pose it, and a I think you're golden (on monk and witch both)
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    What do you recommand achillesian? what in my face are dragging the character down?
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    Tried to add color varations on the skin, maybe I'm too subtle because it always doesn't really show up in the render. Working on it still, I want to eventually pose her too but i will need the help of my rigger master friend because I'm not able to do it myself ( :( ). Anyway here is another preview, and a wire frame for you riotforquiet ;)
    we are talking here around 4 757 polygones or 9 104 triangles.
    still needs to add her mask and weapon :)
  • Toxic929
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    Toxic929 polycounter lvl 14
    I really like the style and colors.. very true to the style of Diablo IMO. I'm not sure how the final model will be shown but I'd suggest maybe tweaking even the base pose to something closer to the characters attitude. Tn the game they hunch and are almost sprawled. Thats a lil dramatic for a t-pose but something between where you have it now (which almost looks prim and proper) to the idle of Diablo 3 (a savage).

    Is this model shown in a modeling package or game engine?
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    Model is rendered in Marmoset toolbag wich is kind of like a game engine,
    Yeah the T pose sure is very proper for the character and I will sure try to have her posed for final renders as this pose doesn't fit the attitude of the character at all, as you mention. Didn't really though about trying something different for T pose, I always to something kinda similar to that to make sure it will be easy to rig
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    Yah that's what I was thinking of doing, still I have a lot of trouble visualizing a pose in a 3d space, fuck it up a lot, going to give it a shot :)
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    Yah I will sure do that :) going to try to find a sexy friend now... :D
  • Pancakes
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    Pancakes polycounter lvl 14
    If this sexy friend is not a guy can we see the picture?? For artistic purposes.

    Btw, how confident are you about your character's hands? Would you mind taking a closer image of the hands for your whenever your next planned update is?
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    High resolution or low resolution?
    I'm having a lot of trouble doing hands at the moment, for the next character I'm planning of changing the way i'm posing them because right now this just isn't right

    Will see about the picture :P
  • Pancakes
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    Pancakes polycounter lvl 14
    Tits wrote: »
    High resolution or low resolution?

    I wouldn't mind seeing them both. Btw, here is an interesting tutorial on modeling hands I've been studying:

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1mExXURsWk"]Fast and efficient 3D modeling tutorial for the human hand - YouTube[/ame]
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