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Courtyard [WIP]

polycounter lvl 8
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Tejay polycounter lvl 8
So I'm sorta a lurker round here, who's avoided posting for a good while, figure its time to start. This is my current project rendered in marmoset. Any crits or comments are welcomed. There is still a ways to go yet though. Currently working on the window frames and roof. The middle will be a fountain surrounded by plants.screenshot1-1.jpg


  • Rhoutermans
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    Rhoutermans polycounter lvl 12
    looks good!
    Try to get more detail into the bricks (especially the bigger ones supporting the columns. I like the colors thusfar in your scene, would look great with some green I think :)
  • Tejay
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    Tejay polycounter lvl 8
    looks good!
    Try to get more detail into the bricks (especially the bigger ones supporting the columns. I like the colors thusfar in your scene, would look great with some green I think :)

    Thanks mate. I've pumped up the detail in the larger bricks and it looks much better already.
    The green from plants should really compliment the scene perfectly.
  • Tejay
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    Tejay polycounter lvl 8
    So the roof is finally done, now onto the pots and fountain.
  • Tejay
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    Tejay polycounter lvl 8
    Just a quick update, finished the pot. Going to add plants in afterwards since i don't want them to just be uniform. The tri count is 364 for anyone wanting to know.
  • Tejay
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    Tejay polycounter lvl 8
    Quick update. Now onto plants.
  • ivanzu
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    ivanzu polycounter lvl 10
    Looking good are you going to have a small garden in the middle?
  • Guy123

    Coming along nicely, your textures are nice and it shows that you've put a lot of effort into them.

    I'm not getting any real sense of scale/space. Check the size of your floor pavers, they seem quite large. If your floor texture is over-scaled it makes everything else seem miniature.
    Also on the floor pavers, have you considered knocking a bit of saturation/vibrance out of them? I might be wrong, but they just seem a little too vibrant, try it and see, perhaps it might look better how it is.

    Finally, and I'm sure you'll get to this later on. Don't forget to add some props & dirt decals between the walls and the paver. Or, for extra believability and if you have the budget, add some 'Edge Paving' between the walls and the floor. If you look at any herringbone paver in reality (the type you've got). It is almost always bordered with Edge Paving. (otherwise it'd just fall apart). This edge paving will also add a nice detail buffer between the two faces.

    Looks awesome, keep going!
  • Tejay
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    Tejay polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks for the comments guys. Giving an update on the plant creation, already got 4 different kinds. I appreciate any and all advice/comments.
    Ivanzu: I think this update will answer your question.
    Guy123: Thank you for the kind words and advice! I will have to readjust the scale of the bricks before I show my next over all shot. I will play with the saturation maybe once I've finished the garden so I can see how it all fits together. (i must admit I'm a sucker for colour) I will also have to consider putting in edging for the pavings like you pointed out, I hadn't looked into those type of pavings so this was a very helpful hint. Thanks again.

  • Tejay
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    Tejay polycounter lvl 8
    Ok big update, with the garden now pretty much done, bar some tweaking. I need to do a few more things and this puppy is done.
    Also if anyone has advice on dirt maps or a good tutorial please link it to me as i have no idea about them yet.
  • Paunescu.Daniel
    reminds me of Cathedral Square in Stormwind, from World of Warcraft, the pavement is similar and the fountain in the middle, nice work so far!
  • Guy123
    Much better, looks lovely.

    A few clouds wouldn't go a miss?

    I would lower the camera angle, don't forget - we look down on things we don't like, and up to things we do!

    at the moment, by looking down on the scene you are making it seem quite small. By lowering the camera you can induce a feeling of awe and scale.

    Great work!
  • Tejay
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    Tejay polycounter lvl 8
    That's brilliant advice on the camera angle guy123 thanks! I will also have to get onto those clouds.
  • Guy123
    That's brilliant advice on the camera angle guy123 thanks! I will also have to get onto those clouds.

    Glad to help!
  • BenHenry
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    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
    This looks fantastic! MORE!
  • Samfisher84
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    Samfisher84 polycounter lvl 9
    so great, well executed!
  • Tejay
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    Tejay polycounter lvl 8
    You asked for more and here is more. I think I'm ready call this done maybe except for the odd tweak here and there and fixing the sky...

  • gilesruscoe
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    gilesruscoe polycounter lvl 10
    Came out really nicely man! Good addition to the 'folio
  • Alex Pointer
    great work! The only thing that is bothering me about this is that cloud. I feel like it is higher resolution than the rest of the scene and should be more out of focus. Also noticed that I can't see a horizon line through the windows. Nitpicky, I know, but I really think it will help sell this as a completed scene if you add those tiny details. :)
  • Tejay
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    Tejay polycounter lvl 8
    fixed up the background. Please tell me what you think of the alteration.

  • AimBiZ
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    AimBiZ polycounter lvl 14
    Hey, this is looking good! Not to fond of the lighting yet. Have you tried with a stronger sunlight? The big shadows makes it feel kind of cold atm.
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    Ahh I might be a tad too late to the scene!

    I think you need to break it up and add some depth to the scene. Break up the doorway you have there, create a bigger archway or something. You're getting stuck in this little scene with little to no depth to it at all, make it a little bit more interesting, the mirroring of everything is a little bit too obvious.

    Either way, really nice props and plants :) I really like the detail on those small archways. I just think it's a bit too stiff! Have a think about it :)

    Good work so far!
  • Tejay
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    Tejay polycounter lvl 8
    Here's a quick update based on critique given.

    : your not the first person to tell me about the lighting not being strong enough, so hopefully this is a little better.
    Chrisradsby: Yeah might be a tad late to the scene, I had always intended on this being a small piece to begin with, I promise something bigger next project! But I must admit I'm a sucker when it comes to symmetry, I just think it looks pleasing.

  • underfox
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    underfox polycounter lvl 7
    i like it, specialy the sky ( i know i'm weird ) but i think it could need a bit more brightness in my opinion.
  • Guy123
    Massive improvement with the lighting, thought I've noticed now that my eye is bring drawn into the corner, where nothing is really happening, perhaps try moving the light so that the centre-point is more focussed on the sculpture in the middle, turning it into the focal point. If you then added some water effects to it (turning it into a fountain) you'd have a really nicely finished piece.

    I forgot to mention before too: I'm a big fan of your foliage, care to share your process? The normal maps are quite well defined so am I right in thinking it is all baked?
  • Tejay
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    Tejay polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks for the comments all. I'll have to experiment with your lighting advice guy123, since you haven't steered me wrong yet. I didn't think i did anything special with my plants (infact i just winged it since those are my first real plants with normals but i did do alot of reading up on methods) but sure thing I'll write up a full tutorial of my process if you'd like. I didn't acctually bake the normals from a texture, it was done in zbrush. I find that you get much more predictable normals when working with a 3d mesh. It may sound complicated but it didn't take that long really.
  • Alex Pointer
    I definitely like the change you made with the sky-it seems to fit the style of the scene and is no longer a distraction. Also, I see the horizon line too and it looks good.

    The point about the lighting that people are pointing out, I agree with. I wish I was at home so I could provide a really quick paint over (more of a Photoshop adjustment to levels really). This is all very minor stuff-it looks great!
  • Tejay
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    Tejay polycounter lvl 8
    So i've broken up the project and rendered out pieces for my folio, thought I'd share here as well.
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