Okay this was a dead thread I created around May, got busy with stuff such as working on an indie game (still doing that), then I got a job which took up so much time, and along came school. The only 3D I did for the longest time was low poly stuff for this awesome iOS game which I won't talk about here...
Anyways, this old project is now back in motion. I lost my old blockout that I did like 6 months ago when I did a fresh install of windows, so I did a new one for this thing. Modular pieces are below to show how this will be constructed. This is my first REAL environment, so although I'd like to stay optimistic, I can't promise I'm going to blow you guys away. I've been drawing like crazy and teaching myself art, so lets see if that helps me!
Wish me luck!
Original Crysis 2 concept artwork by Daniel Rizea (Ref):

Quick paint-over of main forms/assets to be modeled within the painting:
Okay guys, not quite done, I need to add a few more things!
Youtube Video:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhK8aXJd6wI"][CryEngine3] Crysis 2 Environment [WIP] (12/28/2012) - YouTube[/ame]
Concept Art Camera Angle:

Exterior Angle:

Blockout in Max 1:

Blockout in Max 2:

Modular pieces blockout:

Dennis: Thanks man!
Oniram: Thanks, I plan on working on this more when I get exams out of the way! Still in highschool here.
JamieRIOT: Yeah, I agree the concept is really beautiful.
EDIT (11/12/2012):
This project has been discontinued, however I'd like to go back to it and actually finish it. When I made this I didn't have a very good workflow, nor did I have good knowledge of what I was doing. Now that I have a bit more experience I plan on doing this scene some time in the future, esp since Dariz has posted! Thanks for the motivation boost Dariz!
EDIT! (12/28/2012):
Okay time to get back to work on this thing! I'm starting all over, lost my old blockout when I reinstalled windows! My old blockout was disproportionate anyways hehe.
EDIT: Can a moderator on the forum change the title? This isn't UDK!