Alright Polycount, here is the lowdown. Ill be turning 18 this summer and am looking into applying for an internship at one of the studios around my area. My portfolio currently only has lowpoly mobile game character work in it, so Ive recently started doing a lot of sculpting practice.
I decided I might as well give a full next gen character a go! The high poly sculpt still has
A LOT to go, but Id really like to get some feedback on what I have so far. So here he is, my coal miner:

I still want to do a lot more with his face, shoes and overalls as well as give him a pick axe. Cant wait to hear your guys thoughts, thanks.
Ive never textured a next gen character before and I would love any advice on where to start that anyone might have. Not really sure where to go from here.
Anyway, I hope 3k polys will NOT be next gen.
For texturing, you could start on the highpoly and use its occlusion as a base for the low.
Keep going with it !