I like the old design as a warframe much more, the new designs have all these really busy alien shapes but nothing mechanical or familiar to contrast/ground them and don't have any rest spots for the eye.
That's ones of the reasons I asked what type of 'commercial' scheme we're looking at, I would really love to buy a more 'mechanical' skin for my character, rather then alien ones in the games that the characters seem to sport.
What exactly do you do in this game? Is this a co-op 3rd person shooter kind of game? Pvp perhaps where people join one of the 3 major faction and compete against one another? I am just curious.
Got my beta invite and played a couple levels earlier today. It's super fun! movement and combat both feel great. chopping up a bunch of enemies while jumping in and out of the shadows is badass!
The game runs great already, congrats! Loving the animations of the bad guys. It's sleek and stylish all around, and the VFX are great !
I'll go ahead and point at the elephant in the room tho : I really, *really* wish the game view was first person. I understand that there is a desire to show the cool player character art as it is a good part of the personality of the IP, but it's a bit of a shame to see the core gameplay suffering so much from it. Many times I find the game barely playable because of the character getting in the way of the camera, wich is quite unnerving especially considering that no movement or action I have seen/performed so far really requires a third person view. Crysis2 had the crouch-slide-and-shoot implemented in first person and it worked great!
Also the control settings needs to give the option for toggle iron sight! Hold iron sight is very unnatural with a mouse.
Really hope to see these options patched in before release!
Having a blast with the game, really enjoying it! You guys did an amazing job with the art and effects as its the one thing that really catches peoples eye when I show it to them.
But....WHAT DID YOU DO TO EMBERS HAIR.....it look's like a floppy failed Mohawk. I much preferred the old head. I do like the rest of her new body though.
Watched that trailer and I have no idea what this game even is, but it doesn't cost me anything to test it so I'm a try it. My alias is tekoppar if anyone wants to play.
What I played of the closed beta was fantastic, played quite a bit but haven't been able to recently, gonna try and jump back into it with all the new updates and such.
Don't really get why there aren't more people here playing it or maybe they just aren't talking about it. It's pretty, fun, fairly polished and... free!
I wasn't massively interested when I first tried it a few months ago (turns out there was plenty to learn too which wasn't explained) but I just got sucked in over the weekend after watching some youtube videos and playing a lot.
I just watched the trailer before. Badass man, Great work!
Warframe is super fun and the art is gorgeous. Been playing on and off for awhile, just takes awhile to level and get enough money to do all the crafting. I should actually put some money into it though, is worth it!
I started playing this a few days ago, found it to be quite cool. I'd definitely recommend playing with friends over skype or something though, doesn't seem like the kind of game that would last a long time being played alone. Also only being able to do one test per 24hours is some crap (I skipped tut, failed test lvl 0 to 1, then tried again the next day and got it, then couldn't do the lvl2 test because I'd just done one. Silly system imo)
Regardless, you'd be a silly billy not to at least check this game out, so get on it.
Great trailer! I love that you guys are incorporating more story than a typical F2P title.
I hope I'm not stepping on any toes by saying this, but I just assumed the voice actress doing Lotus was a placeholder for beta... is that not the case? Her lines come across very stale to me.
Aye playing with friends over skype is more enjoyable and lets you coordinate better so you can link up powers effectively. Last night I'd invis walk into a group of enemies then switch teleport with a friend playing Mag who'd immediately do Crush upon appearing amongst them. Or you have them do bullet attractor and someone playing Excalibur do radial javelin so they all hit the same target. Coordinating makes the game even cooler
I just had to find this thread to exclaim how much I am in love! This game is great. Good work, artists. I love the random tileset mechanic. Much respect. We spent SO much time trying to make it work in Torchlight.
Started playing this week, and it's awesome. The gameplay and swordfighting is very fun and the art is gorgeous; I'm in love with the Warframes, DE took everything cool about Dark Sector and made it even better.
One thing thats turning me off though is the Platinum prices. I mean, holy shit 180 euro for the top package? I know F2P works by cut-throat rules, but that's some serious money grubbing there. Just looking at the Steam store, for that much exactly I can get Borderlands 2, Skyrim, Bioshock Infinite, Arma 3 and Payday 2. And I've got a hunch that platinum probably won't buy everything in game, so you pay the price of 5 big titles to not unlock 1 F2P title. If you pay that much, you should just get everything in the game unlocked now and forever. I'd easily drop 10-20 euro in if it would get me anything, but as it is 9 euro can't even buy you a nice warframe... how about no!
Have fun
Or play some Warframe.
I'll get me coat.
I'll go ahead and point at the elephant in the room tho : I really, *really* wish the game view was first person. I understand that there is a desire to show the cool player character art as it is a good part of the personality of the IP, but it's a bit of a shame to see the core gameplay suffering so much from it. Many times I find the game barely playable because of the character getting in the way of the camera, wich is quite unnerving especially considering that no movement or action I have seen/performed so far really requires a third person view. Crysis2 had the crouch-slide-and-shoot implemented in first person and it worked great!
Also the control settings needs to give the option for toggle iron sight! Hold iron sight is very unnatural with a mouse.
Really hope to see these options patched in before release!
But....WHAT DID YOU DO TO EMBERS HAIR.....it look's like a floppy failed Mohawk. I much preferred the old head. I do like the rest of her new body though.
Also, for the convenience conscious it's available on steam:
in a few hours I guess.
gogo Polyframes!
It's been a wild ride so far, we have a prettttttyyy hefty update coming out soon which should feed the masses for awhile :P
Thanks all for the support
YOU GUYS NEED AN ARTDUMP! Love the style so much.
Edit: I downloaded the fansite kit. Should hold me off for now
I haven't posted these on polycount, but here are some pieces I did initially - http://jasonlavoie.net/#/professional-warframe/
Warframe will be a launch F2P title for the PS4. I was apart of a small team working on this launch trailer and it`s finally out - http://ca.ign.com/videos/2013/06/05/warframe-is-coming-to-playstation-4 (Waiting on the youtube link).
I had a great time working on this, it was a small team but I think the results are pretty badass
Thanks again everyone for the support.
Warframe is super fun and the art is gorgeous. Been playing on and off for awhile, just takes awhile to level and get enough money to do all the crafting. I should actually put some money into it though, is worth it!
Also this
Regardless, you'd be a silly billy not to at least check this game out, so get on it.
I hope I'm not stepping on any toes by saying this, but I just assumed the voice actress doing Lotus was a placeholder for beta... is that not the case? Her lines come across very stale to me.
One thing thats turning me off though is the Platinum prices. I mean, holy shit 180 euro for the top package? I know F2P works by cut-throat rules, but that's some serious money grubbing there. Just looking at the Steam store, for that much exactly I can get Borderlands 2, Skyrim, Bioshock Infinite, Arma 3 and Payday 2. And I've got a hunch that platinum probably won't buy everything in game, so you pay the price of 5 big titles to not unlock 1 F2P title. If you pay that much, you should just get everything in the game unlocked now and forever. I'd easily drop 10-20 euro in if it would get me anything, but as it is 9 euro can't even buy you a nice warframe... how about no!