I needed a break from modeling boards, so I started on a skull prop that is going to be hanging from the arch over the bridge. I'm not going to get too crazy with the detail on this piece because it will be pretty small on screen.
I'm getting the textures and shaders built up. It's looking a little bland at the moment but I'll fix that with props, decals, and some texture blending parameters in the master material.
I'm still trying to figure out the best way to do the windows. I didn't construct the interior and I'm not sure how to fake the refraction. I'm thinking of using one cube map for reflection, one to fake refraction, lerping them with a fresnel term, and make the mat 100% opaque. Any advice?
The design is gorgeous, but the overall structure strikes me as almost too well-built to be a "pirate hideout". How about banging it up a bit, make things a bit more bent and warped. Right now it looks like it was constructed recently by an architect with top-grade tools - the angles and shapes just read as too "clean" for the subject matter to me, if that makes any sense.
Thanks, you make a good point. After I get a little closer to being done I'll do a damage pass. Stain decals, missing rope, missing boards, broken windows, etc.
A great technique he uses is to use a Cubemap for reflection, and then to mirror that same Cubemap to fake a refraction (pretty much what you already mentioned tbh).
Loving how this is progressing. My only comment is that in the concept it looks like this building has been constructed using parts of a boat, especially the roof, with a lot of the boat supports still added. Where as your roof looks like it was constructed specifically as a roof.
This concept by the same artist coveys what I mean better than my words.
I've started learning how to use the landscape tools and I'm making some damaged versions of the static meshes. The sky and water materials are udk's and will be replaced. I still have a lot to do but crits are always appreciated.
Definitely a step up - it really is coming together now you have an environment surrounding your hideout.
For your water, you could connect a Fresnel in your opacity node chain to make it more reflective/diffuse when viewed at an angle. I know it's only a work in progress at the moment, but thought it would help sell the effect for the time-being
Thanks, I figure I'm about 80% there. This is only my 3rd piece of game art, so I've learned a ton about workflow and UDK from this scene. It has been a slow process because I have stop to learn the tools each time I get to a new stage of development.
Looking awesome really like what youve done so far.
are you going to keep the default sky in udk or make your own to go along with your scene?
also, how did you go about creating to rope along the boardwalk? as in mesh wise?
However, that being said, the current sky seems really at odds with the lighting and the colour of the water - which would be relfecting the sky somewhat.
With that sort of set-up I'd expect to see a bight blue, almost entirely clear sky.
The surrounding hills also have some quite evident tiling. Perhaps overlaying a large texture with a much lower tiling rate would break the repetition up a bit more.
Yeah I would agree the sky looks too gray for the lighting you have. I personally like the happier lighting so I'd change the skydome before I'd change the lighting.
I like what you did with the beach and the foliage...really adds to the scene. Not sure if you have time for more props and stuff around the actual structure but it would really help make the scene feel more alive.
I fixed the skybox to match the water. I also added a crow's nest with a dynamically simulated flag and a cargo net to climb to the top. The textures on the crow's nest and cargo net are temporary.
I am going to add a cannon, ship steering wheel, and other odds and ends to flesh the scene out as suggested. I want to revisit the background terrain shapes and blend in some more grass textures for variation. Any more ideas or crits are appreciated.
I added some more props, tweaked the background, and I'm in the process of adding decals to break up the repetitive textures. The lighting needs to be rebuilt.
Cannon now with a %100 more bird shit decals! I still need to ruff up the texture a bit.
The only thing that comes to mind at the moment is how some of the textures such as the wooden walls looks great and grungy, where a lot of the other textures look quite clean and new - but I'm aware that you're probably doing this as I type...
Man, I'm really loving your work so far. Very nice textures and light behavior of your assets.
But I think your canon looks a bit to unused, since it's standing next to water. A bit more dirt/rust/scratches could do a lot here.
But still very impressive work. Keep it up!
EDIT: I'm seeing some mapping issues on that pillar behind your wheel
NedEx's pirate town does look remarkably similar to this in terms of architecture (which is even better in this case, imo)
The textures, in general, do feel too clean. There r no transitions between materials (poles coming out of water should be darker and have moss, for instance) and overall weather effects
For the record, if it weren't for the pirate flag and the thread title, I'd have never thought this to be a pirate hangout
NedEx's pirate town does look remarkably similar to this in terms of architecture (which is even better in this case, imo)
The textures, in general, do feel too clean. There r no transitions between materials (poles coming out of water should be darker and have moss, for instance) and overall weather effects
For the record, if it weren't for the pirate flag and the thread title, I'd have never thought this to be a pirate hangout
It's based off of this concept:
Good point about the poles coming out of the water.
@ Mr.Cash Thanks, when I'm done there is going to be water stains, scuff marks, and bird shit everywhere.
Great updates!!! can i say something that is bothering me a little bit? The model and texture looks really great but i think is too beige, the range of color are almost the same for everything.... i think more color between the woods will add more to your model.
Looking forward for some updates!
Only comment right now is that sltrOlsson is right and you also have some seams in your bridge too (right in the 2 corners).
Keep it up! Cheers
This is still very much a WIP.
Mmmmmmmm bacon.
I'm still trying to figure out the best way to do the windows. I didn't construct the interior and I'm not sure how to fake the refraction. I'm thinking of using one cube map for reflection, one to fake refraction, lerping them with a fresnel term, and make the mat 100% opaque. Any advice?
A great technique he uses is to use a Cubemap for reflection, and then to mirror that same Cubemap to fake a refraction (pretty much what you already mentioned tbh).
This concept by the same artist coveys what I mean better than my words.
Love the concept you've selected and the execution so far.
For your water, you could connect a Fresnel in your opacity node chain to make it more reflective/diffuse when viewed at an angle. I know it's only a work in progress at the moment, but thought it would help sell the effect for the time-being
Cool stuffz
I made a wrecked boat and littered the beach with rum barrels.
Looking awesome
are you going to keep the default sky in udk or make your own to go along with your scene?
also, how did you go about creating to rope along the boardwalk? as in mesh wise?
Keep it up, will be looking forward to more
My only crit is that the windows in the fourth image look really flat
and a fly through.
However, that being said, the current sky seems really at odds with the lighting and the colour of the water - which would be relfecting the sky somewhat.
With that sort of set-up I'd expect to see a bight blue, almost entirely clear sky.
The surrounding hills also have some quite evident tiling. Perhaps overlaying a large texture with a much lower tiling rate would break the repetition up a bit more.
Keep up the good work!
I like what you did with the beach and the foliage...really adds to the scene. Not sure if you have time for more props and stuff around the actual structure but it would really help make the scene feel more alive.
Well done!
I am going to add a cannon, ship steering wheel, and other odds and ends to flesh the scene out as suggested. I want to revisit the background terrain shapes and blend in some more grass textures for variation. Any more ideas or crits are appreciated.
Thanks for all of the valuable input.
You should probably see a doctor about that... :P
The sky look tons better @JonathanLambert.
Just out of interest - do you have the lighitng build set to 'Preview'?
Anyone know where the lightmap mipping distances are set?
Cannon now with a %100 more bird shit decals! I still need to ruff up the texture a bit.
The only thing that comes to mind at the moment is how some of the textures such as the wooden walls looks great and grungy, where a lot of the other textures look quite clean and new - but I'm aware that you're probably doing this as I type...
But I think your canon looks a bit to unused, since it's standing next to water. A bit more dirt/rust/scratches could do a lot here.
But still very impressive work. Keep it up!
EDIT: I'm seeing some mapping issues on that pillar behind your wheel
The textures, in general, do feel too clean. There r no transitions between materials (poles coming out of water should be darker and have moss, for instance) and overall weather effects
For the record, if it weren't for the pirate flag and the thread title, I'd have never thought this to be a pirate hangout
It's based off of this concept:
Good point about the poles coming out of the water.
@ Mr.Cash Thanks, when I'm done there is going to be water stains, scuff marks, and bird shit everywhere.