I have some old work done on school computers in Mudbox that I would like to be able to open on my home PC, but through the previous semester it seems I constantly would encounter a problem where Mudbox would crash on my PC any time I try to open files created on one of the school machines as well as crashing any time I would try to open files created at home on a school computer..
I really don't know what I could do to get to the old files, other than getting into a school lab that is likely closed and exporting to another program.
Any ideas on other solutions, explanations for why this happens, or ways I can avoid this happening in the future? Thanks!
i recommend to export obj files and unsubdivide them in a newer version...
but you will loose all your layers...
Johnicus : Yeah files are not always compatible between service packs. Mud2012 (with the Service Pack 1 if I remember correctly) cannot open files from SP3.
Oglu : I keep running into that one. Basically, hiding a mesh doesn't necessarily "deselect" it ; therefore if you click another mesh after hiding one, and delete that newly selected mesh, the two of them get deleted, and usually one does not notice it until way later. The answer is to alway look at the outliner, but still, it is completely backwards, and very, very slow and glitchy anyways. In a 3D app If something is out of view, there should be no way to accidentally select it or delete it ...
There is a also a very similar problem with non-symmetrical meshes, like a hair piece : you can have your cursor on one side, but have the "other side of the cursor" (mirrorX) select another mesh - typically, the face - and you end up getting screwed up one way or another.
I repeorted these bugs many times, even chatted with their QA and made video reports but they are still there in mud2012sp3 ... so now I only use Mudbox for single object scenes only.
Sorry for the derail