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Judge and Jury demon character

polycounter lvl 14
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daphz polycounter lvl 14
Been chipping away on this guy for a few weeks. Still lots to do/cleanup. He's a sketch by the amazing Rayph!


sculpt so far:



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    STRIKER polycounter lvl 14
    looking nice! 3 things i think you should look out for. 1. he looks stubby still, i think if you squeeze in the "ribs" it should help. 2. the folds on the cape in the back at the bottom look too sharp, maybe soften them up a bit. 3. the huge horn coming off his shoulder looks like its in the wrong place, see, in the concept, it looks like it sways back or its part of the back.

    anyway its looking really sexy
  • Dan!
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    Dan! polycounter lvl 6
    sculpt is looking nice. I agree he could be thinner especially in the rib cage and waist. That could accentuate the large shoulders a bit more. The horn/shell back piece is lacking in interest compared to the rest IMO. Looking at the concept, his hands could be knobbier/more silhouette on the knuckles. Right now they look kid of chubby and soft. What are your plans for the legs? Any chance of a low res, full textured piece? Keep it up- looks great.
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    psh, whatever daphz... shit's lame.

  • EiGHT
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    EiGHT polycounter lvl 10


    I must say though, some of the proportions seem a little off and its giving the model this chibi look imo.I did a paint over for you my brown butter stick........lol

    The green are things that seem disproportionate to me.The center plate is way smaller in the concept and could use some shrinking.The skull shoulder stack is stacked a bit funky.It makes each of the masks look hella thick.Also I pushed the waist in some for you (maybe too much actually).

    Besides those things, this is looking amazingggg braw.Keep on, keepin' on.

  • Joopson
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    Joopson hero character
    Looks awesome but.... why is this winking avatar taking over polycount? Haha, what's the story behind that?
  • ScudzAlmighty
  • Shoy333
    Looking super hawt Daphz! not really a char artist so no real crits here keep at er man looking forward to seeing your textures! Ps. Streammmmm when you texture ^-^
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    I'd say beef up his hands a bit, in the concept they're bit and meaty while yours are kinda normal sized. Keep up the awesome work Daphz!
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    Joopson wrote: »
    Looks awesome but.... why is this winking avatar taking over polycount? Haha, what's the story behind that?

    hahaha read thru this lol
  • skylebones
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    skylebones polycounter lvl 10
    This is great Daphz! Your latest work has really been a step above. It's obvious you've been putting a lot of hours in.
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    the effort you've been putting in lately really shows in your work. great job dude
  • daphz
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    daphz polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks guys! I've been dragging my feet lately D: with all the diablo and tera and league of legends. I spent some time detailing stuff, and still need to go back and fix the proportional problems and stubbyness. I do plan on retopoing/texturing this guy. the retopo is gonna be a challenge, especially the chains...

    here's a small update


    Once again, thanks for the crits! gotta fix him up now!
  • Selaznog
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    Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
    Sweet mother of God...this is amazing. Only think that bugs me is I'd like to see him with a smaller head (smaller heads = more badass) but that could just be a personal preference of mine :P
  • Torch
  • ScudzAlmighty
    are you gonna stream the retopo? I'd be interested in making sarcastic comments during that stream...
  • IchII3D
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    IchII3D polycounter lvl 12
    Great form and looks nice and clean. Only comment would be the concept has this nice scale between something cartoon and realistic, yours leans more towards cartoon and feels like something from Warcraft instead of something like Diablo. A good place to spot this is the chains and armour segments. Also your model seems to have bold detail everywhere and your losing some of those flowing lines through the characters composition (could be that he isn't posed) it just feels like he has lots of stuff thrown on him at the moment when the concept feels like each element of his armour has spacing between it and connection to his body. But generally I think a lot of the issues in terms of accuracy and capturing the concept are to down to scaling.

    Great work though, looking forward to seeing this finished :D
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    yeah you certainly have your work cut out for you- but that's the point no? No one would give you props if what your`re doing was a cake walk :P

    for the chain retopo it might just be best to UV and retop 1 of the links, then just use the highpoly positioning as a refrence for repositioning the low. kind of a pain I know- but easier than manually retop-ing each individual link.

    Fantastic work man, I think this is your best piece yet!
  • FullSynch
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    FullSynch polycounter lvl 12
    Looks amazing! His right hand wrist/gauntlet piece could be a bit more connected. Right now those 3 ridges are sort of just floating there, while the concept depicts bits in between the gaps to hold it together. Can't wait to see how this progresses. :)
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