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Journeyman environment uni project

polycounter lvl 15
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Shiv polycounter lvl 15
Just wanted to pimp some group work created as part of a uni assignment.
We were given the task of creating an asylum/hospital level and to work with designers to create, populate and add gameplay to it.
I was unable to post progress through the project so hopefully this is acceptable.

I hope you enjoy it :)

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsZLV0kO0rU&feature=g-upl"]Journeyman_Asylum_ART - YouTube[/ame]

I will mention this thread to the other teams to see if they will post up. Thanks for watching!


  • Envart
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    Envart polycounter lvl 6
    Nice environment! I paticularly like the exterior, generator and lobby sections. Would be nice to see some model breakdowns if you have the time.

    Good work dewds!
  • Darkleopard
    Pretty neat! I have a couple questions.

    How many artists?
    How long did this take?
    What year of school are you guys in?

    Would love to see some breakdowns also, this looks like a pretty fun project!
  • Stiansch
    Overall about 100 "employees" in a simulated games company with about 35 artits with a wild guess. The asylum level you see here was one of the 5 themes we were to make, with the others being: Ancient Civilisation, Creepy Carnival, Hashima Island and Art Deco Ocean Liner.

    These themes was used to make "test chambers" for an alien ship experimenting on humans (a cheap solution to get the chance of making a wide variety of environments).

    Btw, it was NOT just about environments which this thread has been named, but we also made about 15 characters as well, both main characters and npc's.
  • Stiansch
    I was acting as a jr. lead character artist myself and these were the characters I made for the project plus some concept art for some other characters I didn't get to make and were handed to others.

    "Golf Girl"
    Was one of the main characters wihch were going to playable and was modelled from a team member's concept art. She was also modelled from his plans. These "abductees" were going to be random inhabitants of the Earth and should be picked from anywhere in the world. It was also a little difficult in proportion to the plans to make her look interesting enough with such plain clothes, so I at least tried to make some alpha planes for the hair, but it didn't work to well for her hairstyle, being the first try on hair.


    I also made the boss for the Ancient Civilisation theme. He was based on the Mayans' death god called Yum Cimil and most of his ornaments was originally made of bone, but it lacked interesting features so I changed some of the pieces to be more like jade stone.


    And here are the modelling sheets for both of them:


    (Both of the characters were skinned by animators and not particulary meant to be in this pose in game, so the deformation especially on the girl looks a bit weird)
  • Teessider
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    Teessider polycounter lvl 11
    This is pretty much the same as my sketchbook post but I feel this belongs in here too.

    I was an environment artist on Art Deco Ocean Liner team and these are some of the assets I made throughout the project:






  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    Hm, compared to the characters, I believe the environment assets need a lot more texture work to read well and look believable. I'm not sure whether they're supposed to be concrete or metal, I think you were aiming for the latter? If so, I'd really darken the diffuse texture and leave the specular to show the scratches.. which you might want redo and place more in areas where scratching would occur and not have it be uniformly scratched ;)
  • Teessider
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    Teessider polycounter lvl 11
    cptSwing wrote: »
    Hm, compared to the characters, I believe the environment assets need a lot more texture work to read well and look believable. I'm not sure whether they're supposed to be concrete or metal, I think you were aiming for the latter? If so, I'd really darken the diffuse texture and leave the specular to show the scratches.. which you might want redo and place more in areas where scratching would occur and not have it be uniformly scratched ;)

    Thank you for the feedback! It is much appreciated :thumbup: :poly121: The assets are supposed to be metal. My texturing skills aren't great at the moment (but with practice they will improve!) and I found it quite hard to get the metallic assets to look right when I was texturing them.
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    A good quick way to get something nice looking is to darken the diffuse lots and really brighten the specular for metal areas. then add scratches to specular and tweak, tweak, tweak ;)
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