Currently I'm trying to use distant clouds and a very dark high fog to try and achieve a soild overcast look. I was just wondering if anyone had a better method, or had some tips, etc?
My goal is for asperatus clouds at sunset, kinda like this:
except the sun is peeking out from underneath.
If you have any luck please share it.
@Xoliul: I hear ya, but its a fantasy scene with a sinister/evil overtone. Well thats the plan at least.
Actually I can do better than this, but for now it stays, as I've got a giant to do list.
I did try actually modelling the clouds, and tried out the DX11 tessellation stuff, but it wouldn't deform the cloud-plane enough. So that leaves me with particle effects and sine waves.
I can't see anything. You don't mean the hud do ya?
yes I'm talking about the HUD, can't find a console command or anything, except maybe making a flow graph to shut it off. was hoping there was an easier way.
Actually I didn't intend any sarcasm. Despite two arrows pointing at the hud,
because of you calling it artifacts I thought that maybe you mean some shading artifacts with the vegetation.
Let me attempt some sarcasm now though.
Did you try to search for something with 'HUD' as in g_showHud 0 or you were searching for something
like g_strange_artifacts 0?