How do these tiles look? Any crits or comments would be very helpful.
Are any of the tiles going in the right direction?
I'm still figuring out what brushes work best in Zbrush.
Eventually this would be used as ground texture for a cellar/dungeon type scene.
As always, thank you for the help!

Would you use the malletfast brush to do the trim dynamic and hpolish?
I feel like my base tiles are a little too wide apart and shouldn't have such wide or deep cracks. I don't know.
Good start but I would advise looking at some more reference. A quick Google search can give you a great start. At the moment I would suggest lowering the height of the tiles and the gaps in-between them. Make them a little less square and add some grouting between the tiles.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=cecdfbeae6323ee4&biw=1009&bih=1054
Also agree with lowering the height and closing the gaps.
Too much general wear and tear as well.
I'm still trying to figure out how to make grout properly, so that will come.
For the grout: Try making it a separate subtool that you can embed your tiles into. That way you can play with sculpting, noise and textures separately without needing to worry about your tiles. Depending on how tilable or unique you want the thing to be you can also make single tiles stand out a little or be covered in grout.
The most important thing is always looking at reference. Preferrably real one if available.
Thank you for the help with the grout, I didn't know where to start really, and now I do.
Appreciate the help motionblur!
The first set of stones has some nice character. There is some nice detail and scratches in the first set of stones that the second set is lacking. The second set of stones look smoothed over a little too much and has lost a lot of detail. I would suggest adding more gouges like the first set to the second set because the second set of stones appear to have a nicer edge flow.
@Animesh... maybe I'll try combining the gouges of the first set with the edges with the second?
Keep going joe!
I'm still having trouble with the grout. I feel like it's either too noisy or too flat. I need to find the happy medium.
If you haven't seen this ^ Take a watch. He uses a Morph target > Over details > Then uses the Morph brush with a Spray stroke to reduce the detail to get that Happy Medium
I'm sure it's something simple, but for the life of me I can't figure it out.
Thank you l.croxton.