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polycounter lvl 18
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keizza polycounter lvl 18
This thread has a couple statements/questions about one of the greatest metal bands to ever exist: Meshuggah. So I'm wondering what the fans out there think of their new record. I personally love it. However a lot of fans/reviews are calling it "their most accessible record to date". Do you agree or not?

Also, I'm seeing them for the second time May 15 here in Chicago. I saw them once after they released Catch33 and the show was amazing!!! I'm wondering if anyone here has seen them on this current tour yet. And how was it?


  • ParoXum
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    ParoXum polycounter lvl 9
    What did you think of Obzen? I liked it but to me it was already a lot more accessible to new ears than Catch33 was.
  • keizza
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    keizza polycounter lvl 18
    First of all I like pretty much all of their records. I like Obzen....and yes i do think might be a tad more accessible. To be honest most bands as they get on and on slowly deviate to a sound that is unlike their younger chaotic days. It just seems to happen. Slayer has kept it up through the ages....yet they started to become more accessible with South of Heaven. So...it seems as though it happens quite often.

    However, Meshugga has always kept their signature original sound. I really don't think that has ever changed. The combination of odd times and guitars w/482 strings tuned down etc. Ha!

    I mean when you listen to songs like "New Millenium Cyanide Christ" on Chaosphere...that song is straight up accessible...they have others in their past as well. Their records have never struck me as accessible in general. So i think it's kinda funny for all these reviews to be calling it "their most accessible record to date". I mean accessible compared to what? "I"? That thing's nuts.
  • Hristo Rusanov
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    Hristo Rusanov polycounter lvl 7
    Is way more accessible than their old stuff.I kinda expect this after Obzen.Still KOLOSS is light years ahead of almost everything that i have been listen last couple years.But in my opinion nothing can beat Catch 33. :)
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    !!!! there's a new meshuggah album?!?! wooooo
  • keizza
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    keizza polycounter lvl 18
    Sure...I guess I'm painting myself into a corner here. I mean I "get it". It's just that their records are still, just as Hristo put it, "light years ahead". So when people call it "accessible" it rubs me wrong. But i guess they are putting it in context of the bands discog.

    Yet...I must still say....when I listen to their earlier stuff...I still hear so many motifs that have continued throughout the years.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    I'm probably one of the few who loved both I and Catch 33. Obzen was nice but it didn't have the oomph of Chaosphere, Destroy Erase Improve or Nothing. I kind of feel the same about Koloss, I'm going to give it more time, maybe it'll grow on me but for now Chaosphere and Destroy Erase Improve are my definite favourites of theirs.

    Koloss is definitely Meshuggah though, it has their style all over it, so I can't dislike it ;)
  • keizza
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    keizza polycounter lvl 18
    "I" is probably one of my all time "highs" as far as listening to and respecting a piece of music. It's fucking insane!
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    It really is, I've had it on my different MP3 players for years. It's just awesome to shuffle into and leave on, it's intense as hell. Makes me wonder if they could ever perform it live :P Would probably murder Haake and Jens :P
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    Skamberin wrote: »
    It really is, I've had it on my different MP3 players for years. It's just awesome to shuffle into and leave on, it's intense as hell. Makes me wonder if they could ever perform it live :P Would probably murder Haake and Jens :P

    //edit: i need to l2read
    get their Live album, Alive, its fucking amazing.

    This new album is great! These guys are so impressive, fucking love this band :poly142:
  • keizza
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    keizza polycounter lvl 18
    HAHHAHAHA. yes indeed skam. I saw an interview once on youtube. the interviewer asked if they'd ever play it live. the response was "probably not....that is one of those experiements that's really for recording purposes". My head would blow up if they did tho.

    glad you are liking it moose. it's funny cause on the youtube vid for demiurge. people are like "watered down head bobbing shiet". but goddamn...song is still explosive as hell.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    behind the sun is fucking destroying me right now. Love they're still being complex, while also pulling in a little more power/groove. I'm still about halfway through it (bought it as soon as i saw this thread), and im fucking grinning ear to ear while crunching. Has made my night :)

    Thordendal played on Devin Townsend's latest album, and I think he is also on Gojira's new one due out this June. Can kind of hear a little influence from those two bands here, while still being Meshuggah.
  • keizza
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    keizza polycounter lvl 18
    good luck on your crunch moose. i was on a crunch once and this programmer, when things were going bad, would always come in and say "hey keith...can i borrow that meshuggah? i need it". HAHAHAHAHA.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    :D thanks, this is definitely helping!
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    I only care about live performances anymore. And I'll be seeing them with Decapitated this Friday.

  • keizza
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    keizza polycounter lvl 18
    i'm seein that same bill sucka. let's compare notes here after the 15th. but please....drop some impressions beforehand.
  • EmAr
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    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    Meshuggah is one of those bands which none of my friends listen to(lol this sounds like a hipster, I'd actually like them to listen to Meshuggah) Then I come across this thread at Polycount :D I love the new album, Demiurge is my favorite track. I'd load the Koloss commercials in youtube to listen to that part of the track before the album was released.

    I actually like that Meshuggah is going for more "accessible" music instead of trying to go deeper into the technical stuff. It's good to hear different things from a band I already like..well, unless they go into dubstep or something like that.

    On a side note, Destroy Erase Improve is still my favorite Meshuggah album. But I really enjoy almost all of their stuff, from Contradictions Collapse to Koloss. I wish to see them live in the future.

    Decapitated + Meshuggah sounds insanely good btw, I'm jealous!
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