Awesome idea! Looks good so far, and this just just a nitpicky thing but I think instead of ancient runes on the cloth, maybe if you had some problem words? Like their, there, they're etc. Also, I'm not a fan of where the cloth is on the hammer. It feels like it would just fall off. It'd look cool if it was wrapped around the handle and hung off the end of the handle
@Selaznog: Yes, i thing it would be better if there would be something else than runes...first i was going on somewhat like that "EPIC" look, so i remembered the runes...for the cloth i thing your idea is better...need to find reference for hanging cloth tho..but thank you
I think you mean 'grammar' Seriously though, it's hard to judge the scale of this. To me it looks like the handle is only about 12-16 inches long, and would be very unbalanced, and hard to hold.
I think adding a pommel would help the unbalanced feel and from a practical standpoint would reduce the likelihood of it slipping out of the wielder's hand when swung. It could be just a little nub on the end or something a bit more fancy.
Pommel is looking good. Your fabric hanging and wrinkles is what's letting it down now. It might be worth hunting down some good reference. You'd actually be a lot closer if you painted the wrinkles out entirely.
@Jackablade: the hanging cloth on the pommel is just a placeholder for now. What are your toughts on the wrikles of the cloth on the head of the hammer?
I think it looked more natural in your previous versions. It depends what exactly it's made of, but you're not likely to get a lot of wrinkling there even with the rivets added.
Added the pommel just like u guys suggested, C&C would be great!
Don't think about adding the scroll on the handle but will see.
@paintforge Yes i will include the G in the next update ;D
- smoother wrinkles on the head
- did a little work on the pommel scroll, still needs work
- added the G