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Giving back to Polycount (27" 2560x1440) $400

polycounter lvl 17
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tremulant polycounter lvl 17
So here's the deal. I live in Korea and as I was looking up parts for my new computer rig, I found a killer display for super cheap. They are under a few different names but basically(from my research) these are rejected apple cinema displays in a different stand and casing. This guy in the video talks about them some here --check it out if you are in the market for a nice display.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akJVKzzp4a4"]Achieva Shimian 27" 2560x1440 Monitor (qh270) - YouTube[/ame]

I actually can get them for about $220 here((sorry to rub it in :) )) but since you dudes and gals are in the States/Europe or wherever you are probably going to have to pay a bit extra because of the shipping. From $350-450 ( shipping included in price)

Where to get them--

Ebay has some auctions from Korean dealers. And if you are lucky you might find one here:

Also here is a nice little write up on the displays and the differences between them.


I'm getting the 27q http://item.gmarket.co.kr/detailview/Item.asp?goodscode=235688960&pos_shop_cd=SH&pos_class_cd=111111111&pos_class_kind=T&keyword_order=27q+led&keyword_seqno=1254525448&search_keyword=27q+led#opinion_link

Okay, that's it...You all have helped me out a lot over the years with random problems, so I wanted to pass along a great deal...It's risky because it might cost you if you have to ship it back, but it's a hell of a good price.

Peace :)


  • cman2k
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    cman2k polycounter lvl 17

    I hate you. Buy me one.

    P.S. <3
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    I heard electronics are way overpriced in Korea, what gives? Is it cause they are rejected screens?
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    Most likely - they'll be offbrand so the price won't be jacked skyhigh.

    You'll sometimes find that some "economy" brands actually use the exact same LCDs as bigger name brands like Sony or Apple, just in different casing - sometimes they even roll out the same factory.
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Currently have a 22" monitor, this looks really sweet :O Thanks for the heads up :D
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    A 27" is a great investment for any artist. Just remember to get a good gfx card to drive your games. It looks like butt in anything but native res.
  • tremulant
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    tremulant polycounter lvl 17
    Hahah, Los man. I <3 you too :D Sent you a PM

    The electronics are generally extremely overpriced here as there isn't an international market on many products. Only domestic brands = higher prices. This is a bit of anomaly. Looks like some are on ebay for $350 free shipping internationally. http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p5197.m570.l1313&_nkw=shimian&_sacat=See-All-Categories
  • skankerzero
    I might be interested in one.
  • R3D
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    R3D interpolator
    Those are sexy monitors, how much are the apple ones typically?
  • Korrax
    Wait for 4k displays! hah this looks worth picking up though. I wish I had more pixels to work on....
  • Snowfly
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    Snowfly polycounter lvl 18
    If you've ever worked on a 27" Apple the experience is pretty horrible because of the gloss. Kind of weird staring back at your reflection while you paint/game/watch movies, unless you work in total darkness.

    I read there are matte versions of these thing floating around (from different manufacturers) but haven't spotted them yet.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    You can by a matte cover for them
  • EarthQuake
    I would be pretty worried about getting an IPS panel in one and a shitty TN panel in another, ughh.... but still, do sort of want.
  • skankerzero
    Snowfly wrote: »
    If you've ever worked on a 27" Apple the experience is pretty horrible because of the gloss. Kind of weird staring back at your reflection while you paint/game/watch movies, unless you work in total darkness.

    I read there are matte versions of these thing floating around (from different manufacturers) but haven't spotted them yet.

    turn off the lights.
  • Snowfly
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    Snowfly polycounter lvl 18
    ZacD - Yeah I'm aware, and applying matte covers takes a bit of skill. Gettng the entire surface dust and hair free, unpeeling and reapplying the film to press out the bubbles, taking care not to misalign... it can be done, but I can't even get the films on my iPod right. I'd rather not contend with 27" again.

    skanker- I do work during the day too :)
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Snowfly wrote: »
    skanker- I do work during the day too :)

    Close the curtains! If you lack them, buy blinds/curtains, install them, then close them!
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Snowfly wrote: »
    ZacD - Yeah I'm aware, and applying matte covers takes a bit of skill. Gettng the entire surface dust and hair free, unpeeling and reapplying the film to press out the bubbles, taking care not to misalign... it can be done, but I can't even get the films on my iPod right. I'd rather not contend with 27" again.

    It'd be worth the hassle if reflections bother you that much, there's some pretty good youtube guides on how to avoid air bubbles when using those, I'd just make sure to do it as soon as you get the monitor.
  • skankerzero
    Torch wrote: »
    Close the curtains! If you lack them, buy blinds/curtains, install them, then close them!


    I keep my work area super dark, but I understand. Glossy screens are annoying ESPECIALLY on tvs.
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    Wow, that is amazing.. I may have to pick a few of these off ebay. Beats the 999 apple charges for their displays.. But quite a bit less features (though that is not that big of a deal if you don't need a thuderbolt hub, gigabit ethernet, usb, speakers and web cam).
    Though a lot of people had issues with the displays in imacs and returned them.. Curious maybe they all went in these?
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    Wahlgren wrote: »
    A 27" is a great investment for any artist. Just remember to get a good gfx card to drive your games. It looks like butt in anything but native res.

    You could try 1280x720, which is exactly half the height and width, so you essentially have 4 pixel blocks that get rendered as 1 pixel. It might still not look super fantastic, but at least you'll have less intrusive interpolation.

    In my experience and opinion, a small bit of scaling (say, 1600x900 to 1920x1080) looks worse than more scaling at a more regular interval, (1280x720 to 1920x1080) because there are less sharp pixels. With 720 -> 1080 You have 2 pixels spread across 3, so you only have 1 blurred pixel and 2 sharp ones. With 900 -> 1080 You have 5 pixels spread across 6, so you have 4 blurred pixels and 2 sharp ones.

    It may seem counterintuitive, but it might be a good idea to lower the resolution MORE to get it to look a bit nicer. Plus, then you've got some extra GPU power which you can spend on higher settings like AA, parallax mapping and postprocessing.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Snader wrote: »
    You could try 1280x720, which is exactly half the height and width, so you essentially have 4 pixel blocks that get rendered as 1 pixel. It might still not look super fantastic, but at least you'll have less intrusive interpolation.

    In my experience and opinion, a small bit of scaling (say, 1600x900 to 1920x1080) looks worse than more scaling at a more regular interval, (1280x720 to 1920x1080) because there are less sharp pixels. With 720 -> 1080 You have 2 pixels spread across 3, so you only have 1 blurred pixel and 2 sharp ones. With 900 -> 1080 You have 5 pixels spread across 6, so you have 4 blurred pixels and 2 sharp ones.

    It may seem counterintuitive, but it might be a good idea to lower the resolution MORE to get it to look a bit nicer. Plus, then you've got some extra GPU power which you can spend on higher settings like AA, parallax mapping and postprocessing.
    Very interesting. Will try that out when time comes. I just got a gtx 680 so GPU power is the last of my worries at the moment. Running bf3 @ 2560x1440 on ultra. Silky smooth. :)
  • tremulant
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    tremulant polycounter lvl 17
    I really love the look of the glass display. Hoping it won't be a big deal.
    Also as someone else mentioned the Cinema displays from apple are 1k! So this is a steal...Bumping so others can see
  • skankerzero
    so I have a question:

    If you buy one locally, can you return it or test it out before buying it?
  • Azreality
    I'm currently in Korea too and yes, electronics are usually over priced but I find good deals here and there if I pay in cash and do some bartering.

    But, the monitors are a pretty good deal non the less.
  • skankerzero
    Well I've been reading lots of conflicting reviews. Especially when it comes to the refresh rates. Some people report 60 while others say they have got up to 120.
    Also dead pixel reports are all over the place too. Usually not terribly bad though.

    I want to buy one, but I want someone to look at it first and figure out if it's a 60hz or 120hz monitor. I would totally send you money for purchase and shipping if you were interested as long as you check it out first.
  • tremulant
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    tremulant polycounter lvl 17
    Hey Skanker,

    I haven't seen anything like this locally, and usually it's too expensive to buy electronics that way. As for returning, yeah, that's no problem at all. They are also super fast with shipping, and even will come and pick up the package if you are returning or exchanging. I ordered a complete computer last week and got 95% of the computer the next day. 1 part came 2 days later. I had to send back some ram since they sent me the wrong kind, but I will most likely post up pics of the monitor once I get it all turned on! Can't wait! Check your pm Jesse.
  • ImSlightlyBored
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    ImSlightlyBored polycounter lvl 13
    Necro post
    I bought one of these the past week, after reading this thread and doing my research online.
    Definitely not disappointed, they're what they say they are. I got a slightly different model - a Yamakasi Catleap - but the details are the same. IPS, LED 27" @ 2560 x 1440, and the colours are fantastic. I'm finding I don't need/want two monitors with this.

    edit: they are very bare bones, and the stands are nasty feeling (but look nice) By bare bones, they dont have usb ports, SD readers etc, nor, from what I can tell, any OSD stuff for brightness/gamma and so on, all that is handled through your drivers.

    If anyones on the fence about these -as I was - feel free to ask anything and I'll do my best.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    Do they have multiple inputs? HDMI, VGA and DVI? I'd like to use one as a TV.
  • walreu
    Uuh, looks sexy.
    I think having that 27" as main display with 24" on the side would be better than 2x 24" that i have now.
  • Futzy
    I followed the OCN thread on these for a long while, and I ordered my Crossover last week, the last part I need to finish my new build. It got to my city Friday night so it's been waiting to be delivered all weekend :(
    Lamont wrote: »
    Do they have multiple inputs? HDMI, VGA and DVI? I'd like to use one as a TV.
    There is this one available from Microcenter (the multi input models sold on ebay or more expensive) with multiple inputs and a scalar, but watching TV on this thing will be even worse than watching normal TV (or even HD channels) on a 1080p TV since it has to stretch out the pixels so far to fill the frame. It's a waste of money to buy one just for that. All of that extra stuff also means a ~24ms response time.
  • monkeyscience
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    monkeyscience polycounter lvl 12
    So most of these don't have a scaler, what happens when less than 2560x1440 input comes in? Do they use a small portion of the screen or does it just not recognize the input?
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