Hey guys
One of the things i struggle most with while sculpting is proportion. I get way too keen, get tunnel vision for the particular area i'm working and lose track of the overall model. This doesn't impact the final product too much, but its the sculpting equivalent of the scenic route and my workflow is slow as a result. I spend most of my time adjusting and iterating.
Does anyone have any particular techniques or mantra's regarding proportion/silhouette that have helped them, particularly while sculpting more realistic models/busts? I guess alot of the problem is just experience, and knowing what works and what doesn't..having a better feel for how to achieve certain surfaces and shapes.
Anyway, if you could spare some crit for this Old SE-Asian man bust i'd appreciate it! I think its a pretty good example of being proportion fk'ed haha
Its one of those models where the more you step back and consider it, the more you realize is wrong or not working. arrghh
its just that its head is more round a mans head is not suppose to be that round but thats just me
If you were working from an image for this then uploading that too would be helpful for us to crit but based on what i see, here are my thoughts.
- The nose seems way too big, asian noses are generally quite small, feminine even, whereas at the moment it makes it look more like a dark skinned person (dont know another international way to say that lol).
- The ears seem too long, although proportion wise they appear right, (top of ear reaches the eyebrow) they just seem too long.
- The neck is suppper long (again if your working from ref let us know). That may be the reason joshA thinks it is a female as they tend to have slender necks.
- Another feminine feature is the nice round chin, maybe make that squarer, although asians do tend to have more feminine features so thats a small gripe ;P.
Great sculpt nonetheless and you should be very proud , i love the wrinkle work too btw, great job !!!!