Alot of you already know the deal , alot of the ex iron lore guys got together and said they where going to make a awesome game, a few years later to the day we have this awesome game reaching out to all of you asking for that last little push to make it great!
Alot of locals on polycount helped this project from the start (including yours truely

) So Go and support these guys!
Dont give your dollar to that hobo on the corner, give it to this guy in boston! What,you where going out to lunch today? Nah , thats cool, go on the diet for the day, contribute that 5 dollars to a good cause. Donating to scientology? Pfft you aint Tom Cruise go donate to something that will promise you a real reward,so Commands lord Xeno!
what are you doing? GOGOGOGOGOGO!
I have to say I'm beggining to love Kickstarter. I'm not having that much fun with AAA titles anymore. Meanwhile, Kickstarter seems to have opened the gates for all niche, indie titles that are not platformers with 8-bit graphics. I'm most happy to see isometric RPG's and hack and slash games making a return; these used to be my favourite games.
Hahaha. BACKING. Coffee hadn't fully kicked in yet
(but ya, i'm pledging)
Anyway this game is one of those rare gems that deserves the money for that final push. I'll have to grab my credit card.
Oh yeah and I've always wanted to play a sci-fi version of this genre. I even went as far as to design a half arsed design document and based it on the gameplay of Champions of Norrath for PS2. If this becomes a success I hope you put that engine to good use and create all kinds of different themes ;D
Two people have donated about 10K for this project, this is insane! Is sex/naked avatars really that important that they're investing 10K straight up?