This is a work in progress Concept art for my Next Gen Character Assignment, He is a Dark Evil Jester who is Fast agile and good at fighting with his Jester stick. Let me know what you think (it is very rough and I have not concepted characters before so be gentle with your criticisms, thanks)

My Poly Limit is 12-15 thousand tris, with a maximum of five 2k (2048x2048) texture maps including a selection of: Diffuse, Specular, Gloss, Glow, Normal and AO (Ambient Occlusion).
There you go
You wanna click share and then go to the "get link code" tab in the window that pop ups. Then the bottom 2 links are for forums, copy either of those urls and paste that on the forum.
same assignment too, perhaps they could be a team!
Maybe a good way to approach this would be to not think of him as a jester who is an assasin, but an assasin who dresses like a jester.
As you can see the bottom of the ear so be aligned with the bottom of the nose.. and the top of the ear with the eyebrow.. and there's a straight line which goes across the face in an X pattern which goes from the jaw line, angle of the nostril, cheekbone, then top of the ear.
Good luck and keep it up
The ears do seem a little low even if it is stylised as it looks to be going in the direction of realistic based of your contributed reference images and I'm a little unsure to the path your taking with this now? Is it still a jester or more of a (la) noire cop character?
Thanks to everyone who gave me helpful advice it's very much appreciated.
That's a bit harsh, I feel the comments TehSplatt made are justified.
If your reference was good, your model would be better - Fact.
If you had good understanding of anatomy, your model would be better. - Fact.
If you do have good reference, & good understanding of anatomy, then you're modelling wrong.
What you've effectively said is "hey guys, I suck at modelling so give me some pointers please. I have good reference so I don't need it" Now that people have proceeded to critique 'your work' (not YOU as a person) you've changed your tune to "everything I've done is correct, so I don't actually need help, when I was saying I sucked I was lying" which screams "I'm actually being modest & think I'm great, I just want to show off my work in hope for encouraging & esteem lifting compliments."
Which in turn, provokes replies which ARE personal.
Now, for my critique.
The topology of the face is off, the loops are irregular & not in the correct places. There is far too much geometry at this stage which isn't adding anything to your model (example - the chin) With good topology, you could model a face far more effectively with 3 times less polygons. So try looking for topology references. You've said you have good reference, so I'll asusme you already have some, though.
Your proportions are out, either your chin is too low, or your mouth is too high, or both. Judging from the shape & size of the head, I would say your chin is too low & pointy.
The bridge of the nose is too high & the base of the nose is also out of place. With your good understanding of anatomy, you should already understand that noses aren't formed like this - the shape is completely off, & so is the brow, whether stylised or not. The style doesn't really add anything to the character other than making it feel like a 5 year olds crayola drawing or a character for a 5 year olds cartoon - judging by your brief on your character, I would assume this is not the angle you're aiming for.
Critique is tough to take when someone puts so much pride in their work, but mate, if you can't take critique, you'll never improve. Harsh critique is the best, just learn how to not take it so personally. You aren't your art work, nor are you at the level to live through it, clearly.
It seems that you've completely changed the character your going to do from a jester to and old man. That confuses people when criting your work. You havnt provided us with any reference, concepts or anything for this 'new' old man, so how are we supposed to know its stylized, how do you expect us to crit you well when you dont provide us with the information to do it?
What i get this from is that you decided to do a character, got bored, changed the design, (with not much planning from what we can see) and now your going to stop working on it.
Dont get angry at people becuase you havnt given them enough info to use. Thats unfair.
I would also suggest doing a realistic person before a stylized one. Its easy to think that because your not good at anatomy making a stylized character where you don't have to have things perfect is easier, but its not. Be honest with yourself and take some crits
Honestly I would not give up on this. You've run out of time - how? Keep it & use it for study when you have nothing to do - improve it & then you can do the same thing 10 times faster next time, with an important lesson learned from this peice. Especially if you're actually going to try getting a job in Australia, you're going to have to be good because there are not many jobs here. Practice practice practice!