Ok, this is just frigging AMAZING. So, the technology is there... How about it boys and girls. Do you see a future for gaming with it? I wouldn't be surprized at all....
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jucRWjtrcgU"]Tupac Hologram performing at 2012 Coachella With Snoop Dogg!!(FULL PERFORMANCE) - YouTube[/ame]
judging from the video it looks very realistic except for some sliding but that probably wasn't even noticeable from the audience point of view. i'm up for some yugiohish hologram cardgame battles! (but with cool creatures)
My initial thoughts were that they took a live perform he did back in the day, and just reanimated it somehow, using tracking software or something. I have no idea how they would do his voice to say whats up coachella, but if they just used tracking software to reanimate him, then they probably did that, but since he walks all over the stage, they probably needed him to stay in a certain area, for the projection to work probably. So they just made him walk in place so he wouldnt go too far.
Who the hell would pay full rates for this shit? Your just watching a video.
cynisism aside anyone know how the tech works?
coachella is a weekend music festival. So this was only 1 performance..
why would you go to the theaters when you can watch a movie at home. stuff like this could add to the experience
(unless if you're referring to the multiple live concerts at once comment)
I came off as overly negative there, sorry about that. What I mean is I'd never pay to see a holagram of a dead dude with an audio track. As part of a larger show it would be awesome.
but is it already 3d or still 2d?
it has quite bright future i have to say
thx to gorrilaz and hatsune miku for popularizing it, and now tupac for using real human figure
I'd say just from the ethical standpoint that a fully CG/fictional character is probably the best idea for this.
I appreciate all the whiteys complaining about paying to see prerecorded music and then turning around and buying tickets to a Pink Floyd laser light show.
It actually wasn't a hologram at all. It is CG, and they used an old magicians trick apparently of reflecting the image off of glass. Article above.
Dustinbrown, i doubt it's possible to have starwars tech, but these are pretty cool:
^ how it was done
But still, was it seriously all CG? I find that very hard to believe. I assumed it was either a body double or recycled footage.
Ofc it's not a hologram... rather than saying the reporter/media hyping it in wrong terms, i think it's more like misinterpretation from the audience themselves.
We can have Bruce lee there just kicking stuff too.
Every junkie north of the river!
Sure it's still experimental, fuzzy, inaccurate, jittery and monochromatic, but so was the Cathode Ray Tube in 1912. By 1950 many people had a TV in their living room. Technology these days seems to move even faster.
If there is a heaven, THIS is the kind of after-life gig I'll want to see!
Just sayin'
It's obviously a 3d, animated model, projected onto the stage. Looks pretty cool, even though I'm not a fan of this type of music. Could easily imagine it with other bands/people. Imagine the uproar if they did this kinda of thing with Lennon!
Have to agree, the one limitation of any display technology is that there's a requirement of a solid surface to project an image to or from, but this seems to as it says, project on to actual points of matter in air.
they also did it to some dead no1curr Japanese rock dude back in 2008 youtube.com/watch?v=QAfgarsODf0&t=3m31s
on a side note, I'd absolutely love a 2pac vocaloid album and 3D karaoke game for ps3 feat. him and Amy Winehouse rap-covering Elvis
this whole tech it's quite expensive, and is not largely profitable for world-wide touring for example due to set-up complexities and such (unless things have changed in the recent years)
but I can imagine it being used for annual Dead That Way tours if we suddenly lose Gags to cocaine overdose.
Also, time traveller from 91' :