not just super high.. but super high for a horror movie. i mean sure artsy fartsy movies and muppets can get super high scores.. but horror.. thats rare
also, avoid the trailer if you can- most of what's in the trailer is revealed early on, but there's one spoiler
for those who've seen it- I'm talking about the stoner dude talking about going down in the lift. I knew because of that scene in the trailer that he hadn't been killed
well the impression I got from the initial trailer was more like a remake of the Evil Dead (semi-serious pt1, not laugh-a-minute pt2). but then all the crazy twist stuff starts and I just didn't know what to think except that trusting in Joss is usually a safe bet.
Wtf, this movie looks awful in the trailers. Is this like Drive, where the ads make the film seem like something it isn't?
this one would be hard to do a trailer for, because you dont want to know what it is.
man i'm goina be pissed if that lockup movie makes more cash than cabin this weekend.
crazy to think this movie almost didnt get released because the studio insisted on doing that shity post 3d to it and whedon an drew would not let them.
this is quiet a film for goddards first time directing.
crazy to think this movie almost didnt get released because the studio insisted on doing that shity post 3d to it and whedon an drew would not let them.
that is crazy, I for one was pretty happy to see that it was strictly 2D.
Just got back from seeing it with my girlfriend. We both really enjoyed it, even if there are a few teensy plot holes. Overall it was a very fun experience.
haha! that was my only real problem with the movie as well. However, I'm not sure that qualifies as a plot hole so much as an easy way to create tension and fool us for a minute/half hour
the drugs they pumped into them had super pain killers and antibiotics and blood coagulants to keep them up and moving and able to be more terrified, instead of just collapsed in a pile deading
I don't know, I kind of thought it blew. Expected the ending after only seeing the title-sequence. I'd give it, maybe, a 75 per cent. Fun movie, cool concept. Just didn't quite shine for me.
The characters were all far too cliche, and the plot, really, wasn't anything mindblowingly original.
Don't really see why so many seem to love it.
Edit: Yes, I totally get that the characters were meant to be cliche, but it still wasn't very inspired. They could have had them fit into those labels without them being cliche, you know?
the drugs they pumped into them had super pain killers and antibiotics and blood coagulants to keep them up and moving and able to be more terrified, instead of just collapsed in a pile deading
the zombie draged him over into the grave, when they fell in the stoner fell on top of the zombie and his head got impaled and stuck on a broken shard of board from the hatch door what we saw was the zombie blood spray not the stoners, the stoner picked up the scythe, or whatever it was the zombie was using, and chopped him to little bits. sure he called it a trowel, but he also called a wolf a moose.
I thought it was excellent. I found myself thinking that it wasn't profoundly smart, that you guys had hyped it up too much for me, but then the film just got better and better. Great script, great performances. And that red-head, damn.
Wasnt crazy about the ending, surely he dies either way, so don't be a dick right? Also if they were sitting on top of so many supernatural beings, why didn't the office guys have equally non-conventional weapons? A G36 ain't gonna do much against a ghost. Great to see Ripley though.
the zombie draged him over into the grave, when they fell in the stoner fell on top of the zombie and his head got impaled and stuck on a broken shard of board from the hatch door what we saw was the zombie blood spray not the stoners, the stoner picked up the scythe, or whatever it was the zombie was using, and chopped him to little bits. sure he called it a trowel, but he also called a wolf a moose.
its easy to make up excuses for this movie
that's all fine, but what about the knife that was thrown into his back??
Also, does Japan's department not follow the whore-jock-fool-virgin theme? Surely a 'Grudge' style setup would have made more sense than a ghost haunting a classroom full of girls...
*sorry about the 'edit'. It's right next to the 'reply' button. -skankerzero
Saw this this weekend and loved it. Couple of people walked out of the theater when the big twist was revealed, which I found pretty funny considering the point this movie is making.
Doesnt the trailer give the entire movie away? It's all some sort of hoax / tv show or some crap. The trailer shows tv cameras, and them using boobie traps and stuff like that. Like, doesnt that tell you the whole twist / movie?? Or is there more to it?
Like assasins creed, they tell you the big plot point at the very beggining, so i dont think they are hiding anything other then the the point of the story.
Doesnt the trailer give the entire movie away? It's all some sort of hoax / tv show or some crap. The trailer shows tv cameras, and them using boobie traps and stuff like that. Like, doesnt that tell you the whole twist / movie?? Or is there more to it?
Nope, there is literally a twist every 5 scenes, sometimes, you get 2-3 twists in 1 scene.
That 'camera' twist is spoiled in the first few minutes of the movie, so it's not really a spoiler at all.
Infact, I can' think of any trailer in the past few years which hasn't spoiled the movie before it even showed in theaters, yet, Cabin the Woods didn't spoil anything as far as I can tell.
Just got back from seeing it. It was definitely funny. But I dunno what everyone's talking about with all the "twists"... I didnt think there were really ANY. Maybe the ending. but that wasnt really a twist. more like an explanation.
I think after
the bet finished, with the zombie family winning, which was 25 minutes in
, I figured the whole movie out. I was a little confused as to WHY, till the end. but ya.
Over all, I enjoyed it. It wasn't AMAZING, but I definitely enjoyed it, and laughed a LOT.
Just got back from seeing it. It was definitely funny. But I dunno what everyone's talking about with all the "twists"... I didnt think there were really ANY. Maybe the ending. but that wasnt really a twist. more like an explanation.
I think after
the bet finished, with the zombie family winning, which was 25 minutes in
, I figured the whole movie out. I was a little confused as to WHY, till the end. but ya.
Over all, I enjoyed it. It wasn't AMAZING, but I definitely enjoyed it, and laughed a LOT.
personally I knew nothing about the film going in, and I dont usually watch the type of movie it was pretending to be. So it was quite twisty.
i call this a twist by a different definition. its not your m night shamylama twist where oh no! he was dead the whole time!
it movie itself is a twist.
and contrary to most peoples thought that this movie was making fun of horror movie tropes.. its more of a social comentary on the audieances and movie studios expectation of what is a horror movie. and our need as a whole to see the tits before the girl gets her head cut off. the characters in the movie portrayed actors/people in real life who may have all kinds of depth, but its the guys in the controll rooms (movie directors) job to push them into the generic pattern that is familiar with us the audience (ancient gods) if they dont satisfy us with enough blood and tits by the end of the movie (experiment) we leave unhappy and the movie fails.
I went to see this as planned with my gf recently on Monday. It was fun! Not so surprised it had the cliche introductions and young adult casting of a typical "kids from suburbia who are stupid and don't know common sense" had been the run off into really digging the beginning of the movie for telling the whole story. Certainly there could have been a better written story to the beginning without coming off like "Hatchet, and Wrong Turn" films.
But without spoiling anything. I thought the twists were great, the deaths not so bad. The film seemed too damn dark, even for a bright lit screen in a movie theater. I know the only part that annoyed me the most was my gf screaming at the top of her lungs and jumping from her seat to grab me many times! haha!
I do wish if later in the film when things more to be better said unfolded. Would last a lot longer than watching young adults get drunk, play camping out games, the usual stuff. I mean, the guy who smokes weed would have been more worth watching and less of the flirty moments of the chick with blonde hair and the jock.
Anyway, it was definitely a worth pay to see film. Not AMAZING but definitely Great and one of its own kind from the many that have been made more recently.
The trailer does a great job of showing you exactly what the movie is NOT about. I wonder if that was a marketing thing or if that was intentional of the creators.
saw this last week. for a "campy twenty somethings go out to a cabin and die off" type movie....hell ya. TOTALLY entertaining. loved it. really good writing and a half way decent twist.
on a side a hardcore horror fan.....where are movies like the exorcist, carpenters the thing, the shining? where are the hard edge serious horror movies? i just don't get it. i guess what sells sells. maybe i answered my own question. ha.
I coulda sworn i saw this guy make a cameo at the end where the shot pulls back revealing a ton of creatures...
Nerded out, pointed to the screen and shouted "Boomer!"
Fun little horror movie.
Just got back from seeing it. It was definitely funny. But I dunno what everyone's talking about with all the "twists"... I didnt think there were really ANY. Maybe the ending. but that wasnt really a twist. more like an explanation.
I think after
the bet finished, with the zombie family winning, which was 25 minutes in
, I figured the whole movie out. I was a little confused as to WHY, till the end. but ya.
Over all, I enjoyed it. It wasn't AMAZING, but I definitely enjoyed it, and laughed a LOT.
If you watch alot of movies, and know your stuff, then the 'twists' won't be so much as twists as they are 'Ah, yes, good old X'.
The real twist in the finale, which kinda shoots out of the blue to be honest, but still works.
I quite enjoyed it, though the closing shots felt underwhelming.
It felt more like the writer's backed themselves into the corner and just didn't want to go with a more conventional or deus ex machina style ending, so they just...ended it. That left me a little unsatisfied. I was thinking of other ways to leave the audience: not saying this is any better, but it'd end on a punchline note at least: if after that last shot they zoomed out to ANOTHER shot of a bunch of aliens watching a screen and celebrating while the screen showed shots of chaos/destruction on Earth, similar to that shots of the scientists celebrating from earlier..or, alternatively, to have one of them shout out "and they chose the ancient ones!" or something like that then that would suggest that the whole world was its own metaphorical 'cabin in the woods', which would re-contextualize the entire film to be about human-suffering-as-sacrifice, which would be one weirdly deep message.
Loved it.
I loved it btw!
Will go with my gf this weekend to check it out though. Hope to have as much fun as all of you did!
this one would be hard to do a trailer for, because you dont want to know what it is.
man i'm goina be pissed if that lockup movie makes more cash than cabin this weekend.
crazy to think this movie almost didnt get released because the studio insisted on doing that shity post 3d to it and whedon an drew would not let them.
this is quiet a film for goddards first time directing.
that is crazy, I for one was pretty happy to see that it was strictly 2D.
The characters were all far too cliche, and the plot, really, wasn't anything mindblowingly original.
Don't really see why so many seem to love it.
Edit: Yes, I totally get that the characters were meant to be cliche, but it still wasn't very inspired. They could have had them fit into those labels without them being cliche, you know?
Yes it's cliched, but it's supposed to be. They set this movie up as an explanation for all other 'in the woods' horror movies.
Also, Look for the Left 4 Dead Boomer in that one scene!
*sorry about the 'edit'. It's right next to the 'reply' button. -skankerzero
they said every culture has their own thing.
The comments have totally changed how I view the film. Now I like it even more!
Nope, there is literally a twist every 5 scenes, sometimes, you get 2-3 twists in 1 scene.
That 'camera' twist is spoiled in the first few minutes of the movie, so it's not really a spoiler at all.
Infact, I can' think of any trailer in the past few years which hasn't spoiled the movie before it even showed in theaters, yet, Cabin the Woods didn't spoil anything as far as I can tell.
I think after
Over all, I enjoyed it. It wasn't AMAZING, but I definitely enjoyed it, and laughed a LOT.
personally I knew nothing about the film going in, and I dont usually watch the type of movie it was pretending to be. So it was quite twisty.
Guess everyone going to get different millage.
it movie itself is a twist.
But without spoiling anything. I thought the twists were great, the deaths not so bad. The film seemed too damn dark, even for a bright lit screen in a movie theater. I know the only part that annoyed me the most was my gf screaming at the top of her lungs and jumping from her seat to grab me many times!
I do wish if later in the film when things more to be better said unfolded. Would last a lot longer than watching young adults get drunk, play camping out games, the usual stuff. I mean, the guy who smokes weed would have been more worth watching and less of the flirty moments of the chick with blonde hair and the jock.
Anyway, it was definitely a worth pay to see film. Not AMAZING but definitely Great and one of its own kind from the many that have been made more recently.
The trailer does a great job of showing you exactly what the movie is NOT about. I wonder if that was a marketing thing or if that was intentional of the creators.
on a side a hardcore horror fan.....where are movies like the exorcist, carpenters the thing, the shining? where are the hard edge serious horror movies? i just don't get it. i guess what sells sells. maybe i answered my own question. ha.
Nerded out, pointed to the screen and shouted "Boomer!"
Fun little horror movie.
If you watch alot of movies, and know your stuff, then the 'twists' won't be so much as twists as they are 'Ah, yes, good old X'.
The real twist in the finale, which kinda shoots out of the blue to be honest, but still works.