My name is Nicholas Cort and have been developing games for a couple of years now.

I was thinking it was about time I started up a little thread here and show some of the stuff I do during my spare time. Right now I'm trying to do a quick zbrush doodle bust every lunch at work. Usually it's about 20-30 min. I also got some old stuff to show off, so prepare for a little art dump

EDIT: Oops, forgot to mention that I also got one of those youtubes with vids and everything...
Youtube Webzone Link!
Some recorded sculpts, a 360 video of some lowpoly chars. Not much there right now, but more is on the way.
Guess I'll start with some random zbrush sculpts:

Sculpt video
Sculpt video

Some are quick lunch doodles, some I have taken home and polished up. Also some are inspired by cool concept art I found, some are just things that pooped out while starting from a sphere.
All pics didn't fit in this post. Crap.
Well there's a little more to come.
Also did a little 360 rotation movie of some of the lowpoly chars: 360 Movie
Great work none the less, keep on posting!
Yeah It was time to start posting here finally after so many years of lurking. Also there is a guy sitting beside me at work called Snefer (Tor Frick) and he's like "dude you should post on polycount" and I'm like "whatever ok"
Yup I agree with you totally Saman. I'm a little afraid of colors, something I will have to work on. hehehe
And no poop sorry, I saw this picture in a comic book and used it for the first comic book challange.
More like "buhu im afraid of polycount" and i'm like "bitch you post those polygons or i make you build me LODs!" : D
..also good art. ^^
wester: Rendered out in Modo. Very easy to get some nice results.
gauss: Yeah BLAME! is damn awesome.
ysalex: Sure thing!
Scaled down from 2k.
Got alot more to show you guys. Stay tuned
So I saw this sketch
Did a sculpt:
Yeah don't ask me what it is. I have no idea, I was very confused while sculpting it.
Rendered in Modo:
Also available in MEGA-HUGE-BIG-LARGE version
Made a lowpoly:
Just baked normal and occ, still not baked diffuse...because..well
....the thing is he/she/it/whatever is...brown. And as people have mentioned, my models could use a little more color, so if anyone has and ideas or suggestions please feel free to help me out here.
Time to put this guy away.
Doodled a little more on this dude, but I'm seriously disliking hardsurface sculpting in zbrush. Takes too long, never get perfect straight lines or round circles and just all round messy. Back to aliens/monsters/demons/ for me
Seth: Aw man yeah all that rackham stuff is awesome. Just too bad about the closure. I hope someone picks up the confrontation and AT43 IP's.
love the epic music in the sculpting vids
But damn you... now I will have to find the time to post something myself.
Id say that mech head was a great success, none of the stuff your disliking would ever show up in a bake anyway. Besides how long would he have taken to model out hipoly?
So I talked to our concept artists at work and they gave me some tips and tricks on how to give models a little nicer presentation. So here are a couple of random tests.
Warning HUGE pictures since I use it as wallpaper on my huge monitor
"clean" version
"dirty" version
Also I saw Battleship at the theaters last week and apparently you can never have too much LENSFLARE!
(seriously though, that movie must get some kind of reward for "most lensflares on screen at one time" or something)
And so I made myself a banner or something....
But yeah I have no idea where I'm going with this. All the while I was photoshopping this all I was thinking:
Yup, quite right. I guess it depends on what kind, or type, of robot or hardsurface model you want to do. As long as it's kind of an organic cyborg thing, crysis like, almost anime-ish I guess, then yeah, zbrush works. But as soon as you want working functional parts that can animate well and independently then you have to start slicing it up in lots of subtools.
Blocking out the first pass was extremely fast, like 15-20 min, and thats awesome. But then going through the whole model again, polishing, flattening, and so on, took many hours.
Well there is no awesome secret. Just Xnormal
quicj question though.. ive had issues with xnormal as in not being able to export a high enough sculpt from zbrush to use. ran into this issue before?
Kwep up the awesomenessssssss!!
"The biology of colour zones; (as we see in the Science Photo Library anatomical depiction of the muscles, nerves, and blood in the face) stems from the muscular neurovascular structure of what happens beneath the sub-dermal layer of the skin..."
From this image, you can read the rest, I'm too lazy to type it all up and cannot find a better source for the same information. Basically what it is saying, when texturing skin, try to pay attention to the skin thinking is this area more red, yellow, or blue (or warm, cool, or yellow). Even though that example is about the face you can apply it to the body, look at your own body or reference photos for examples. Also people's skinn is lighter in some areas, like the underside of arms, and inner side of legs. But also for fat people, where skin rubbing happens, the area can become darker.