Well I've decided it's time to do another environment for my portfolio. I finished my
breaking bad scene last month, and I decided that this time I want to do something more sci-fi, and something on a larger scale. I found this awesome piece of concept art by
Nguyen Hoang Gia:
Here's what I have so far, it's mostly just a blockout right now with a tiny bit of detail added and an early WIP of the terrain:
Unlike the thread for my last portfolio environment, I want to stay very involved in this thread and post regular updates for feedback, so I'll keep updating this thread as I work on it. Thanks for reading.
What did you do to get that glow on the horizon? is that just in the skymap or...?
I don't want to bug you too much since your obviously just starting, but your lighting is a little darker in the area of the base than the concept. When I see pictures of the surface of the moon I think of a slightly glowing, bright white with really dark, black shadows, kinda like the panorama here: http://moonpans.com/Neil_Armstrong_on_the_moon.htm.
Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
You could make each individual node it's own unique texture, or you could create a couple tileable textures and get it as close to the concept as you can.
Personally i think that would be much more impressive. Much like what snefer did. Since it looks like all of the nodes that make up that moonbase kind of have a similar texture, i would say it shouldn't be too hard to do tileable textures.