this one is going in a scene for my portfolio so i want some crits to make it better

Im not trying to aim for any specific civilization with this, I took the shape of the pillar from the egyptians, the stripes on the pillar are from rome and later im going to be adding aztec style hieroglyphics on the bare strips under and above the sripy part. I might add the markings later in photoshop.

milieu will be a ruined temple in a sort of small oasis type setting in a desert.
right now my tablet has somehow lost all sensitivity and i find it quite hard to sculpt without the pressure tools so i'll have to figure this problem out before i continue
i know if i convert to non-dynamesh i'll be able to have a crapload more polygons
heres the current progress. Now going to convert to static topology and start applying noise to cracked surfaces
If you put the symbols aside, the softness of those details would mean they have been eroded by water current and not simple aging I guess.
Think of it like the temple in AVP. That was supposedly constructed by the first civilization, so it had features from all other major ancient civilizations in it.
here are some pictures i've used as reference for various parts of the pillar:
the big vertical stripe indents on the column:
inspiration i used for the hieroglyphics (I made the actual shapes myself but the format i copied from the aztec scriptures
I've tried working on the softness of the details sharpening them up:
alright I've fixed most of the stuff people have noted. Sharpened up the wear on and also defined the top and bottom of the stripes better.
If anyone has any more crits i'd be glad to hear them. I might go ahead and put some wear on the hieroglyphics and then call it done unless someone can spot something wrong.
edit: heres a tilted version
The material was going to be sandstone from the start. the reason the early pics are gray is because i just used the matcap_white material in zbrush for sculpting.
That is a great crack brush you could use. And if you could find his website(i tried looking for it) you should check it out. he has some really good artwork that should inspire you.