Hey all!
Been working on a new piece and was looking for some feedback. Got most of the high poly taken care of before taking it into Zbrush and was wondering the best way to to hands, as I still haven't wrapped my mind around them and I'm absolutely over never finishing a character because of it.
Heres my progress so far, comments and critiques and absolutely loved!

ps. Head is from an older model and will not be used for the final product, this will eventually be rendered the gamebryo engine and released as a mod for the game TES:IV Oblivion.
Thanks very much,
Payton Quinn
i'm not the bast at make hands so i don't know how i can help you with that sorry
Any tips as for making it read more medieval? I was hoping worn leather and iron would pull it more into the fantady medieval styling and out of the scifi realm.
hes CUP looks modern best to change that
i was looking up some reference too get a idea and this the best one i can find thats in your styling hope it helps