Hey guys just working on some stuff for my portfolio i will be starting off small with a couple of assets (ammo box, old dentist chair). Afterwards I will start working on some scenes for a little fun XD.
so here is my progress so far started with the ammo box so far

Reference picture


The reference uses stamped metal parts, which gives it a utilitarian feel. But your model is diverging from this a bit, which kind of kills the style. The left/right creases on the top piece are simple indents in the reference. The locks on the front have "bumpers" pushing outwards, but you made them indents intead. The back piece between the hinges looks pasted on rather than pressed from the same steel piece. No seams and screws on the corners. Not a big deal, but makes a difference in communicating how this thing was made.
New highpoly with Fixes
here is my progress thus far
Here is my reference pic
PPS. I am still working on my ammo box it's no where near done but I only have a good solid week to do some modeling because work is lame
Stuff I need to fix
-those pads for head should embrace the head shape more, at the moment they are facing forward
-those leather seams that look like
are connected to each other on photo, on your version they kinda fade away in a weird way
@Blaisoid good point on the head rests man will change those asap also will fix up the high poly for the back seat of the chair you where right about the connections they are seamed together. I modeled it so that it was one seam I don't know why it is fading out?
alright guys I will fix up my high poly issues then will post my revised high poyl along with my low poly and low poly wire frames
Here is my updated high poly will post my low poly in just a few mins
Aesthetically: The curves of the back are fairly specific, they make a very classic shape, similar to a Fleur-de-lis almost. Also the seat you have modelled is very round, this would be fine if you're making the chair new, but if it is worn in like the reference it should be flattened due to use.
Mechanically: The hinges holding the back of the chair seem very flimsy. It is hard to tell in the reference exactly how but there is some sort of extra support. Possible the arms coming from the back of the chair extend passed the hinge and press on the bottom of the seat, giving the whole chair the ability to fold forward. There also seems to be a large screw underneath for changing the height of the seat, as well as a mechanism for the height of the head rests. I think your version is also a bit more stretched out, like you would be lying back much more, but that works fine.
here are the meaning of the numbers on my pciture
1=normal map
2=diffuse texture
3=my gloss map (the spec maps alpha layer)
4=Spec map
Finally added a gloss map so that the glossyness of the caution stickers and text stickers would be greater than the dull-ish metal
I also fixed my uv unwrap as well before on my old ammo box the lid was high res the lid rim was blurry and then the rest was high res which made it look terrible you can clearly see this on my previous post so I re-unwrapped my lid to make sure everything had even pixel density.
I will be working on my chair tomorrow so hopefully depending on how much time I get to work on it I may be busy tomorrow
I do agree however my scratches on the main seam which separated the top lid and the main body are a little extreme :P so will tone those down a bit and re post tomorrow I think I am going to call it a night.
IMO find better reference of an ammo box with interesting scratches and storytelling.
Check out this flick group. Ur gonna be searching for a while..
@ gilesruscoe
thanks very much for the paint over will give that a shot for sure will re post that with the re look on textures
Thanks to Hiten for the great reference link
So I have darkened the scratches greatly on my diffuse and made them mainly appear on my spec map. I added in chipped paint and where the paint has been chipped off the metal underneath has rusted due to moisture and weathering.
here is an update
I am working on a shipping container going to be a yellow painted one with some wicket graffiti and grunge
here is my progress so far
what can I do to liven things up a bit? any suggestions
will post uvw unwrapps tomorrow I am off to bed
i wanna do some paint overs. Just diff and spec.
also I will post my udk render this one here is marmoset the reason for switching is because I will be doing some projection mapping just give me like 20 -30 mins and they will be up dude cheers.
Basically avoid the hand painted look, and stick w/ photo sourced images. That includes areas like paint chipping and rust details. Also make sure your not dipping too dark into some areas of your diff map. adding "black" its the best way to achieve an ao backed look. i hope this helps you out.
@Mistry10 : thanks dude very much I really appreciate when you do paint overs of my stuff really helps out I have redone my barrel and am working on my shipping container right now I will post my new textures very soon!
@rednaz I don't think I am going to add too much more to this it was meant to be just a Small vinyet of sorts. However I am working on a full on scene next I have the concept art and everything going to start blocking out that very very soon today after I get this piece completed!
@justin 3d: I completely agreed with you on the grass It is something I actually already fixed last night just haven't posted it yet. My layer mash clipping in udk was to low so the alpha was WAY to harsh so i made the clipping setting from 1.33 to like 3-4 and that seemed to fix the tackiness up. As for how the light hits it I am not sure why the light is not blending i am sure there is a setting within the material editor that i am missing I will check that out
thanks for all of the comments keep em coming LOL
thanks again Hiten for the advice!
here is the concept I am going to base it off of