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Maya weighted or free non-weighted tangents?

polycounter lvl 10
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melviso polycounter lvl 10
Hi,presently animating in Maya.I am trying to familarise myself with the ease in and ease out using the graph editor.Really getting the hang of it so to create an ease in/out for the curves,there are two ways:

-Flatening the keys to get a smooth curve but since the tangents are short,u can't extend them over time so u have to put in another key to shape the curve further.

-converting the key to free weighted tangents allows u to manipulate the curve like in Flash,AE.Saves u a lot of keys.Only downside is its offsets the tangents of the next set of keys u make after manipulating curve.

Which way do u do yours?Wondering which I should use,although the first style,means too many keys in the graph editor.


  • melviso
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    melviso polycounter lvl 10
    No replies?I also wanted to ask about the Trax editor,is it used to animate for games or only for movies.Is there a way to loop animation using the timeslider/graph editor only in Maya?Also is there a way u can slow or fasten an animation in the timeslider/graph editor rather than using the time warp in the trax editor?
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