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Trouble closing a maya PyQt ui window with python

polycounter lvl 12
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Jedi polycounter lvl 12

Ive had trouble doing a -select -r command for a UI window I made that launches other windows that steal its focus so that i can kill the window without manually pressing the X in the menu bar. I also cant successfully run a command that should close the window if its currently open UNLESS the window is active. I want to be able to close the window at any time, regardless of what window is active. I've done things like list all windows with lsUI -windows but that doesnt work.

I've been trying to find a way to keep focus on the window so that I can destroy it when I release the key (F1). I havent found an easy way to do this yet. I tried making a class and using UIC but it became an enormous headache and my buttons didnt come through and neither did my background.


Note: this is mapped to F1 and the release command destroys it but unfortunately only works if it has focus
import maya.cmds as cmds
import sip
from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore

if cmds.window('LaunchyWin1', q=True, exists=True):

Launcher1 = cmds.loadUI (f='C:/Users/aleks/Desktop/PyQt proj/UI/ScriptLauncher1addBG.ui')

pos = QtGui.QCursor.pos()

cmds.window('LaunchyWin1', e=True, tlc=[pos.y(), pos.x()])
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