Just managed to get my low poly bake out, heres a shot in maya with just normals and occlusion. (slight problem is that the tris from decimating appeared in the normal) gonna tweak stuff anyway
Wow! Really liking the color choice - and the normal bake turned out pretty nice, too. The mouth area is reading a little dark and muddled in the Maya shot, however, though perhaps that's just the camera angle. Other than that, looking good!
Cheers man!, the mouth is proving to be an issue at the moment haha. Anyway a quick update. here is the base colours and maps nutted out in maya, all just flat colours.. some tweaking needed here and there before adding more detail.
Been a while since i updated for anyone who is following my progress haha. Finished the assignment today and handed it in... Looking forward to not looking at this alien for a while haha, might go back and try to fix it later on if i have time.
Before I post the final images I thought id share some stuff ive learned from this assignment, Take from it what you will
For this assignment I created the mesh entirely within zbrush with maya only being used for animation and a go between before rendering, no modelling whatsoever.
- I created the mesh using zspheres and then dynameshed it. But because the dynamesh was so high poly i couldnt get the mesh divisions high enough to work on...so i decimated........before i had finished sculpting...THIS WAS MY DOWNFALL!!!! As im still learning i am also still working out my pipeline.. Which i have now So ill post that (Built from what i have learned from this assignment and would love to here your feedback)
- Zsphere and dynamesh
- Remesh (in zbrush)
- Sculpt and polypaint
- Retop and unwrap in 3d coat
- Decimate mesh and render maps out in xnormal
- Render in marmoset
crits and tips on this would be handy
And now here is my beauty render and orthos... orthos are rendered in maya viewport and the beauty is rendered inside of Marmoset Toolbag
(Damn, cant upload pics atm, school network wont let me... so ill post this because i ceeeeebs typing it again and upload them later)
EDIT: Heres the pics
and the orthos
Thanks to those who have helped out and given their advice/kind words been a huge learning experience for me and im excited to move onto the next
Very nice! The bright colors and hard edges give it a very crisp, sort of stylized look. I also like the subtle color transition from the limbs up to the top of the crest. The mouth details are much more readable now, too. However, if you should ever revisit this project, I might suggest adding a little more noise and texture variation to the smooth outer shell as well as the belly; it would be cool to see some sort of spikes or build-ups or something on the two forelimbs. Overall, though, nice work!
Cheers man im kinda happy with how it turned out, but also disapointed. But it was a great learning exercise and i cant wait to get onto my next character which will probably be a soldier or something. If i revisit this i might redo it completely.. Some of my methods served me terribly in this project and the quality was affected, but i agree with your comments anyway here is a different beauty render which is the one i submitted
Before I post the final images I thought id share some stuff ive learned from this assignment, Take from it what you will
For this assignment I created the mesh entirely within zbrush with maya only being used for animation and a go between before rendering, no modelling whatsoever.
- I created the mesh using zspheres and then dynameshed it. But because the dynamesh was so high poly i couldnt get the mesh divisions high enough to work on...so i decimated........before i had finished sculpting...THIS WAS MY DOWNFALL!!!! As im still learning i am also still working out my pipeline.. Which i have now
- Zsphere and dynamesh
- Remesh (in zbrush)
- Sculpt and polypaint
- Retop and unwrap in 3d coat
- Decimate mesh and render maps out in xnormal
- Render in marmoset
crits and tips on this would be handy
And now here is my beauty render and orthos... orthos are rendered in maya viewport and the beauty is rendered inside of Marmoset Toolbag
(Damn, cant upload pics atm, school network wont let me... so ill post this because i ceeeeebs typing it again and upload them later)
EDIT: Heres the pics
and the orthos
Thanks to those who have helped out and given their advice/kind words