EDIT!: Finished Piece

Hey guys!!! Just started another assignment at uni and thought id start a thread to document the experience and
hopefully gain some good feedback from all the artists here on polycount

Humans are invading an alien planet, the aliens are insect like in there appearance and resemble Praying Mantis'/Scorpians. They are not hive based, they are individual, however they do work as a team to some extent to kill the invading human army.
They are as intelligent as insects, so your basic survival skills, collect food, find shelter, defend shelter etc.
This character will be modelled for use in a game engine (Gamebryo in this case) however it will also be used in a short film (based on the humans invading the planet), as such the art director of the short film (who is also a student) will be in charge of where this character goes however as it is my own assignment i do have quite a bit more say in its appearance than i would if i were working for a client. (Complicated senario, be interesting to see how it works out haha)
Now if you've managed to get through all that I just thought id upload some ref images so you guys know what direction im gonna start with, then ill begin uploading silhouete sketches too. (I will also post the art directors comments should i recieve any) Maybe you guys can help me persuade him if you disagree with some of the decisions





Well, I don't think that this last ref is good, people won't believe it can be "real". I mean, it's not believable, even for an alien race.
I am fairly certain that one is not real, but it does resemble a camel spider.
let me know your thoughts?
Nice direction on where your going with 6, nice and simple
Having a second glance I also like 5
looking forward to more (Variations of those and any other designs you come up with)
Other wise good work
new sketches, will fill in the details a bit tomorrow, as im off to bed now but i wanted to do an update. i spent way more time on these as is evident by the structure of most of them haha. I was meant to be doing drastically different sketches for these but 1,5,6 are all variations off of an idea i have in my head which is basically a spider with the exoskeleton of a praying mantis, the stinger from a wasp and pincers for weapons at the front, i was also thinking of a huge head structure that it would use for mating
3 variations from no.5 of the second batch
Ill probably be moving onto the final concept from here, presuming all is a ok with the director haha.
Ill give a little explanation on the sketches as they are meant to be rough and not everything is clear. so going from left to right and top to bottom.
1) A scorpian like insect alien, with the body, legs and pincers of a scorpian. The abdomen is the abdomen from a poisonous wasp. the head piece is used to attract mates and also scare off enemies by changing its color
2) More or less a spider, it has six legs however the front two are more like scythes and can cleave a rock in two. Its abdomen can produce silk stronger than diamonds. the head is more human like than a spider and as a result it is more intelligent, has better sight and better hearing. it can also spit venom
3) A scorpion alien insectoid. It takes alot from scorpions including its overall body shape, pincers and stinger. Its head piece is used as camoflauge as it lives in rocky areas and that head piece will be rock. It has multiple eyes all of which have the same range of sight as a humans eye and each image is set to its brain seperately, so effectively it has quite a high range of vision. it can burrow into the ground using its pincers and its toxin in the tail can kill a bull within 15minutes.
Hit me up on any crits or comments or even questions you guys have
For example, you've got the sunspider up there in your references with its massive chilicerae (He's also got some funky wriggly abdomen stuff going on too)
Or for my money, the way more interesting crab feeding with its bunch of little grabby arms.
thanks so much
the first image is self explanatory,the second image is a blown up version of a lobster mouth. In the anamatic we were given one of the aliens bites off a marines head so i was heading toward this direction of lots of teeth that are flexible in the sense that they can move as a whole independantly of the skull....rotate forward and back (if that makes sense)
having trouble here to if anyone has any other interesting animals with cool mouths haha, please let me know
not my design obviously, let me know what you think on the ref
crits welcome as always
My new orthos redone, only slight changes made as per the directors instructions...waiting for his feedback still
Next is my zsphere armature i roughed up:
And then the dynamesh version (no sculpting yet)
This assignment has been organised strangely so ill be sculpting this guy up a bit, then retoping tomorrow night most likely so that hes under 3k tris. Skin him up and give him to the art director so that he can give it to the animators (who are doing a film course, so they have complicated rigs). Ill then rig and animate it as well...because its a criteria and then go back to zbrush and just sculpt him up realllll gooood and texture, and then only if i have time re skin
Night all !!!
low poly grey box with simple IK handle controls
cheers man
I like the first one and have actually taken that through to a more chiseled appearance, which i like
let me know what you guys think
-Underneath tail (finished or ? ) Looks like it could use more like the rest of the under side of the insect
Other than that man keep it up
Looks like it's really coming along, though!
If your looking for some ideas for the tail pincer you should check out some images of earwigs they have similar tails
@Ghostman511 cheers man, im really happy with my progress
heres the polypaint base coat
crits pleeeeasse
technical stuff aside, my teacher did a quick paint of of the head for me, thought it looked too puppy dog like haha, so here is that:
I much prefer that version so I went ahead and sculpted it up as per the paint over, and it looked awesome... I also had to do a mini presentation of my progress so far so i took a zbrush render and did a paint over in Pshop to see what i wanted it to look like
Im never that happy with my work, but im really proud of how that paint over turned out, now that hard part, to get the low res mesh looking like that
Crits welcome as always