Hi everyone, I am looking for some critique on a bit animation I have been working on recently. It is for my final year project at uni which basically involves using motion capture animation in combination with real time physics, such as cloth simulation, hanging objects, etc, to create a realistically animated character. It is my goal to have a complete animation set working on a playable character in UDK.
Here is a short video showing some of the main animations that will be used. These have all been created using motion capture techniques and have been heavily edited to fix and improve the motion captured shots.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgpLS1euBz8&list=UUl07eWiiRJP4lYFHtq6EQNQ&index=1&feature=plcp"]Animation Preview - YouTube[/ame]
The animation list is as follows:
Walk Cycle
Backwards Walk Cycle
Run Jump and Landing
Run Landing (From Height)
Standing Jump and Landing
Standing Landing (From Height)
Wall Run
Wall Climb
Combat Walk Cycle
Attack (Single, Double, Finisher)
Take Damage (Single, Double, Finisher Death)
Hit Blocked
Block Hit
Take Damage, Injured Cycle and Death
Please post any criticisms you have, I appreciate everyone's replies.
Also AC has a free rotate camera using the right stick
I'll try and get another video up soon with some better angles.
If you want to try the game for yourself there is a download here with the installer.
Please give it a try and let me know what you think.
The only thing i notice is that the runcycle looks pretty repetative and unnatural.
You are right about the run cycle, its been driving me mad trying to get it right. I can't quite work out what the problem is with it, probably something to do with the timing on the footsteps that looks a bit uncertain. If I had time I would probably try and capture it again or just hand animate it from scratch.