Sorry to hear about this. Wish I could meet you all tonight and buy everyone beers.
Plenty of us have been laid off several times before, so if anyone wants to chat for support or vent, I'm down.
Hang in there and good luck!
*edit* I've got a friend over at junction point and they're hiring for environment artists right now. If anyone is interested I can pass your stuff along.
Thank you to all that have commented positively on this thread. It means a lot to us, it is a very sad time but I know all the guys here at Vigil will get through this. Much Love with a little bit of Greentooth
Gameloft Montreal posted up openings for Environment Artist and Sr. Character Artist recently. Not sure if it's too late, but PM me and I'll see if I can pass your folio's along. Hope all of you guys land on your feets.. though I'm sure you guys will
Good luck to everyone. I remember seeing the work of the folks who had been getting snatched by Vigil during the past few months. It was top-notch stuff so I don't think you will have a trouble finding a decent gig :thumbup: The number of people affected is pretty ridiculous though. Seems like things are getting real bad at THQ
I think it really goes to show how far we have to go in the industry too before Developers can properly commit to more diverse modern MMO's. I hope those talented people find something soon, hopefully their credentials so far will give them a boost on that.
If I remember correctly, High Moon Studios is planning on hiring Contract gigs pretty soon. San Diego is awesome! And I think my friends at Trion told me they are looking for Full Time dudes, and Trion San Diego is REALLY cool!
Tried to organize ALL the jobs posted in this thread to make it easier for those hit by these lay-offs. The response has been amazing and shouldn't be lost in the six pages of love. I hope nobody minds me tightening up their quotes.
DBlizzard is hiring across all teams and all disciplines. Please let me know if you would like to explore anything here. My email is
We are looking for...Level Designer, Texture Artist, UI Artist, Level/Layout Artist, Environment Artist @ Digital Extremes
I will be making a section in the book dedicated to help artists looking for work and will be displaying their work for the world to see. Send me folios people if you or friends need some extra help.
strong with Object-Oriented or Objective-C programming and is looking to switch industries from game development, NCR ( Scott Lammers 866-203-8227 x5018 Concept Artist - Age of Conan, User Interface Artist/Designer - Age of Conan, FX Artist for - The Secret World, Key Frame Animator - The Secret World, Art Director ย Casual Games
It might be a little far away for some of you but if you fancy living in England, I know my old colleagues at the Creative Assembly (Total war games, Alien franchise console game in the works) are actively hiring right now (particularly, they are looking for graphics programmers, last I heard)
This is what I love about polycount! Whenever there are some serious layoffs, this community is there to pick up the fallen.
Couldn't agree more, they do this in the car industry and it works great, a lot of livelihoods were saved during the recession as a result of their community spirit.
Hopefully someone can get CHolden's post put into a sticky.
Not a lot here on the 3D Front but message me for jerb you might be interested in:
Concept Artist - Age of Conan
User Interface Artist/Designer - Age of Conan
FX Artist for - The Secret World'
Key Frame Animator - The Secret World
Art Director โ Casual Games
I woke up this morning thinking I was going to suggest a sticky, maybe organized by city. I know there's a jobs page but this thread so far has the first couple of pages of that section beat in just 24 hours.
Also, you missed us, I guess I should have posted a link
Valkyrie Entertainment Seattle, Freelance & Full time
Son of a bitch. Vigil is just too awesome and unique for this. I take this is a THQ thing -- So sucks when daddy loses his Xmas bonus all the kids get coal in their stockings. The whole feeling of it being out of your control must really suck. You made a good game! I know it. I know DSII is awesome. Right?
Shit I want to see Vigil still kick some ass. Where else will we get games like this? Nobody makes games quite like Darksiders.
Epic Games may be looking for some environment folk of various types. I don't think we are looking for Character artists. But its never not worth giving it a shot and applying. Not sure of what other art positions may be open. I think just mainly Enviro based.
Good luck to everybody! We all hate to see a solid team blast apart. People spend so much time perfecting a team - Keeping the approachable good spirited people and ditching the pretentious assholes... Just about the time you get a veritable group of "super friends" kicking ass some suit comes along and blows it apart! Hopefully everybody lands into another group of awesome folks.
edit: TBH after looking at all the articles out there I should be calling it "THQ Texas" not "Vigil". Didn't know it was like that .
Wwwwow. I loved relics home world series. They better not close anytime soon. I'm still holding out for hw3. Oh yeah, Ready at Dawn IS HIRING. We need senior artists for modeling and texturing. If there are any questions, Just e-mail me.
Chris, if you want to add Iowa State University to the list, we're going to be looking for a Lead Artist, Lead Game Designer, and Lead Programmer in the next few months. Feel free to PM me or email me at
Good luck to all of you involved.
Plenty of us have been laid off several times before, so if anyone wants to chat for support or vent, I'm down.
Hang in there and good luck!
*edit* I've got a friend over at junction point and they're hiring for environment artists right now. If anyone is interested I can pass your stuff along.
Good luck to all the people affected. This kind of threads made me go to college and learn computer networking.
contact subject w/ position interested in. Or PM me for direct.
Good luck to everyone. I remember seeing the work of the folks who had been getting snatched by Vigil during the past few months. It was top-notch stuff so I don't think you will have a trouble finding a decent gig :thumbup: The number of people affected is pretty ridiculous though. Seems like things are getting real bad at THQ
I hope everyone is able to recover quickly from this unfortunate setback.
We are looking for a game programmer and artists at Wandake in Stamford, CT.
I hope everyone gets a gig soon!
I believe Shadows In Darkness/Darkside Games is currently looking for level designers and texture artists.
(no texture artist position listed but i know they're practically begging for one)
Epic also has a few positions opened if anyone is willing to switch to the cool coast
Good luck to all of those affected.
Come to Amsterdam instead!
*** SPECIAL NOTE!!! *** *** SPECIAL NOTE!!! ***
This was more than I imagined it'd be and I hope I got all of them. Thanks to anyone contributing!
EDIT: tweets!
Jason Connell @artenvelope We are hiring at @SuckerPunchProd in Bellevue/Seattle WA area.
From Facebook "2k Marin to the hiring too Novato, California in the San Francisco Bay Area."
Sorry to hear about all the people that lost their jobs.
Best of luck to everyone of you!
If any of you Vigil Bro's or Broettes see something you're interested in shoot me a message. pmorrison[at] - I will see what I can do.
Best of luck to all of you my friends.
Couldn't agree more, they do this in the car industry and it works great, a lot of livelihoods were saved during the recession as a result of their community spirit.
Hopefully someone can get CHolden's post put into a sticky.
Best of luck to all affected.
Not a lot here on the 3D Front but message me for jerb you might be interested in:
Concept Artist - Age of Conan
User Interface Artist/Designer - Age of Conan
FX Artist for - The Secret World'
Key Frame Animator - The Secret World
Art Director โ Casual Games
R* norths looking for quite a few different types
I woke up this morning thinking I was going to suggest a sticky, maybe organized by city. I know there's a jobs page but this thread so far has the first couple of pages of that section beat in just 24 hours.
Also, you missed us, I guess I should have posted a link
Valkyrie Entertainment Seattle, Freelance & Full time
Shit I want to see Vigil still kick some ass. Where else will we get games like this? Nobody makes games quite like Darksiders.
Epic Games may be looking for some environment folk of various types. I don't think we are looking for Character artists. But its never not worth giving it a shot and applying. Not sure of what other art positions may be open. I think just mainly Enviro based.
Good luck to everybody! We all hate to see a solid team blast apart. People spend so much time perfecting a team - Keeping the approachable good spirited people and ditching the pretentious assholes... Just about the time you get a veritable group of "super friends" kicking ass some suit comes along and blows it apart! Hopefully everybody lands into another group of awesome folks.
edit: TBH after looking at all the articles out there I should be calling it "THQ Texas" not "Vigil". Didn't know it was like that