Having been inspired by the many superb entries from the darksiders 2 contest, I felt compelled to make a weapon in the darksiders style, while not necessarily fitting into its universe though.
Anyhow, here are some concepts and a mid-poly base mesh. I figured since the weapon is heavily organic, the wisest path would be to keep it all in one object.
Going to be moving into Zbrush now. Any suggestions and feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Anyway, here's the final sculpt. Feedback would be freaking awesome at this stage as I can still make significant changes at this point.
Baked out normal, AO, and Cavity maps. Here it is running in Maya at 1024x1024 currently. I'll size it down to 512 for the final version.
@Sojumekju: I recommend using xNormal to bake your maps. You basically import your UVd low poly and your ZBrush sculpt as an OBJ into the program and you'll be able to bake out a variety of maps. This tutorial should get you in the right direction: [ame="
So far it's just some color block-ins. The blade texture is just a photo overlay for now, will paint the crap out of it of course
What do you guys think?
i'm really digging the blade and wood texture though.
@Blaisoid: Thanks for pointing that out, the cavity definitely is strong here and there and needs work.