I recently saw that it's possible in max to extrude multiple edges and get 2 edges on each side of the extruded edge with equal distance. very useful for control edges.
i couldn't figure out how to do that in maya. i can't get the same result with extrude. i know i can use the offset edge loop tool, it does exaclty what i want, but it does only work on one edgeloop, not on lots of different ones...
i hope you understand what i mean, anyone got an idea? :icon15:
Edit: for better understanding i addet a maxscreenshot of what mean/want:
i'm not that good into scripting, but maybe its possible to do it that way.
( Hmm... if a beveled edge is called extrude in Max what is an extruded edge called? )
beveled with 2 segments...
That still doesn't preserve the original edge fully (loses volume slightly). Which will alter things when you decide you want to remove those loops.
Byron's Poly Tools plugin had a solid bevel/chamfer that did this, but the script doesn't work very well/at all on newer versions of maya.
I mean the bevel tool is almost there, it would be great if it had some checkbox to preserve the edge.
Not if the caps are turned off.
I've found a solution to this problem(I think??), since I'm still learning Maya and modeling in general I'm pretty sure there are faster and more efficient ways to this, but here's mine:
Can't provide infographic
1) Do the bevel claydough provided.
2) Point snap it in the Y to the cap bevel.
3) Bonus Tools has a display option for vertex distance. Use it for furthest vertices apart.(Needed for sculpt deformer)
4) Select your initial edge loop > convert to vertices (CTRL-RMB west)
5) Use the sculpt deformer.
6) Type in the vertex distance you got in 3) to Scale XYZ and halve it. (50% or *=.5 halves it no need for calculator) !!!AND!!! in the input options set the Max Displacement to 1(default is 0.1)
7) Locator for justice.
8) I hope this is sort of what you wanted.
Someone teach me how to do infographs I really suck at this.
select your edges and use the offset edge loop tool. and set your split type to absolute in the channel box options. simple.
it is an edge extrude with 0 value but X width, it would do exactly what you would expect it to do if you give it a different value than 0