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Concept art permission?

Hey guys,

I've been learning 3D for a few months now and I want to try my hand at some complex hard-surface modelling. I've found a concept piece based on one of the characters in Transformers. I'm not sure who designed it, but I want wondering if I needed permission to model it? I don't think it was used in the film(s), I think he just did it for fun.


  • Jonas Ronnegard
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    Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
    as long as you don't use it for any commercial gain there shouldn't be any problems with that, some people may ask to be nice though.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    It's considered polite to ask the artist for permission. The truth is the most that's going to happen is the artist or the studio behind the artist is going to ask you to take it down if it is just used for personal/portfolio use.

    I'd try to find the artist to ask permission, you can use reverse image searches, but if it seems like it was just made for the movies but not used for them, go ahead, but be aware it is possible for someone to ask you to remove it.
  • leaf3d
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    Ok, I'll try to find the artist. Thank you for your help.
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