Hey guys,
I have just started a piece within udk I fancied having a go at. I have decided to try and create an Italian street scene and hope I can gather some helpful crits here along the way

Here is an initial composition shot I liked the look of and I would like to recreate something similar.

How long has this taken you?
a few days on the statics when I could get some hours in here or there. The textures on the walls and floor are UDKs at the moment. most of the statics where created first as they are being placed within a larger team environment.
It's also rather dark and a bit moody in your scene, mostly browns and greys. In contrast to that: white and yellow walls with pretty saturated red/green/blue details.
I have kept loosely with the original composition reference but I aim aiming at creating a slightly wealthier residential street, with some more colour variation keeping within a analogic palate.
Thanks guys
just a small update, have been playing around with textures and also lighting and placement. I am just looking into finding more tutorials on modular building creation as this is fairly still new to me.
Besides that just keep chugging away. I'd start thinking about details to put on the street - a fruit vendor, etc. Think of the story you want to tell. Is this modern Italy? Is it during WW2? What sort of scene are you creating that the player will explore?
I'd also suggest making the rocks in the road a bit bigger. All in all you're off to a good start.
Well....It's been a fair while since I was on this thread and I have just returned to this project
Since the last update I have done a fair amount so would like to hit it off with dropping the latest here. There are alot of things still to be done and I have a few ideas but would like to get some C & C first up.
I have decided that I would like to keep it 60s 70s themed and re-create a morning after new year eve celebration.
Thanks guys
Hope to put some time in to create a nice model so it may be able to stand as a portfolio piece too
Not sure on poly limits tho? 1-500-3000?
Thanks for your input