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Texture Practice



  • njc6425
    Cool props :) love the canister :)... its possible that the images are being downgraded for browser performance? something we cant help maybe. Would you mind uploading the spec and diffuse maps for these props for me to look at?
  • Darkleopard
    Yeah i'll do that tomorrow.

    I have a question about cylinders, for things like barrels, trash cans, pipes etc.
    What is the recommended number of subdivisions to create enough of a rounded shape silhouette without being to high in polys?

    I have been experimenting (made a trash can tonight for a scene) and it looks like 12 seems to be a good circle shape, but im worried that its to high poly. Just curious as to what other people think
  • Darkleopard
    So i forgot about this thread for awhile but i wanted to show my progress since im pretty excited about what i did tonight.

    Couple months ago i 'attempted' a horrible terrible rock wall.
    Today i wanted to learn Ndo2 so i got myself a basic rock wall texture, modified it, made it tiling, changed the colours and made me a new rock wall using the same crappy mesh. I also rendered this in marmoset (i love that program)

    Once again, photobucket killed the quality but i think it gets the point across. (any help on getting images to upload and post nicely instead of destroying the quality would be appreciated.)

  • Visceral
    What kinds of rocks are you using for reference here?
  • Darkleopard
    I was going for a desert look but i wasnt using reference. As i said above i was just learning ndo2's normal map system and decided to throw everything on this mesh at the last minute before bed.

    When i actually go to make one properly for a level i'll be using lots of ref. I guess i was just happy to see the difference between my first and second tries. I'll post in the sketchbook section next time i suppose
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