; the forums, Mark Dygerts intro to maxscript posted on the front page a while ago.. and do you use google occasionally?
NAIMA, really man? Come on already. Use the search function. xXm0RpH3usXx had no problems finding threads about this very topic. You post a new thread the second you think of anything and it's not on the front page of the forum. Please put fractional amount of effort into searching. Most of these topics have been gone over time and time again. The searchbar is free! Use it
there's a lot of stuff on youtube aswell
this one was nice, too, i have bought it, as i planned to get into scripting, but i'm just too dumb for that stuff:
[ame=""] 3ds Max MAXScript Essentials, Second Edition (Autodesk 3ds Max 9 Maxscript Essentials) (9780240809328): Autodesk: Books[/ame]