Hey there polycounters!
I have been studying game art for about 1.5 years now and am currently having my 6 months internship and it is coming to an end soon. Since I dont know what will happen with me where I am now I figured I´d better start looking for junior positions / new internship just in case.
This is my current portfolio site:
dont mind the old showreel I will do a new one very soon. also I cant seem to align the return to top function( kind of suck at HTLM ) but I will fix it as soon as possible =D
I would really like some feedback on my work! so I know If I will make a fool of myself or not :P
Im kind of at the final stage and time is limited so redoing things might not be an option unless I´ve really screwed something up
(just simonbarle.com is enough)
anyways, looks pretty good, although when i go from the page portfolio to showreel, it sortoff shifts a little to the right (might be disturbing)
but i gotta say the work looks pretty neat, and keep up the good work
Now that is ALOT, i wonder if you would see any difference between 2k maps and 4k maps in this case.
@ Yoran1992 thanks! yes I have noticed that too I think it is the scroll slider that pushes it to the right. Im not good at HTML and such so I dont know any solution to it but I can do some research about it
@ Visceral, Yes It looks kind of stupid now that you point it out. I probably could go one step down on everything and maybe even make the emissive a 1024 since it almost only pure colors and few gradients. I will have a look at that this weekend
@ okay I will make a note of that, probably going to abandon this old template our school gave us in the near future, its all copy pasted,messy and written in notepad xD I will try to find a better solution in time